Department of Aerospace Engineering,

Tohoku University,

6-6-01, Aoba-yama, Aoba-ku,

Sendai, 980-8579, JAPAN

(a) Professional Preparation

1996B.S., Mechanical Engineering, Keio University

1998M.E., Mechanical Engineering, Keio University

1999Dr. Eng., Mechanical Engineering, Keio University

(b) Appointments

2007Visiting Associate Professor, Engineering Division, Brown University

2002-dateAssociate Professor,Department of Aerospace Engineering,Tohoku University

2001-2002 Research Scientist, Research Institute of Instrumentation Frontier, National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST),Tsukuba, JAPAN

1999-2001Postdoctoral Research Associate, Department of Advanced Energy,

Graduate School of Frontier Sciences, The University of Tokyo, Tokyo, JAPAN

(c) Leadership Positions and Honors

2012- Director, Center for Next Generation Aircraft Research Center in Tohoku University

2007-2012 Director, Center for Composite Materials Research in Tohoku University

2007-2012 Editorial Board, Advanced Composite Materials

(d) Publications

1.T. Okabe, J. Komotori, M. Shimizu and N. Takeda, "Mechanical behavior of SiC fiber reinforced brittle-matrix composites", Journal of Materials Science, 34 (1999), 3405-3412.

2.T. Okabe, N.Takeda, J. Komotori, M. Shimizu, K. Imai and Y. Imai, "Tensile matrix cracking behavior of Hi-Nicalon fiber/glass matrix cross-ply laminate composites", Key Engineering Materials, 164-165 (1999), 221-224.


4.Fang Ming Zhao, Tomonaga Okabe and Nobuo Takeda, "The estimation of statistical fiber strength by fragmentation tests of single-fiber compositess", Composites Science and Technology, 60 (2000), 1965-1974.


6.M. Yanaka, Y. Tsukahara, T. Okabe and N. Takeda, "Statistical Analysis of Multiple Cracking Phenomenon of a SiOx Thin Film on a Polymer Substrate", JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS, 90, 2 (2001), 713-719.

7.T. Okabe, N. Takeda, Y. Kamoshida, M. Shimizu and W. A. Curtin, "A 3D shear-lag model considering micro-damage and statistical strength prediction of unidirectional fiber-reinforced composites", Composites Science and Technology, 61 (2001), 1773-1787.

8.Tomonaga Okabe and Nobuo Takeda, "Estimation of strength distribution for a fiber embedded in a single-fiber composite: experiments and statistical simulation based on the elasto-plastic shear-lag approach", Composites Science and Technology, 61 (2001), 1789-1800.

9.FANG MING ZHAO, TOMONAGA OKABE and NOBUO TAKEDA, "Effect of matrix yield properties on fragmentation behavior of single fiber composites", Composite Interfaces, 9, 3 (2002), 289-308.

10.Kazunori Misawa, Tomonaga Okabe, Masaaki Yanaka, Masao Shimizu, Nobuo Takeda, "A Theory for Multi Damage Evaluation of TiN Thin Film", Materials Research Society Symposium Proceedings, 653 (2001), Z7.10.1-6.

11.J. B. Park, T. Okabe, N. Takeda and W. A. Curtin, "Electromechanical modeling of unidirectional CFRP composites under tensile loading condition", Composites: Part A, 33 (2002), 267-275.

12.NOBUYUKI TOYAMA, TOMONAGA OKABE, NOBUO TAKEDA, TERUO KISHI, "Effect of transverse cracks on lamb wave velocity in CFRP cross-ply laminates", JOURNAL OF MATERIALS SCIENCE LETTER, 21 (2002), 271-273.

13.Kei Urabe, Tomonaga Okabe, Hiroshi Tsuda, "Monitoring of resin flow and cure with an electromagnetic wave transmission line using", Composites Science and Technology, 62 (2002), 791-797.

14.Z. Xia, T. Okabe, W. A. Curtin, "Shear-lag versus finite element models for stress transfer in fiber-reinforced composites", Composites Science and Technology, 62 (2002), 1141-1149.

15.Z. Xia, W. A. Curtin and T. Okabe, "Green's function vs. shear-lag models of damage and failure in fiber composites", Composites Science and Technology, 62 (2002), 1279-1288.

16.T. Okabe and N. Takeda, "Size effect on tensile strength of unidirectional CFRP composites-experiment and simulation", Composites Science and Technology, 62 (2002), 2053-2064.

