AVID teacher: Mrs. Stoller
Date: ______
Subject of POC: ______
Subject Teacher of POC: ______
Strongest Subject at this point: ______
Weakest Subject at this point: ______
Tutor for today’s session: ______
Number of presenters during today’s tutorial including yourself ______ / Preparedness (TRF) ______/10 points
Participation -Scale 1-10: ______/ 10points
Notes: ______/ 5 points
Learn & Reflect: ______/10 points
[Tutor scores preparedness based on TRF and participation based on class participation]
[Teacher scores Notes and Learn and Reflect]
Total Grade: ______/ 35 points
____/Total of 5 points
Topic of Confusion (1): ______
Original Problem (1): ______
Source: (include page number, problem #, CN, etc.) (1) ______
P.O.C. after working through Critical Thinking About Initial Question (see below (2):______
_____/5 Critical Thinking about Initial Question:
(Show your prior understanding through a diagram or bullets including vocabulary)
Tutorology Notes (If you were a presenter and your notes are thorough and include ALL of this information, just attach your notes, and you do not have to fill-in this chart. (Total of 5 points)
If you were not a presenter or do not have thorough notes; then, take one of your presenter’s POC and complete the table below.)
Presenter: ______
Presenter’s P.O.C.:______
ALL Group Members Names:______
(Don’t forget to mark it on your notes when you understood your point of confusion with an exclamation mark!
Attach ALL of your notes from EVERYONE that presented today!
Learn & Reflect
____/5 Summarize a POC shared in today’s tutorial (either yours or a classmate that presented) (2-4 Sentences) State specifically what the person’s POC was and summarize the steps that were taken to solve this individual’s POC. (you can use your own if you presented or another presenter)
____/5 Explain the aspects of tutorial that were beneficial to you today and those that were not helpful.
(2-4 Sentences) Be Specific, so we know what works and what needs improvement. J