Arleta High School – Home of the Mustangs
Phone: 818 – 686 – 4100 / Mr. Jonathan R Garcia
Mester 1, Fall Semester,
S.Y. 2016-2017
Students will cover the following units and topics:
I. Interpreting Categorical Data
a. Frequency Tables
b. Comparison of proportions/Well designed expts.
II. Functions – Modeling Change
a. Graphs and Transformations
b. Applications
III. Counting Methods
IV. Mathematics of Investment
a. Interest and Annuities
b. Loans, Mortgages and Leases
V. Binomial Distribution and Statistical Inference
a. expected value, simulations
VI. Informatics
a. elementary set theory and logic
b. modular arithmetic and cryptosystems
c. error-detecting (ZIP, ISBN, UPC) and
error correcting codes
VII. Spatial Visualization and Representations
VIII. Mathematics of Democratic Decision Making
1. Be prepared. Bring all materials 1. Warning / Student Conference
needed. Books should be covered.
2. Stay on assigned task on your assigned 2. Paper Pick-up/Referral Room
3. Raise your hand to be called upon 3. Call to Parents
before you talk.
4. Treat everyone and everything with 4. Lunch Detention
respect. Rude and improper conduct
will not be tolerated.
5. Teacher-Parent-Student conference
5. No bathroom passes. Only students having
MUSTANG CARDS can use the bathroom. If it is
An emergency, number of minutes spent will be 6. Dean’s Office Conference
the same staying after school
6. All rules in student handbook apply.
= 60%
= 20%
CRA (College Readiness Assessments)
= 20%
90 – 100 = A
80 – 89 = B
70 – 79 = C
60 – 69 = D
Below 60 = F / Frequently Asked Questions
Q: Am I expected to take down notes?
A: Of course, if in English you learn to write, in Math you write to learn. You are expected to have a binder exclusively for this subject.
Q: How do I get a good grade in this class?
A: Turn in all works, pass the tests and work hard all the time. Always re-do work or re-take tests the soonest time possible.
Q: How am I expected to participate in class?
A: You are not allowed to say “I don’t know” in this class when asked a question. You are not required to know, but you are expected to think. So if I ask you a question and you don’t know the answer, you are responsible to think of an answer, to guess, to speculate, to wonder aloud. I expect you to turn in Classworks and Homeworks regularly and participate in all class activities.
Q: What happens if a work was turned in the day I was absent?
A: Ask for the work that you missed from your classmates or teacher. You have 2 days to turn it in. If you need help, ask for assistance from your classmates or teacher after school. Your absence is not an excuse for not turning in work. Extreme circumstances make exceptions
Q: If I miss a test/quiz or if I fail it, will I be allowed to make it up?
A: Definitely. Make-up test/quiz will be given only once (preferable 1 day after the results). You will have to come before school or after school.
Q: If I still don’t get the lesson even if the teacher explained it a couple of times, what must I do?
A: 1. Ask a buddy to help you in class
2. Come before or after school and talk to the teacher for additional tutoring
August 18, 2015
Mr. Garcia,
We have read and understood this CLASS INFORMATION/SYLLABUS for Transition to College Mathematics and Statistics, Mester 1, Fall Semester, School Year 2015- 2016.
Student’s Name and Signature Parent’s/Guardian’s Name and Signature
ALEKS Account (website: )
Username ______Password ______