
Therapeutic Gemstone

Properties Guide

Includes the gemstone properties of 202 variants

With explanations from the Guardians



A personal note from Sia…

Since the middle of 2006 I have been able to access my channeling and intuitive abilities.In March 2007, I had my first contact with the Gemstone Guardian of Amethystand started my journeyof compiling info on the gemstone properties

from the guardians.These explanations from each Gemstone Guardianare found

under each individual gem.Have funreading about and learning the wonderful working of these little treasures.

With love,


Our Gemstone Properties were confirmed by the Guardian of Amethyst

as an accurate account of the working of the gems.

In addition to the explanations from the Guardians

you will find on most of the gems an explanation from Virendra.

Please overlook the occasional improper wording or use of English.

Virendra is born in Germany and we have not edited the info to keep it simple.

The Gemstone Properties detailed here apply only to Therapeutic Gemstones

and Therapeutic Liquid Gems both of which can be found at Tools4transformation.

A personal note from Virendra…

I hope you enjoy these writings on the properties of therapeutic gemstones

and find the Therapeutic Necklaces and/or Liquid Gems (essences)

which would be a useful tool for you in raising your vibrational frequencies,

getting stronger, balanced, and aligned with all the new energies coming down to planet Earth.In these times we are emerging into continuous raised consciousness and

heightened vibration on the entire planet and throughout the Universe.

We are creating the sister and brotherhood of human kind.

The Therapeuticgems and Liquid Gems can help to bridge the gap

of the current consciousness into the new.

Love & Blessings...


Agate -Blue Lace / Coral –Red (Italian) / Moonstone -Honey / Sapphire - Orange
Agate - Botswana / Coral -Red (Japanese) / Moonstone - Multi / Sapphire - Pink
Agate - Earth Tones / Coral - White / Moonstone - Peach / Sapphire - Purple
Agate - Moss / Diamond / Moonstone-Blue flash / Sapphire - Synthesis
Agate - Tree / Diopside - Green / Moonstone-White flash / Sapphire – White
Agate - White / Dumortierite - Blue / Morganite - Pink / Sapphire - Yellow
Agate - Yellow / Dumortierite - Purple / Morganite-Salmon / Sardonyx
Alexandrite / Emerald / Mother of Pearl / Sardonyx - Red
Alexandrite - Cat’s Eye / Fluorite - Blue / Nephrite / Scapolite
Amazonite / Fluorite - Green / Obsidian - Black / Scolecite
Amethyst / Fluorite - Purple Rainbow / Obsidian-Golden Sheen / Selenite - Peach
Ametrine / Fluorite - Yellow / Obsidian - Mahogony / Selenite - White
Andalusite / Garnet - Color Change / Obsidian - Rainbow / Septaria
Andesine / Garnet - Grossular / Obsidian – Royal Velvet / Seraphinite
Angelite / Garnet - Mandarin / Obsidian-Snowflake / Sodalite
Apatite - Blue / Gold / Onyx- Black / Spessartite
Apatite - Light Blue / Heliodor / Opal - Clear / Spinel - DarkBlue
Apatite - Blue Green / Hessonite / Opal - Dendrite / Spinel Light Blue
Apatite -Green / Howelite / Opal - Ethiopian / Spinel-Multi
Apatite - Seafoam Green / Indigo / Opal - Fire / Spinel - Green
Apatite - Yellow / Iolite / Opal - Pink / Spinel - Orange
Aquamarine – Blue / Jade - Imperial / Opal- Purple Mexican / Spinel –Dk Pink
Aquamarine – Green / Jade - Snow / Opal - Yellow / Spinel-Lt.Pink
Aventurine - Blue / Jade - Yellow / Pearl / Spinel - Purple
Aventurine – Dk.Green / Jasper-Cherry Creek / Petrified Wood / Spinel - Red
Aventurine –Lt.Green / Jasper - Leopard / Phosphosiderite / Spinel - White/Clear
Aventurine - Peach / Jasper- Multi-colored / Pietersite / Sugilite
Azestulite / Jasper - Picture / Prehnite - Green / Sugilite-Pink/Purple
Azurite / Jasper-Polychrome / Prehnite - Multi / Sugilite-Dk Purple
Azurite/Malachite / Jasper- Poppy / Prehnite - Yellow / Sunstone
Beryl - Multi / Jasper - Snake / Pyrite / Tanzanite
Beryl - White / Jet / Quartz - Clear / Tektite
Bloodstone / Kunzite-Clear / Quartz - Frosted / Topaz - Blue
Bronzite / Kunzite- Multi / Quartz - Rutilated / Topaz - Clear
Calcite- Clear / Kunzite-Pink / Quartz – Rainbow Rut. / Topaz- Imperial
Calcite - Golden / Kunzite-Yellow / Quartz - Scepter / Topaz - Pink
Calcite - Green / Kyanite / Quartzite / Tourmaline–DkBlue
Calcite - Orange / Labradorite / Rhodochrosite / Tourmaline - LtBlue
Carnelian / Lapis Lazuli / Rhodolite / Tourmaline - Golden
Chalcedony - Amber / Larimar / Rhodonite / Tourmaline - Green
Chalcedony - Blue / Lavender / Rhyolite / Tourmaline - Indigo
Chalcedony -Yellow / Lepidolite - Pink / Richterite / Tourmaline - Multi
Chalcopyrite / Lepidolite - Purple / Rose Quartz / Tourmaline - Orange
Charoite / Malachite / Ruby / Tourmaline–Dk.Pink
Chrysoberyl - Green / Marble- Dendrite / Ruby/Fuschite/Kyanite / Tourmaline-Lt. Pink
Chrysoberyl - Yellow / Marble - Osho / Ruby/Zoisite / Tourmaline - Purple
Chrysocolla / Moldavite / Sapphire -Blue / Tourmaline - Yellow
Chrysoprase / Mookaite / Sapphire - Green / Tsavorite
Citrine / Moonstone - Green / Sapphire - Indigo / Turquoise - Blue
Coral -Black / Moonstone-Grey / Sapphire - Maroon / Turquoise - Green
Coral- Pink / Unakite


