Roles and Responsibilities Guidance for Trusts:
The SAS Trust Lead/Tutor
In establishing and supporting the SAS Trust leads network it has been the Deanery’s vision that leads will act as a central point of contact for:
- Any Specialty doctor, Staff Grade, Associate Specialist or doctor working at an equivalent level in a non-training post (eg. Trust grades, Clinical Fellows etc) within the specified Trust;
- The Deanery, via the SAS Project Manager;
- Senior management both clinical and educational within the specific Trust.
The SAS Trust Lead will need support at different levels within the Trust:
- The Medical Director, Director of Medical Education, Director of Human Resources and a named contact in the Finance department should be available to support the SAS Lead.
- Administrative support for the SAS Lead post will be accommodated within the Trust at both clinical and educational levels.
The SAS Lead is in regular contact with the following individuals, among others:
- Medical Director;
- Director of Medical Education;
- Clinical Directors, Divisional Managers and Directorate Managers across the Trust;
- Director of Human Resources;
- Medical Human Resources Manager;
- Named contact in the Finance department;
- Chair of the Trust SAS Committee;
- Chairman of the Local Negotiating Committee;
- SAS doctors of all grades;
- Other SAS Trust Leads/Tutors;
- British Medical Association regional SAS representative;
- The Deanery via the SAS Project Manager
SAS Lead Responsibilities
The SAS Lead has key responsibilities in the areas indicated.
SASG workforce data
- The SAS Lead will maintain and manage data on numbers/grades and working conditions of the non-training grades (as described above) within the Trust.
- They will assist in maintaining a database of this information with input from a named person in the Human Resources department so that there are mechanisms in place for the collation of statistics for the Strategic Health Authority and other national bodies.
SASG professional development
The SAS Lead is key in making and implementing decisions concerninglocal professional development opportunities for the SASG. Specifically, in the following areas:
- developing and implementing a professional educational strategy for the SASG;
- liaising with the SASG in terms of their educational needs, and reporting back to senior management within the Trust;
- consultation with the senior team on the use of funding and the review of funding for SAS initiatives;
- implementing the new SAS Contract and advisingon the assimilation process;
- evaluating these developments and producing an annual report for the Deanery on the developments for SASG CPD within the specified Trust.
SASG careers
The SAS Lead acts as career lead for SAS doctors in the Trust. As such they will:
- set measurable standards for career support that are part of a continuous improvement system and that reflect the needs of SAS doctors in the Trust;
- ensure provision of information to SAS doctors about developments within the Trust;
- ensure the career management issues of SAS doctors are raised with the appropriate individuals within the Trust;
- have a clear structure for career support and effective leadership in the Trust;
- provide available information about career support for SAS doctors within the Trust;
- ensure SAS doctors in the Trust are informed of any opportunities or workshops on career management or related topics;
- participate in the network of career leads, attend development opportunities and represent their Trust as required;
- quality control the provision of career support to SAS doctors in the Trust;
- raise the profile of career support for SAS doctors.
Training and development requirements for the SAS Lead
Trusts should ensure that the SAS Lead is trained in the following areas:
- Equality and Diversity;
- Appraisal skills;
- Negotiation skills;
- Career Support;
- Leadership skills.
Trusts should be encouraged to review the role of the SAS Lead on an annual basis to ensure sufficient time and support is available for the SAS Lead role.
Deanery SAS Trust Lead development days 2010 – 2011
As part of the Deanery strategy for supporting the SASG, some funding has been allocated to a development fund for SAS Trust Leads. The following dates have been set aside for development activities:
Tuesday 20th July 2010
Thursday 4th November 2010
Wednesday 23rdFebruary 2010
Times and venues will be confirmed with Trust Leads at a later date, along with a full programme for the events.