





  1. To have FUN!
  2. To meet your neighbours, find out who lives in your community and get to know each other.
  3. To establish new friendships or re-establish old friendships.
  4. To strengthen community pride and encourage citizens to look after the neighbourhood together.
  5. To make your community more safe.
  6. To establish or grow a sense of belonging in your community.
  7. To learn about the history of your neighbourhood from long-time residents.
  8. To encourage neighbours to look after one another and make meaningful and supportive connections with each other (ex. Finding a babysitter, carpooling, or walking to school, organize a neighbourhood club or activity).
  9. To celebrate your community!
  10. To start and annual neighbourhood tradition of getting together!


Getting Started:

  1. Contact the ABMB Ministry Centre to see if the dates you desire are available

Ruthie Kopp - 403.256.3211 or .

  1. Read and fill out the attached booking agreement form and send to Ruthie Kopp.
  2. A confirmation will be sent to you.

Please note:

  • Minimum 2 weeks notice for Block Party Trailer booking
  • The Block Party Trailer is only available for use within the City of Calgary
  • First come, first serve basis for bookings so book early to ensure your spot

Included in the Block Party Trailer:

  • An 8 burner BBQ with propane
  • Commercial popcorn machine with supplies
  • Bose sound system with mic and Ipod hookup
  • Snow cone machine with flavors and cups
  • Cotton candy machine with supplies
  • 2 bocce balls
  • 2 bean bag toss games
  • 16 folding chairs
  • 2 3x6 folding tables
  • 2 folding picnic tables
  • 2 children’s folding picnic tables
  • 2 round tables
  • A gas fire pit
  • Extension cords


Types Of Block Parties:

  • BBQ’s

-Organizers purchase all that is needed and neighbours all contribute

-Each family brings their own meat

  • Picnics

-Everyone brings their own meals

  • Potluck

-Everyone brings one dish to share (ex. One community asked their neighbours to bring a dish that represents their culture)

How Big To Make It:

  • Start off with a small event rather than a large one
  • When selecting who to invite keep in mind the size of the block and the boundaries. Is it a cul-da-sac? Or a thoroughfare?
  • Try to include everyone in the identified area and notify all neighbours so they are aware there will be noise and excitement the day of the event
  • Let people know if they can invite friends or relatives so you know how many people will be attending


  • It’s best to use a common public space if possible. This will increase the likelihood of shared responsibilities for the event!
  • Options

-Existing park, street or common area. Must comply with the MunicipalBylaws in the area the party is being held in (see regulations for the City of Calgary below).

-Parking lot

-Neighbour’s backyard

-Garage if it is raining

Promoting The Party:

It is important to keep neighbours informed and up to date on information

  • Flyers can be used to get suggestions and other neighbours ideas for the event – a request to drop it back into your mailbox is an option for communication
  • Information can be gathered by going door-to-door talking to neighbours
  • A causal approach when neighbours are outside their home doing yard work is another way to connect

Timing To Get The Event Planned:

  • Allow for 3 weeks to get the required permits if needed. (see regulations for the City of Calgary below). Remember that if a permit is required, you have to get the petition filled out by all neighbours whether they are coming or not
  • Plan to send out flyers requesting feedback 3-4 weeks before the event
  • Once your community planning committee or organizer has looked over the flyers, send them out at least 3 weeks prior to the event
  • Depending on weather, June to September, along with weekends and holidays are the best time to plan an event
  • Have an alternate date if there is a rain out
  • Keep in mind who lives in the community: seniors, children – if so plan to wrap everything up at an appropriate time

Role Of The Organizer:

  • Apply for the Block Party Trailer to come to your community
  • Assign roles, arrange for the trailer to be picked up, make decisions about set up and cleanup, arrange to pick and return trailer keys to the ABMB Ministry Centre. This includes a $50.00 deposit that will be returned to the organizer when the keys are returned to the office and the trailer and BBQ are returned properly cleaned.
  • Act as a greeter at the event
  • Make sure the neighbourhood and trailer are properly cleaned up
  • Introduce neighbors to each other and help make connection

Set-up Tips:

  • Create a sign in sheet to develop a contact list for the neighborhood (template included in this kit)
  • Name tags help people get to know each other
  • Line up tables and make sure there are garbage bins and recycling bins available
  • Decide whether you will have everyone bring the following items or they will be provided

-Tables and chairs

-Plates and cutlery

-Cups and beverages

-Pot luck or bring your own food

  • Decide on a bathroom policy and an entering other’s homes policy – this will help keep homes secure
  • Decide if pets are allowed
  • Hand out evaluations at the end of the event to get feedback on the event (example included in this kit)

Final Tips:

  • Neighbours should observe security precautions by keeping back doors and equipment in sight
  • Remember when tables and chairs are being set up that there must be access for emergency vehicles if necessary
  • Posting signs the day before the event to remind neighbours to move vehicles the day of the event may be helpful


  • Visit and Eat
  • Music
  • Games for kids and youth


The ABMB (Alberta Conference of Mennonite Brethren Churches) and C2C Alberta require all Block Party Trailer users to comply with the following:

