November 2016


The Book Fair will be held onThursday, November 10th-Friday, November 18th. We are looking for volunteers to help during the school day andThursday,FridayandSaturdayevenings during the play performance. All volunteers must have a current background check on file. Please use the link to access the Sign Up Genius and volunteer. Any questions should be directed to Marcia .

Otis Spunkmeyer Prize Day isWednesday, November 9thduring the all lunch periods. If a student is absent that day, we will draw for them and have their prizes delivered to their Core Plus teacher. So, EVERYONE will get their prizes that day, regardless of whether they're at school or not.


Media Center Volunteers:we are still looking for a few volunteers to help support our Media Center. Please contact Marcia Ruderman f you are interested.

Bookstore:If you are interested in joining the team, please contact Keely at''.

*OPEN position*-PTOis still in need of a Concessions Director!This person would work with the Athletic Director, John Corcoran, to arrange concession stand volunteers for home sport events. Please contactJen Pletcher f you are interested in learning more.

(NOTE: all volunteers are required to have BackgroundChecks and to have watched the School District Anti-Bullying Video. More information can be found on ClayPTOwebsite and your myccs page)


FREE and EASY way to raise money for our school!By signing up with the following link, Kroger will donate a portion of your shopping trips (when you use your Kroger Rewards card) directly to Clay Middle.

School code is #29003 for 'Clay Middle School'. Sign up now! (you must enroll EACH year, it will not automatically roll over year to year)

THANK YOUto all who signed up for the CEF Ghosts & Goblins 5K/2K! Clay Middle won "TopParticipating Middle School" banner for 5th year in a row!

TuesdayTreats program: A few slots are still open forNovember & December dates, if you can help out please go to the SignUp link


Nov. 9th- Otis Spunkmeyer prize day

Nov. 10th-18th- Book Fair

Nov. 10/11/12th - "Bye Bye Birdy" all school musical

Nov. 11th- PTO General Meeting

Nov. 13th- Carmel HS Open House (1-3pm@ CHS)

Nov. 16th- Education Support Professional's Day

Nov. 23-25th- Thanksgiving Break


At Carmel High School 'Opportunity' is our theme, and we invite you to our CHSCommunity Open House onSunday, November 13thfrom1:00- 3:00 p.m. All are welcome. Take this opportunity to meet with teachers, administrators, counselors, and current students to learn about Carmel High School’s nationally recognized academic, extracurricular and athletic programs. Facility tours will also be available. This is open to EVERYONE. Please placeSunday, November 13thon your calendar to explore the endless opportunities Carmel High School has to offer.

Update & volunteer opportunity: Hamilton County Kids Coat drive collected over 800 coats along with over a dozen bags of hats, scarfs and gloves and boots. The donations from your families will help keep hundreds of families in Hamilton County warm this winter. Volunteer Opportunities for students and families onNovember 5th and 12thfor coat distribution: Click on the link to sign up at 1 of our 5 giveaway locations:


Teachers are still being trained on the Canvas software system, some will be using the system quicker than others. But all will be required to be online by the beginning of next school year. Canvas will be a one-stop shop for all CCS info from all teachers in one place (assignments, grades, communication, etc.). More info for parents can be found at:


Please forward this email to other parents you know and encourage them to sign up forPTOemail updates at

Also, follow us on Facebook at 'Clay MiddlePTO' and on Twitter at '@ClayPTO'

More information about Clay MiddlePTOcan be found at