News release
18 October 2011
Top analytical firms join forces to deliver ultimate wireline broadband insights
Diffraction Analysis partners with Point Topic
In a new deal announced today, telecoms consultancy and research company Diffraction Analysisis to partner with leading global broadband analyst firm Point Topic to enhance the strategic andtechnical insights it offers in relation to wireline networks.
Diffraction Analysis was founded nearly a year ago by global telecoms expert Benoît Felten and leading French technology policy consultancy Tactis. Much of its work aims to help network providers, service providers, vendors, and companies involved in access networks address the challenges of migrating to Next Generation Access (NGA) and what it calls the ‘access network revolution’.
The company has chosen Point Topic to provide quantitative, and some qualitative, data framing the current and future state of the fixed broadband market, from ZIP code level to a global perspective.
“The value of such a quantitative view is considerable as it allows vendors to understand their relative positions, enables access and service providers to anticipate market evolutions and, more generally, it gives strategic-minded people a trend view of where the market is going,” said Mr Felten, CEO and co-founder of Diffraction Analysis.
He added: “We’ve decided to partner with the best to deliver such data, and are really pleased to be announcing that Point Topic and Diffraction Analysis have signed a partnership agreement.”
Point Topic will provide five services to Diffraction Analysis: Global Broadband Statistics, Operator Source, Broadband Money Makers, UK Plus and Broadband Geography.
“We’re excited at the opportunity of working with Diffraction Analysis,” said Oliver Johnson, CEO at Point Topic.
“The high quality hard data that we provide combined with their experience, expertise and strategic market analysis will mean we can provide truly comprehensive and indepth service to our customers. Benoît and his team are already significant opinion leaders in broadband and its continued growth, and in partnership with them we know we’ll be able to capitalise on the combination of our offerings,” he continued.
About Point Topic
Point Topic is the primary websource for DSL, FTTx, cable and other broadband supplier and user statistics, databases, information and reports. Its data is in use worldwide amongst governments, commercial organisations and as general reference. A range of online services provides the most up-to-date, accurate and cost effective worldwide and UK specific broadband data sets available. See for more details.
About Diffraction Analysis
Diffraction Analysis is a global research and consultancy company focused on analyzing the consequences of the revolution in telecom network access technologies. Diffraction Analysis publishes regular reports and analysis notes accessible to its international customer base as part of a subscription service. Reports and notes can also be purchased separately. Diffraction Analysis operates globally with contributors all over Europe, North American and Asia. See more details.
Oliver Johnson:
Benoît Felten:
For media informationplease contact Proactive PR Account Manager Liz Dolby at or on: +44 1636 812152 (office) or +44 7966 477441 (mobile).