17.T. Okabe, N. Takeda, "Elastoplastic shear-lag analysis of single-fiber composites and strength prediction of unidirectional multi-fiber composites", Composites: Part A, 33 (2002), 1327-1335.

18.Jae Beom Park, Tomonaga Okabe and Nobuo Takeda, "New concept for modeling the electromechanical behavior of unidirectional carbon-fiber-reinforced plastic under tensile loading", Smart Materials and Structures, 12 (2003), 105-114.

19.N. TOYAMA, T. OKABE and N. TAKEDA, "Lamb wave evaluation and localization of transverse cracks in cross-ply laminates", JOURNAL OF MATERIALS SCIENCE, 38 (2003), 1765-1771.

20.Z. Xia, T. Okabe, J. B. Park, W. A. Curtin, N. Takeda, "Quantitative damage detection in CFRP composites: coupled mechanical and electrical models", Composites Science and Technology, 63 (2003), 1411-1422.

21.N. Toyama, J. Noda and T. Okabe, "Quantitative damage detection in cross-ply laminates using Lamb wave method", Composites Science and Technology, 63 (2003), 1473-1479.


23.JUNJI NODA, TOMONAGA OKABE, NOBUO TAKEDA and MASAO SHIMIZU, "Tensile strength of CFRP cross-ply laminates containing transverse cracks", Advanced Composite Materials, 15 (2006), 81-93.

24.N. Ohno, S. Okabe and T. Okabe, "Stress concentrations near a fiber break in unidirectional composites with interfacial slip and matrix yielding", International Journal of Solids and Structures, 41 (2004), 4263-4277.

25.T. Okabe, H. Sekine, J. Noda, M. Nishikawa and N. Takeda, "Characterization of tensile damage and strength in GFRP cross-ply laminates", Materials Science and Engineering A, 383 (2004), 381-389.

26.N. TOYAMA and T. OKABE, "Effects of tensile strain and transverse cracks on Lamb-wave velocity in cross-ply FRP laminates", JOURNAL OF MATERIALS SCIENCE, 39 (2004), 7365-7367.

27.S. Okabe, N. Ohno and T. Okabe, "Analytical Solutions for Stress Concentrations near a Fiber Break in Unidirectional Elastoplastic Composites", Key Engineering Materials, 274-276 (2004), 1005-1010.

28.S. Yashiro, N. Takeda, T. Okabe, H. Sekine, "A new approach to predicting multiple damage states in composite laminates with embedded FBG sensors", Composites Science and Technology, 65 (2005), 659-667.

29.T. Okabe, H. Sekine, K. Ishii, M. Nishikawa, N. Takeda, "Numerical method for failure simulation of unidirectional fiber-reinforced composites with spring element model", Composites Science and Technology, 65 (2005), 921-933.

30.N. Toyama, S. Yashiro, J. Takatsubo, T. Okabe, "Stiffness evaluation and damage identification in composite beam under tension using Lamb waves", ActaMaterialia, 53 (2005), 4389-4397.

31.SayakaOKABE ,Nobutada OHNO and Tomonaga OKABE, "Influence of Matrix Plasticity on Local Stress Concentrations Near Loaded Fiber Breaks", Journal of Solid Mechanics and Materials Engineering, 1, 1 (2007), 102-113.

32.N. Takeda, S. Yashiro, T. Okabe, "Estimation of the damage patterns in notched laminates with embedded FBG sensors", Composites Science and Technology, 66 (2006), 684-693.

33.Tomonaga Okabe, Masaaki Nishikawa, Nobuo Takeda, Hideki Sekine, "Effect of matrix hardening on the tensile strength of alumina fiber-reinforced aluminum matrix composites", ActaMaterialia, 54 (2006), 2557-2566.

34.J. Noda, T. Okabe, N. Takeda and M Shimizu, "Numerical study for identifying damage in open-hole composites with embedded FBG sensors and its application to experiment results", Advanced Composite Materials, 16, 2 (2007), 115-134.

35.Akinori Yoshimura, Shigeki Yashiro, Tomonaga Okabe, Nobuo Takeda, "Characterization of Tensile Damage Progress in Stitched CFRP Laminates", Advanced Composite Materials, 16, 3 (2007), 223-244.

36.Shigeki Yashiro, Kazue Murai, Tomonaga Okabe, Nobuo Takeda, "Numerical study for identifying damage in open-hole composites with embedded FBG sensors and its application to experiment results", Advanced Composite Materials, 16, 2 (2007), 115-134.