The Guardian of Blue Lace Agate explains...

Blue Lace Agate connects to higher frequencies more than what is typical of Earth gems. The combination of the soothing blue and pure white carries one easily to higher realms. It instantly brings peace and calm as if one is transported to another place of tranquility. On the mental aspect Blue Lace Agate clears the mind and brings calm clarity. This clarity instills an easy access to one's concentration and increases the ability to focus. This can be used to heighten the awareness of the inner being, reinforcing the connection to the higher self. It can also be used to facilitate ease in tasks requiring concentration such as studying and is a natural remedy for A.D.D.

The energy of Blue Lace Agate saturates the head and throat clearing any disharmonies. This gem brings relief of sinus pressure and headaches. In the throat area it activates one's expression and facilitates clear communication.

Blue Lace Agate is the perfect choice for those challenged by the requirements of school. It helps with concentration/focus so boredom and distractions have less pull and allows communicating well which is often required in oral reports. This is not limited to children. Blue Lace Agate can be of great support for those returning to school as an adult or for work related projects, presentations and meetings.

Virendra explains...

The energies enter through the 5th, the throat chakra and through the 7th, the crown chakra at the same time. Blue lace Agate clears the throat chakra from energies originating from medicines and/or held after operations in the throat area. The energies come into the body from two directions and create a charged field between the entry points. This builds a stronger energetic input and influence within the throat and head area. It affects the sinus areas and brings a heightening and lifting vibration to the head clearing milder headaches. Through the clearing effect those energies have on the head, they translate into and bring more mental clarity. This clarity leads one back into the moment, into the here and now. Can be used to enhance focus and concentration.

Once the clearer energies have established in the head and mind, they enter more deeply into the entire physical body bringing a feeling of health and wholeness. Blue lace Agate can be used to consciously work on one’s positive expression and the aspect of creativity.

The strong positive influence can teach, help and lead one to look at other people more through the eyes of equality. Those energies can lift one out of the field and vibration of judgment.

Blue lace Agate is good for meditation and especially can help the beginner to be introduced in a very positive manner. It supports a “no goal” energy, an energy which can stay with and in the moment with no need to reach anywhere.Good for Yoga, Thai Chi etc. There is a liquid aspect to the energies which helps in balancing the body’s fluid/water. This aspect also enters into the emotional body and calms heat and turbulence within it.

Blue lace Agate's energies support and furthers one’s openness of heart and mind and could be a great tool used during social events and gatherings. The opening and enlistment of one’s energies can be very helpful for the shy and the intro oriented person. Can give you wings…


The Guardian of Botswana Agate explains...

Botswana Agate opens the perspective to encompass all sides and views. This cultivates a deeper understanding of all those around and inspires compassion. This gem circulates throughout the aspects heightens one's awareness of all parts providing a more balanced and stabilized experience of the world.

Botswana Agate stimulates all chakras from the head to the feet. This provides one with a fuller experience of the physical body and awakens awareness of overlooked parts. This begins the process of realizing that not only is the brain full of untapped potential but the physical body.

This gem's energies travel through the nervous system improving sensitivity and nourishing latent or damaged areas. Botswana Agate regenerates the skeletal system including cartilage providing supports for the bones. It is a natural support and preventative for arthritis.

Botswana Agate also removes toxicity from all levels/aspects. Its goal is to simultaneously stimulate the entire being so everything is turned on at once supporting an entirely new experience of the Earth plane.

In meditation, this can promote a unified heightened experience not encountered before. A neutral ground where all aspects can meet is discovered and the more that "place" is visited the easier it is to maintain that in daily life. This eventually leads to a complete effect of the raising of one's vibration and a treat to the senses and aspects.

Virendra explains...

While the energies of Botswana Agate saturate the aura they enter via all chakras into the bodies.The energies enter in a circular motion and have a clearing and expanding effect on all chakras.The energies entering via the 7th, the crown chakra are very pure white light energies bringing the attribute of innocence to the user.

