Nixon 1

Hannah Nixon

Mr. Kozak


December 18, 2011

Part 1

Runaway Teenagers:

What I know about runaway teenagers is that when a teen does runaway form their parents or guardians they can get arrested for it. Most teenagers runaway because they have had a hard home life. I want to know why the teenagers get arrested and what they are charged for.

False Memory Syndrome:

I want to learn about false memory syndrome because I think that it is interesting to learn about. I know that it’s about people who think they remember things that are totally fake and not realistic. I want to learn how people get this syndrome and what they can do to treat it

Down Syndrome:

Down syndrome is something that I want to learn about because I want to work with people that have diseases like this when I get older. I know that down syndrome is something you are born with and that you cannot treat it completely.

Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder:

Post-traumatic stress disorder occurs when a person has been in an accident, war, abuse, assault, or any other type of traumatic accident. I would like to learn about this because I want to know how the families of these people cope with their disorder.


I would really like to learn about cancer because many people in my family have gone through it. I know that cancer does kill so many people a year and that it affects many people around them. I can relate to these people because my grandpa has gone through so much chemo therapy that it hurts me to hear about it.

Part 3

"Post-traumatic stress disorder - PubMed Health." NationalCenter for Biotechnology Information. N.p., n.d. Web. 5 Dec. 2011.

In this webpage, the article talks about how to handle, how to tell, and how to treat post-traumatic stress disorder. One way to handle PTSD is to get into a support group with family, friends, or with other people that have been around this disease. Some symptoms of PTSD are avoidance, reliving the event, and arousal. These symptoms can occur at any time and are caused by certain incidents like abuse, war, rape, prison stay, or assault.

"Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder." N.p., n.d. Web. 7 Dec. 2011.

On this webpage, the article talks about the statistics of PTSD and how people get PTSD and what events cause it. About 40% of children and teens that encounter events that cause them to have PTSD. Approximately 7-8% of people develop PTSD in their life time. This article also gives Suggested Reading on Post Traumatic Stress Disorder.

"Pets vulnerable to post-traumatic stress, too - Health - Pet health - Creature Comforts -" - Breaking news, science and tech news, world news, US news, local news- N.p., n.d. Web. 7 Dec. 2011.

This article talks about how animals can also develop PTSD through abuse, natural disasters, or neglect. This article also talks about how to treat animals with PTSD.

"Can posttraumatic stress disorder be prevented? [CNS Spectr. 2009] - PubMed - NCBI." NationalCenter for Biotechnology Information. N.p., n.d. Web. 7 Dec. 2011.

In this article if you have an early intervention with people who have suffered trauma, that it can reduce the symptoms of PTSD or prevent it all together. I also learned that more research is going on today to find new and improved treatments for PTSD.

"Can posttraumatic stress disorder be prevented? [CNS Spectr. 2009] - PubMed - NCBI." NationalCenter for Biotechnology Information. N.p., n.d. Web. 7 Dec. 2011.

In this article I found that PTSD can last for years after the incident has occurred. PTSD can be brief or chronic for some people. It can also go away for a while but then can go into remission and occur. PTSD can also cause other disorders like panic attacks, depression, and substance abuse.

Part 4

How many times have you seen someone flinch or act like they’re always on guard in certain areas? Have you wondered what they’re problem is? Maybe they have Post Traumatic Stress Disorder(PTSD).