The Sinner must be Saved
The sinner must be saved. Often times we try to release into an unsaved individual the blessings of God while they are still in their sins. How unfortunate for that person thinking that they do not truly need God in order to be blessed.
This is a doctrinal error on our part. In order to receive the fullness of His blessings and what is intended for the believer, we must first come by way of the cross. There are no back doors. There is only one way to come into God’s presence and that is by way of Jesus Christ His Son. Yes, the unbeliever receives blessings into their lives by toiling and laboring. They also reap so call earthly rewards being in proximity to the believer and while in connection to/with the believer. This is really how it is.
If you truly want your family members and neighbors to be blessed, they must be saved. Stop giving them false hope. How often do we hear the unbelievers say that God has blessed them to achieve wealth and fame? We know in our hearts that many of these individuals inherited wealth, or plotted and connived their way up the ladder to fame and fortune. Yes, there are many with good work ethics that have propelled themselves to the top by dedication and earnest hard work. It is only by these means that the unbeliever is blessed.
Make no mistake in thinking that they are acquiring something we are denied by our heavenly Father who told us “Lay not up for yourselves treasures upon the earth, where moth and rust doth corrupt, and where thieves break through and steal: But lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust doth corrupt, and where thieves do not break through an steal: For where your treasure is, there will your heart also be” Matthew 6:19-21. All that the unbeliever acquires will soon come to an end. If we truly are about the Father’s business we will well-up with compassion and speak life and truth into the life of the unbeliever. Tell them that although all appears well, in the end, it is futile to expect to have eternal life in heaven. The sinner must be saved. They must realize that without Christ all is lost to them.
Heed the call and spread the good news of Christ. The world must know, need to know, want to know the truth. Material things deceive them and we are often contented to leave them as they are. What if Christ had left us as we were? No good deed or thing that comes from an unbeliever will propel them into heaven. Works does not save us; we are saved by grace.
Copyright © 2007 Founder Catch the Wave Ministries