  • Each request will be considered on a case by case basis, and we cannot guarantee that all requests will be approved.
  • The trailer user is required to have comprehensive general liability insurance with coverage for any one occurrence of the claim of not less than $2,000,000.00. Prior to the function, the trailer user will provide to the ABMB evidence of one of the following depending on the type of event/renter: special event insurance, or commercial liability insurance. Special Event insurance can be purchased by the ABMB Insurance provider (cost approx. $75) just ask the ABMB Office for the forms.
  • We require that all trailer users check into and follow all the Municipal By-laws of the area the party is being planned in, surrounding special events and/or block parties. Most have them online. For Calgary, do a search on their website at or call 311. ABMB & C2C will not be held liable for any misdemeanors on the part of the trailer user.
  • There is no obligation on the part of ABMB or C2C to provide medical personnel or medical supplies. If any person attending a trailer function has an accident, medical emergency or requires medical attention of any kind, the trailer user will bear full responsibility for such event and its cause and consequence. By the same token the ABMB & C2C will not be responsible for any injuries, including death that may be suffered by attendees, the trailer user or the trailer user’s representatives, arising out of use of the premises or equipment.
  • The TRAILER MUST BE LEFT IN AT LEAST AS GOOD CONDITION AS IT WAS RECEIVED. We ask that all furnishings and equipment be replaced as found. If there is any damage to or loss of either the trailer itself or the contents withinby the trailer users, the trailer user will be held responsible. All breakages/damages must be reported to the ABMB Office who will then determine replacement fees and payment with the rental user.
  • The ABMB nor C2C will not be responsible for guests’ belongings that are damaged, lost, stolen or left behind.
  • All members of the trailer user party must respect the property and use only the items agreed to in the booking form.
  • Minors must be supervised by an adult. Those using the trailer are responsible for providing an adult security person, to ensure that unauthorized persons do not enter the trailer and for any emergency situations.
  • Alcohol and smoking is not permitted on or within 50 feet of the trailer.
  • Please remember our organization is a non-profit organization, and our Block Party Trailer is not a trailer in the commercial sense of the word. We charge rental fees to cover expenses including normal wear and tear.
  • No charitable donation receipts may be given for rental agreements.


Depending on where you plan to hold the block party, you need to consider the following:

  • If you plan to use a park, pathway or green space you must first book it with the City of Calgary Facility Bookings on their website at
  • If you are planning a block party on a city street, the City of Calgary requires citizens to obtain a block party permit

Block party approvals are granted on an individual basis considering criteria such as:

  • Disapprovals on the petition
  • Location
  • Previous history of block parties at the location

Applicant agrees to obtain and place barricades (approved traffic control devices) in order to safely close the road during the event.

The following regulations apply for block party permits:

  • The block used may be occupied predominately by owner/residents
  • The block party time limits are 10:00am to 10:00pm
  • The applicant must remain at the party until its conclusion
  • No alcoholic beverages are permitted on the city right-of-way
  • No open fires are permitted on the city right-of-way

Information Required:

  • To apply for a Block Party permit, please visit
  • A petition signed by 100% of the residents on the block listing the names, addresses, owner or renter, approval or disapproval and reason for disapproval
  • A map showing the location of the clock party and the location of the temporary street closure

Application Deadline: It takes up to three weeks to process the permit after the application has been submitted

Cost: The cost of the clock party permits is $25.00 plus GST

To ensure your Block Party Trailer Booking please fill out the attached BLOCK PARTY TRAILER USAGE BOOKING FORM and submit along with a certificate of insurance and payment to the ABMB Office.

AB Ministry Centre

160-340 Midpark Way SE

Calgary, Alberta T2X 1P1

Phone: 403-256-3211


Rental Information / Group or Person Name:
Rental User’s Name: Phone: Email:

Rental User’s Address:

Type of Event: Number of Participants:
Date(s): Time(s):
Insurance Coverage: Commercial Special Event Insurance
Insurance Company: Policy #:
*a certificate of insurance must be provided with this contract
Rental Requirements / Fee’s and Additional Details: $
To cover the cost of supplies for the use of the trailer we are asking for a suggested
donation of$100 (please note this is non-receiptable)
Damage Deposit: $100 $100.00
Due at the time of booking and will be refunded upon return and inspection of the
Cancellation Policy:
Rental Terms / Total Fee: $
Deposit: $ 100.00 / Due with the return of this signed contract.
Remainder: $ / Due before or on the day of event.
Please make cheque payable to ABMB.
Additional Comments:

I accept the above offer according to the terms stated and will handle this engagement as outlined in the attached BLOCK PARTY TRAILER Usage Agreement. Please sign and return original copy.

______Date: ______

Rental User SignatureRental User Name Printed

______Date: ______

ABMB Representative SignatureABMB Representative Name Printed


(family name or individual) / # OF PEOPLE / PHONE NUMBER / EMAIL


To help us plan future block parties, your feedback is appreciated!

Do you feel a greater sense of community after this event?YesNo

What were the three best things about the block party? ______




What are your suggestions for the next block party? ______




Are you willing to help with the planning of future neighbourhood events? YesNo

If yes, please leave your:

Name: ______Phone #: ______

Please return this form to (address): ______



Date: ______

Time: ______

Place: ______

We are asking each family to bring:

_____Chairs to sit on

_____Meat or vegetarian food to barbecue for your family

_____1 salad or 1 dessert to share

_____Beverages for your family

_____Non-breakable plates, cups and cutlery

_____Other ______


In addition, you have the following that can be used?


Do you or anyone in your family have any special talents that they would like to share? Any suggestions for activities you can organize?


Are you able to help with any of the “behind the scenes” work?


Please return the bottom half of this flyer to:

______at ______

OR ______at ______

Name:______Phone: ______

Address: ______

Email: ______