Tulosmarkat News

Tools and productsfor business growth and development

Inscape Publishing development toolsby MLP Oy are an important part in the training which is provided by Tulosmarkat Oy.With these tools we are able to help you to make it more efficient to manageand operate your organisation.

Capable supervisor

Supervising is the most challenging aspect of an organisation’s functionality.Supervisors create both organisational atmosphere and business culture, and it has a direct impact on profits and employee productivity.

1. Knowledge of human nature, emotional intelligence and ability to cope under pressure

2. Human relationships and interaction skills, building of trust

3. Strengthening commitment, mentoring and training, difference in working environment

4. High performance team

5. Managing innovations

6. Shared leadership

The training programme offers a multitude of leadership skills, and provides a hefty package of practical tools for any supervisor.

Interaction training

Our success depends on your ability to productively interact with other people.The interaction training approaches the topic by understanding individual differences and building trust.One of the most important issues in any successful operation is to be aware of the impact of one’s own behaviour on different people and on the environment.

DiSC behaviour model helps to understand the different kinds of people and how your own behaviour should be adjusted when dealing with different people.The model gives participants a common tool, with which it is easier for them in the future to perceive their behaviour and improve their skills.The model helps people to remember the lessons and everybody will be able to use them in practice.

Make time your friend – efficiency to time usage

Because of increasing pressure caused by workload, people nowadays tend to stretch their days at work and manage their duties according to their urgency.If you are willing to do some simple planning, it is possible to increase your efficiency.And this does not mean working harder, either, but doing right things at the right time.

Benefits from boosting your personal efficiency are, for example:

recognizing and minimizing time-consuming items, and concentrating on essential issues.You will also find that this way makes it easier to fit together your personal life and career.

A practice book called Henkilökohtainen tehokkuus (Personal Efficiency) is used to support the training. The book makes it all the more easy to perceive your actions and develop more efficient methods of operation.The learning process with the practice book is individualistic, fast and efficient.

Business plan is an essential aid for an entrepreneur

A long-time entrepreneur in Huonekaluliike Katainen Oy in Kouvola,

Seija Seppälä, is very happy with her experiences on drawing up a business plan with Marja-Leena Joukainen. The operations of the company were examined thoroughly, concerning finance, future expectations and daily operations alike.The business plan is like a manuscript for entrepreneurs to follow in their daily operations.And Seppälä comments that operating without a business plan is just ’winging it’.With a business plan, it is easier to estimate operation of a company and how well objectives have been reached.

Please contact us for more detailed discussion.

Marja-Leena Joukainen

Mobile: +358 400 650464

Fax: +358 5 3751 609

Palokankaantie 20

45200 Kouvola, FINLAND


Annikki Arvila

Mobile: 358 400552 211