Botswana Agate carries a feminine aspect and when it touches and comes in contact with energies in and around the body, hard and sharp edges are being smoothed. It carries also a slightly grounding energy while it benefits the opening of the feet chakras. Through it, it connects one more to the flow of the earth energies within and around the planet.

It further opens the body’s ability to receive greater amounts of the earth color rays benefiting the physical wellbeing. Beneficial to the digestive organs while being helpful in regulating elimination. Strengthens the enamel of the teeth. Carries energies to prevent bone loss - osteoporosis.

Can be used to bring light into fears about the deep and dark, about nature, the darkness of the night and of the “wild“. It can be useful to free one’s joy and ecstasy. It also can help to create a freer flowing expression and a less judgmental mind. Benefits the shy and suppressed to open up and become more outgoing. After initially rebalancing one's energies, it creates a positive energy wherever it worked.


The Guardian of Agate explains...

Agate (earth tones) restores balance and offers stabilization to the body. The physical body was designed to be surrounded and connected to the Earth. As time has progresses and humanity has created, the environment in which one is in is often far from Earth based. Even though the body is able to adapt, there still exists a lack and the physical body is not running optimally.

The body confirms this by how it responds when in nature. It is calm, peaceful and relaxed. As one progresses further away from the nature connection, negativity forms. This is expressed by being stressed, grumpy, self-centered, aggressive and even violent. Agate (earth tones) provides a connection to the Earth and its natural energies. These energies nourish the body and translate a balanced approach, restoring peace and calm (grounding).

Travel in most tends to bring forth this lack of nature connection. The body adapts so well to its "normal" surroundings that one is totally unaware a lack of any kind exists. Then travel quickly produces a different environment and the body is unable to adapt fast enough to counterbalance. Agate (earth tones) provides a stabilizing force which allows the body to feel grounded and balanced. This lessens or alleviates any travel symptoms or sickness one might experience.

Agate (earth tones) can also be used by those whose lifestyle has limited or no connection with nature. The wearer (or user) is able to receive the nourishment required to balance the body. This gem will also promote an awareness of what is needed to restore a balance on a permanent basis.

Virendra explains...

Earth tone Agate energies spread through and fill at first the supra physical body. This part surrounds the physical body very closely (a couple of inches). From there the energies enter through the skin and through chakras into the body. They enter into all the chakras which correspond to the given colors contained within the strand.

The Agate combination brings first a cooling and centering energy to the 2nd chakra. When worn a little longer the other chakras are brought to more alignment. This brings clarity to one’s perception and a feeling of health/wholeness into the body. Agates are very nourishing to the physical body. While this Agate supplies earth tone colors, a reconnection to the earth’s energy is being made. This reconnection leads to a better grounding within the body and earthplane. A strand of earth tone Agate can be used and is helpful in any situation provoking a disconnection from the earth’s energies.

Traveling in an airplane, a long journey in a car - the rubber tires break/cut the current to the energetic ground connection, being on a boat, traveling in space….

It is also great for people living in a concreted city away from natural input. Good for people in prisons, asylums and those who stay for a long period in the hospital as well as people not being able to leave the room/house for some reason - medical and/or other.

Good for people in high stress job positions as well as those working in computer/electronic stores/departments. For all those and others in similar situations who are not able to have a natural balance through being in nature here and there. Very useful for people who have lost their own inner connection to nature. Earth tone Agate can supply and make those natural nourishing vibrations available.


The Guardian of Moss Agate explains...

Moss Agate focuses its energies primarily on the emotional aspects which have manifested on the physical level creating disharmony. This gems energy enters one's system like thick water bringing a soothing rejuvenation throughout easing the emotional wounds on the physical. (It has been asked to give specific examples of this) One of the first places emotional disorder occurs on the physical is in the digestive system. Another place it occurs is the breathing system. One will even go so far as to create an illness - such as a cold or flu - to escape and have "down time" to heal. Moss Agate offers healing of all of these through targeting the cause - emotional imbalance.

Moss Agate offers an instant connection to plants and further to nature. It stirs one's "primordial soup" within and gives insight to the origins of the physical being. It's a great gem for those who are out of touch with nature and out of tune with their own being.

Moss Agate also allows one to delve into the depths of one's subconscious. The subconscious is a storage place of not only memories but denied, unexpressed, unresolved emotions that often hinder one to transform. Moss Agate provides a comfortable atmosphere to explore this storage, resolve any issues (like rejection, abandonment, etc.) and move forward. As a result one feels and experiences a new sense of peace, connectedness and rejuvenation.

Virendra explains...

The vibration enters via the 4th, heart chakra while bringing a coolness to an overactive Hara.A rejuvenating liquid like energy enters into the body spreading into bones, flesh and skin. Effects the entire body. Brings a very nature connected - swamp-like energy - combining water and plant life.It feels like an algae containing ocean water, washing with soft and gentle waves in a low flowing current the inside of the body. This “washing” has a clearing, purifying and refreshing effect. The smoothness with which the energies come along enter into the bronchi’s and the entire breathing system initiating it’s clearing while having a cooling effect.