Tools for Grooming a Toller

You will need –

Pin brush


Nail Clippers

General tips

Brush or comb weekly. Dip the brush lightly in water then use, to cut down on static electricity especially in the winter. Brush a pup even though there isn’t much hair – use it as a training session.

You can trim the hair that grows up between the toes, that way there is less mud & snow to track into the house. Remember to comb behind the ears where it tends to matt.

Use the comb frequently when the dog is shedding. The more hair you remove, the less there will be on the rugs!

Get your veterinarian to show you how to clip nails and so monthly. Talk to your doctor about keeping your dog’s teeth clean too.


I don’t bath often – only if the dog is especially dirty or I’m treating for fleas. Brush out tangles first then use a shampoo made for dogs. Rinse, then rinse again until all the soap is gone. Pat dog dry, let shake, comb and then air dry in a warm room. This is a wash and wear kind of breed.

Contact me if you are interested in show grooming.