


Tomsk 1999

UDK 574.6

The Bases of Biotechnology. Workbook. Tomsk: TPU Press, 1999. 23 pp.

Author: L.V.Timoshenko, Ph.D.

Reviewed by: V.D.Filimonov, Chair of Department of

Organic Chemistry and Organic Synthesis

Technology, Professor, D.Sc.

To The Student

This workbook has been written to help you in your study of The Bases of Biotechnology. It includes important facets of the course and will help you to focus on key concepts and ideas. You can use the textbook on the relevant material when solving problems. The workbook will help you to develop problem-solving skills and focus on important problems.

Learn to use the workbook. The material in this workbook is presented in the same order and with the same section numbers as in the textbook. Problems of the chapters of The Bases of Biotechnology are presented according to the following plan:

1. An introduction to biotechnology.

2. Substrates for biotechnology.

3. Genetics and biotechnology.

4. Bioprocess/fermentation technology.

5. Enzyme technology.

6. Biological fuel generation.

7. Single cell protein.

8. Biotechnology and medicine.

9. Environmental biotechnology.

10. Biotechnology in the agricultural and forestry industries.

11. Food and beverage biotechnology.

12. Safety in biotechnology.

Everyday work on problems will help you to develop the necessary understanding of theory and applications of modern biotechnology. The problems presented in this workbook must be solved either on you own or with teacher’s help.

The author welcome your suggestion for improvements in future editions of this workbook.


To the Student / 3
1. An Introduction to biotechnology / 5
2. Substrates for Biotechnology / 6
3. Genetics and Biotechnology / 7
4. Bioprocess/Fermentation Technology / 9
5. Enzyme Technology / 12
6. Biological Fuel Generation / 15
7. Single Cell Protein / 16
8. Biotechnology and Medicine / 17
9. Environmental Biotechnology / 18
10. Biotechnology in the Agricultural and Forestry Industries. / 19
11. Food and Beverage Biotechnology / 20
12. Safety in Biotechnology / 22

Chapter 1. An Introduction to Biotechnology

1. What is the subject of biotechnology?

2.How would you explain the interdisciplinary nature of biotechnology?

3. What are the main types of industrial fields involved in biotechnology?

4. List and describe the main areas of application of modern biotechnology.

Chapter 2. Substrates for Biotechnology.

1. What are the important products derived from biomass?

2. What are the by-products used as substrates in biotechnology?

3. Suggest a strategy for utilization organic waste materials.

4. Describe the technical considerations for the utilization of waste materials.

Chapter 3. Genetics and Biotechnology.

1. Explain how would DNA molecule be changed.

2. How would you achieve a manipulation of the genetic material in organisms?

3. Draw a flow chart outlining the sequent steps of protoplast and fusion techniques (see scheme below).

4. What does the term ‘recombinant DNA’ mean?

5. Suggest a strategy involved in genetic engineering.

6. List and describe the basic molecular requirements for the in vitro transfer and expression of foreign DNA in a host cell.

7. Describe the technique of recombining genes from one species with those from another (see scheme below).

8. What is the purpose and applications of polymerase chain reaction?

Chapter 4. Bioprocess/Fermentation Technology

1. What are the main fermentation products prepared in various industrial branches?

2. Explain the principles of microbial growth.

3. Describe the characteristics of cultivation methods.

4. List the sources of carbohydrate and nitrogen for industrial media.

5. What types and structure of fermenter are used in biotechnology (see below) ?

6. Describe the important standards used in bioreactor design.

7. Draw a flow chart outlining the sequent steps of downstream processing operations.

Chapter 5. Enzyme Technology

1. How would you explain the term ‘enzyme’?

2. What are the applications of enzymes?

3. What is the purpose to obtain the modified enzymes?

4. Draw a flow chart outlining the sequent steps of cloning strategy for enzymes.

5. Describe the stages in the production of liquid enzyme preparation (see below)

6. Compare the use of enzymes in non-immobilisied and immobilisied forms.

7. Describe the technique of enzyme/cell immobilisation.

8. Draw a flow chart outlining the sequent steps of extraction and purification of an enzyme (see below).

9. What is the greatest potential application for immobilisied cell systems? Motivate your answer.

Chapter 6. Biological Fuel Generation.

1. How would you explain the growing appreciation of biological energy systems for fuel generation?

2. How would you obtain ethanol from biomass (see below)? What raw materials are used in this technology?

3.How would you obtain methane from biogas?

Chapter 7. Single Cell Protein.

1. How would you explain the term ‘ single cell protein’? How would you obtain it? What are the adventures of using microbes?

2. Explain the derivation of SCP from high energy sources.

3. Explain the derivation of SCP from wastes.

4. Explain the derivation of CCP from algae.

5. Discuss the advantages for using organic wastes for SCP production.

Chapter 8. Biotechnology and Medicine

1. How would you explain the importance of antibiotics in our life?

2. List the monoclonal antibodies markets.

3. What main methods are used for preparation of interferons, insulin, and somatostatin? Explain how these vaccines have prepared.

4. Outline the functional steps in gene transfer and expression.

Chapter 9. Environmental Biotechnology

1. Draw the scheme of natural biodegradation of organic molecules.

2. Compare the advantages and disadvantages for aerobic biological treatment processes for liquid wastes.

3. Explain the landfill technologies.

4. What does the term ‘composting’ mean?

5. Draw the diagram showing composting plant process.

Chapter 10. Biotechnology in the Agricultural and Forestry Industries.

1. Draw the scheme of experimental approaches used to create new plant varieties by biotechnology.

2. How are genetic engineering methods used in agricultural and forestry industries?

3. List the requirements for microorganism as a biological control agent.

4. Outline the criteria required for successful rapid methods in agriculture.

Chapter 11. Food and Beverage Biotechnology

1. Explain food and beverage fermentations.

2. How would you prepare wines?

3. What steps would be taken for beer production?

4. Explain the action of chymosin.

5. Describe the scheme of production of calf chymosin by genetically modified microorganisms.

6. What enzymes are used in food processing?

Chapter 12. Safety in Biotechnology

1. Discuss the safety in biotechnology.

2. List the classification of microorganisms according to pathogenicity.

The Bases of Biotechnology


Larisa V. Timoshenko


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