“Tools” of Foreign Policy

“Carrot – and – stick”: Originated from the traditional alternatives of getting a donkey to move by either holding out a carrot or whipping it with a stick.

______foreign policy:The phrase ''carrot and the stick'' is used nowadays to characterize a foreign policy by which a nation is to be rewarded with a carrot or punished with a stick, depending on its future behavior.

Key “Tools” of Foreign Policy

What are they?

The specific actions taken by astate in pursuit of its ______.

Three groups:


•Economic tools

Tools associated with use of ______

Diplomatic Tools


  • Conducting ______


  • “Tool of first resort” used to resolve differences peacefully.
  • Carried out by ______- (Official representatives of acountry).

Secretary of State heads State Department

•Advises President on ______.

•Negotiates agreements with foreign countries.

•Represents the U.S. abroad and in international ______.

Diplomacy may involve ______ (face to face talks) between world leaders/ heads of state.

Diplomatic Relations:

The formal contact established between two governments that ______.

  • Diplomatic recognition is extended to each other’s governments.
  • ______are exchanged.
  • Embassies are opened in each other’s capitals.

Countries Without Diplomatic Relations with the United States:

  1. Cuba
  2. Bhutan
  3. Taiwan*

Diplomacy may result in the signing of ______:

  • Formal, written agreements between states
  • May be ______.
  • When signed and ratified they become law.
  • Basis for international law.
  • Many different types.

Diplomacy can lead to formation of ______.

  • Formal agreements between nations to defend each other in the case of attack.
  • Based on the idea of ______. Means that peace and security is achieved by states acting together to confront aggression.
    Our most important alliance?

______- (North Atlantic Treaty Organization)(The Atlantic Alliance)

NATO’s Expansion: 28 Members Today

Diplomatic Sanctions

  • Sanctions are ______.
  • Examples of diplomatic sanctions:

 Withholding recognition.

Recalling one’s own ______-.

Expelling another country’s diplomats.

Breaking off relations.

Terms Related to DiplomacyTerms Related to Diplomacy and Attempts to Improve Relations Between States

Remember: ______

Engagement ->______->


Diplomatic Relations

  • Policy of ______: A policy of involvement with another country through direct talks and negotiations in an effort to improve relations.
  • ______: An easing of tensions or a decrease in the level of hostility between states.
  • ______: Means “to approach” or come together with the intent of establishing or reestablishing friendly relations.
  • Describes a reconciliation between nations that have had poor relations.
  • ______:The establishment or reestablishment of full diplomatic relations between nations. The governments extend recognition to each other at this point.

Economic Tools

Economic rewards:


  • Economic Aid
  • Military Aid

Free trade agreements: Agreements to openup your market and allow ______from anothercountry.

The lifting (removal) of ______.

Economic Punishments:


 Boycotts: Refusal to buy

 Embargoes: Cut off all trade

Trade restrictions:



Economic Sanctions Are Controversial

Critics say...

  • They are ______.
  • They can backfire by isolating sanctioned countries and causing their leaders to become even more repressive.
  • They unfairly punish ______.
  • They hurt U.S. businesses by cutting the markets in which they can sell their products.

Tools Related to Use ofMilitary Force

  • Part of a policy of ______ (Attempting to force or compel another state to do something)
  • Hopefully used as ______in resolving disputes.
  • Carries high costs and serious risks. Human lives are at stake.

______: The strategic positioning of military forces around the world.

Naval Blockade

Covert Operations

  • Would include…
  • Clandestine activities
  • Subversive activities.
  • Designed to undermine/overthrow a government.
  • Espionage

Troop mobilization

Air strikes / Bombing Campaign

Establishment of No-Fly Zone

Deployment of Combat Forces: “ ”

Deployment of Combat Forces ->Limited Military Action ->Invasion

Declaration of ______-

Limited wars:

Total wars: