Soldering Iron – Gun Safe Work Procedure
Page 1 of 1 / WSHMS-02C-SWP-139
Division: /



Analysis By:


Kildonan-East Staff



/ Sep/13/2006
Department: / Kildonan-East Collegiate /




/ Hourly

Job Title:


Automotive Technology

/ Approved By: /

JSA Number:

/ AT28

Job Title:

/ Soldering AT28 / Job Performed By: /

Teacher and or students

Required Personal Protective Equipment: CSA approved safety glasses or goggles, CSA approved steel-toed footwear, 100% cotton coveralls preferred, and hearing protection required in confined space/area and/or per RETSD policy. Work in a well ventilated area, use of appropriate respirator maybe required, check Material Safety Data Sheets.

GENERAL NOTES: No lighters, matches or cell phones are allowed in the shop area. Long necklaces, bracelets and rings should be removed. Long hair should be tied back. Strings and hoods hanging from pullovers/sweaters should be removed or tucked inside of coveralls.

Job Safety Analysis:

Step / Description / Hazard / Controls
1 / Wear all required Personal Protective Equipment. Tie back hair and remove loose jewelry. / Eye injury, spattering. Foot injury, drop object on foot, drop hot solder spatter. Skin irritation/burning chemical cleaner, use (Paste Flux). Burn, hot soldering. Iron/gun, Burn, hair, and jewelry melts. / Safety Glasses/goggles, CSA safety steel toed shoes/boots. Review MSDS, substitute cleaner with nontoxic product, and use appropriate PPE 100% cotton coveralls. Tie back hair and remove loose jewelry.
2 / Review applicable Material Safety Data Sheet when using toxic fluxes to determine respirator requirements. Review, applicable Material Safety Data Sheet, for solder/s, some contain lead. / Inhalation fumes, vapors and gases generated during soldering, some fluxes contain toxic compounds, cadmium and fluorides, and Paste Flux contains zinc chloride. Solders containing lead, residual surface contamination. / Properly ventilate work area, use appropriate respirator per Material Safety Data Sheet/s. Do not breathe in smoke from soldering gun/iron. If solder contains lead wipe down work area when finished.
3 / Ensure clean work area, check for any flammable or combustible materials. / Fire, Explosion / Good housekeeping. Keep area clean, clear away any debris. Ensure that flammable or combustible materials are moved away before starting work. Make sure work surface is clean and dry. Know where the fire extinguisher is located.
4 / Gather everything you will need to solder. Soldering gun/iron, solder, paste flux, work piece that requires soldering.
5 / Inspect soldering gun/iron prior to plugging in. Check that cord is not frayed or damaged. Check that soldering gun/iron is not damaged. / Electrical shock / Do not use soldering gun/iron if cord is frayed or damaged. Do not use soldering gun/iron if equipment looks damaged. Give soldering gun/iron to instructor/teacher. Replace worn parts.
6 / Open paste flux lid so that it is ready to use. Unwind solder from spool enough so that you will not burn your fingers, but not too much just enough that you can work safely. (Couple of inches) / Burn to hands/arms- holding hot gun/iron and trying to open containers or unwind solder. / Do not leave gun/iron unattended or try to open containers while holding hot soldering gun/iron.
7 / Plug in soldering gun/iron and wait until end is smoking to indicate that gun/iron is ready to use. / Hot soldering gun/iron
Fire, burns / Never leave gun/iron unattended when plugged in or hot. Know the location of the fire extinguisher. Do not touch the end of the soldering gun/iron.
8 / Apply a small amount of paste flux to the work piece that you are soldering, apply with a cloth or use appropriate glove, do not get paste flux on skin. / Skin irritation/burning / Use a cloth to apply flux or use appropriate glove to apply flux. Wash fingers/hand immediately if paste flux gets on skin.
9 / Hold gun press trigger so that work light will go on, place gun just above piece to be soldered and touch solder to end of gun. / Burnt fingers
Touching end of gun
Touching hot solder. / Careful placement of fingers while soldering, do not touch end of gun or iron, do not touch solder spatter when hot.
10 / When soldering is complete, unplug soldering gun/iron. Wait until cold to put away. / Placing hot soldering gun/iron close to flammable or combustible materials. / Wait until soldering gun is cold to put away.
11 / Clean up area if using a solder that contained lead wipe down area. / Residual surface contamination / Clean up and wipe down area.





Approval Signature:Date:

Page 1 of 1 Print Date: Sep/13/2006