
Monday, February 3rd, 2013

5:30 PM Blum Union 220

  1. Call to Order
  2. 6:33 pm
  3. Adoption of the Agenda
  4. Adopted
  5. Reports
  1. Tony Dougherty, Vice President of Western Activities Council
  2. There will be fashion show auditions on Feb 5th and 6th 12th and 13th
  3. Fashion show will be April 3rd
  4. Spring Concert will be revealed at heart your union
  5. Brian Shewell, Student Governor
  7. Michael Hollander, Director of Finance
  8. FOC had 4 approvals for funding, BSU to pay for big 12 conference. ASA 500 to help pay for district days along with two individuals.
  9. Isaiah and Latoya to present their spending budgets
  10. ISAISH- Non Trad- Veterans week, and Heros among us not to many huge programs. Multi-Cultural- two large programs throughout the semester tunnel of oppression and reading through diversity, hispanic heritage posters, and sex signals speakers along with numerous posters and MLK publicity. CSE- Family Weekend, Western Warm up, CSE supplies for homecoming. Will be doing Elearing which is similar to applied learning we will be doing trips throughout the semester which is first come first serve.
  11. REC Services is the last thing on here Wonda could not make it here tonight she has pretty much used all the money and it is outlined very clearly they ended up running over but had money separated in their own budget to cover those expenses.
  12. Derek Thompson, Director of Student Relations
  13. PLC is this Wednesday at 530 pm will be taking the bylaws to see what they would want changed if any
  14. If your planning on running for a position all applications need to be in by February 14th and please spread the word all applications are online
  15. Ashley Stegall, Director of Communications
  16. We handed out shirts last Wednesday at the basketball game it was CRAZY
  17. Also in open discussion we will be looking for community service ideas!!
  18. Dillon Williams, Executive Vice President SGA
  19. I would like to strongly suggest senators going to PLC its really good to get out there and see what they are working on and let them put a name to a face and know who to talk to.
  20. Year book photos are Monday February 11th please wear your polos and kakis.
  1. President’s Report
  2. Next Monday is the first day of SGA week so please dress up and we would like to encourage all the galleray to attend there will be food. Tuesday we will be doing Zumba. Wednesday is casino night it is manditroy for all senators to attend if you cannot please talk to me. I would like to you take a note pad and write down student suggestions and reach out to students. Thursday is heart your union from 1-4 we need as many people out there as possible. Friday we will be handing out valentines to spread the love of SGA
  3. Greek week committee is putting on Relay for Life and it will be on campus they would like us to provide funding for food a speaker and music
  4. We will be doing an ad in the griffon news weekly or biweekly to show them what we’re doing and allow the students to know what is going on.
  5. Committee Reports
  6. ShelbieKirkendoll– Shelbie will be leaving SGA she said she will be back next semester so with that being said we will talk to Daniel Hager, which there is nothing to report and no meeting tonight. We have not heard an official word from Shelbie until this evening Next week we will have something to report.
  7. Tyler O’Neill-
  8. Second Reading
  9. NOA 37-PLC Reimbursement
  10. 16 ayes 0 nays 0 abstaining
  11. NOA 38-Spring PLC Funding
  12. 16 ayes 0 nays 0 abstaining
  13. NOA 40-Heart Your Union/SGA Week
  14. 16 ayes 0 nays 0 abstaining
  15. NOA 41-CAS Flash Cards
  16. 16 ayes 0 nays 0 abstaining
  17. NOA 42-Senator Removal: Colin Rosenow
  18. 16 ayes 0 nays 0 abstaining
  19. NOA 43-SGA Student Scholarships
  20. 0 ayes 0 nays 0 abstaining
  21. Should we add something to the essay about what the money would be used for. If we were to do it so they could use this for books they would make it so they have a stipend to use for books the process would just take a little longer. Applications would be due Feburary 21st and at this point is kind of just who you would want to.
  22. Motion to table 12 ayes, 4 nays, 0 abstaining
  23. TABLED
  24. First Reading
  25. Suspend the Rules to vote on NOA 44, 45, and 45
  26. NOA 44 – RSO: Engineering Prototypes and Design
  27. 5 on the roaster 4 that would join if we were to be passed.
  28. We would design anything that a student would want to
  29. We would get funding by being presented to the engineering department and then promoting this to the engineering department.
  30. Are there any plans to showcase these? We were looking at doing something at the day’s high school students come up to. We actually already have a couple 3D printers.
  31. You are located at Wilson correct, would you come to Blum or stay focused in Wilson? After getting some items we would be able to showcase further.
  32. What are some items that have already been done? We have started a long board which would be a lighter version.
  33. 16 ayes, 0 nays, 0 abstaining
  34. NOA 45 – Senator Approval KyleenSeil
  35. 16 ayes, 0 nays, 0 abstaining
  36. NOA 46 – Senator Approval Brooke Bernhardt
  37. 16 ayes, 0 nays, 0 abstaining
  39. NOA 47- Women’s History Month
  40. 1500 for a film series for women’s history month
  41. Open Discussion
  42. Community Service ideas
  43. Strip Run, where you bundle up and your clothes go to charity
  44. Without clothes up here they wouldn’t have a lot to donate
  45. Canned Food Drive, Campus Clean Up
  46. Buy a senator like Buy A PHI
  47. Highly encourage students to come to senate meetings so we can hear their ideas and be proactive
  48. During RHA they said they loved the open forum idea because they feel a little more reluctant coming to SGA meetings.
  49. Something we should do is open it to the gallery.
  50. If anyone is interested in being in the Fashion show please let me know we have a lot of different stores.
  51. The chairs and vice chairs have been discussing merging the two committees and the subdividing the two committees to make small groups of maybe four committees and each week we will have jobs and objectives to do I was just wondering what your thoughts were. – I like the idea of making a list of goals at the beginning of the year and working down that list. – There were different ideas that were brought up the chairs would then make a list of projects and then we would divide and have helpers for each chair.- Another option would be dividing it up into small groups to work on. - I do want to say the governmental relations committee should be talking about this in their next meeting at look at how they would like them to be changed.
  52. Campus walk we need to have done within the next two weeks
  53. Attendance is mandatory and so please let me know what you think maybe we get rid of the 3 excused absences. And for every two excused it is one unexcused.
  54. I will be sending out and email regarding to Casino Night to sign up for a time this is mandatory so please notify me if you cannot!
  55. Closed Session
  56. NONE
  57. Announcements
  58. NONE