37.Shigeki Yashiro, JunjiTakatsubo, Nobuyuki Toyama, Tomonaga Okabe, Nobuo Takeda, "Nondestructive evaluation of holed CFRP laminates by a new technique to visualize propagation of ultrasonic waves", Journal of Solid Mechanics and Materials Engineering, 2, 3 (2008), 333-341.

38.Hideki Sekine, Shin-Etsu Fujimoto, Tomonaga Okabe, Nobuo Takeda and ToshimitsuYokobori, Jr., "Structual Health Monitoring of Cracked Aircraft Panels Repaired with Bonded Patches Using Fiber Bragg Grating Sensors", Applied Composite Materials, 13 (2006), 87-98.

39.KOICHI GODA, TOMONAGA OKABE and NOBUO TAKEDA, "A strength reliability model of uniderectional fiber-reinforced ceramic matrix composites by Markov process", Advanced Composite Materials, 15, 3 (2006), 263-285.

40.S. Yashiro, T. Okabe, N. Toyama, N. Takeda, "Monitoring damage in holed CFRP laminates using embedded chirped FBG sensors", International Journal of Solids and Structures, 44 (2007), 603-613.

41.S. Yashiro, T. Okabe, N. Takeda, "Damage identification in a holed CFRP laminate using a chirped fiber Bragg grating sensor", Composites Science and Technology, 67 (2007), 286-295.

42. S. C. Chowdhury, T. Okabe, "Computer simulation of carbon nanotube pull-out from polymer by the molecular dynamics method", Composites: Part A, 38 (2007), 747-754.

43.Masaaki Nishikawa, Tomonaga Okabe, Nobuo Takeda, "Numerical simulation of interlaminar damage propagation in CFRP cross-ply laminates under transverse loading", International Journal of Solids and Structures, 3101-3113.

44.N. Hu, K. Nunoya, D. Pan, T. Okabe, H. Fukunaga, "Numerical of buckling characteristic of carbon nanotubes", International Journal of Solids and Structures, 44 (2007), 6535-6550.

45.T. Okabe, K. Ishi, M. Nishikawa, N. Takeda, "Prediction of Tensile Strength of Unidirectional CFRP Composites", Advanced Composite Materials, 19 (2010), 229-241.

46.M. Nishikawa, T. Okabe, N. Takeda, "Determination of interface properties from experiments on the fragmentation process in single-fiber composites", Materials Science and Engineering A, 480, 1-2 (2008), 549-557.

47.M. Nishikawa, T. Okabe, K. Hemmi, N. Takeda, "Micromechanical modeling of the microbond test to quantify the interfacial properties in fiber-reinforced composites", International Journal of Solids and Structures, 45, 14-15 (2008), 4098-4113.

48.T. Okabe, M. Nishikawa, N. Takeda, "Numerical modeling of progressive damage in fiber-reinforced plastic cross-ply laminates", Composites Science and Technology, 68, 10-11 (2008), 2282-2289.

49.N. Hu, Y. Zemba, T. Okabe, C. Yan, H. Fukunaga, A. M. Elmarakbi, "A new cohesive model for simulating delamination propagation in composite laminates under transverse loads", Mechanics of Materials, 40 (2008), 920-935.

50.M. Nishikawa, T. Okabe, N. Takeda, W. A. Curtin, "Micromechanics of the fragmentation process in single-fiber composites", Modeling and Simulation in Materials Science and Engineering, 16, 5 (2008), 055009.

51.T. Okabe, M. Nishikawa, W. A. Curtin, "Estimation of statistical strength distribution of Carborundum polycrystalline SiC fiber using the single fiber composite with consideration of the matrix hardening", Composite Science and Technology, 68 (2008), 3067-3072.

52.A. Yoshimura, T. Okabe, "Damage Growth Analysis in Particle-Reinforced Composite Using Cohesive Element", Advanced Composite Materials, 20 (2011), 569-583.

53.I. Taketa, T. Okabe, A. Kitano, "A new compression-molding approach using unidirectionally arrayed chopped strands", Composites Part A, 39 (2008), 1884-1890.

54.T. Yamaguchi, T. Okabe and T. Kousaka, "Fatigue simulation for Ti/GFRP laminates using cohesive elements", Advanced Composite Materials, 19 (2010), 107-122.

55.M. Nishikawa, T. Okabe and N. Takeda, "Periodic-cell simulations for the microscopic damage and strength properties of discontinuous carbon fiber-reinforced plastic composites", Advanced Composite Materials, 18 (2009), 77-93.

56.T. Okabe, M. Nishikawa, "GLS strength prediction of glass-fiber-reinforced polypropylene", JOURNAL OF MATERIALS SCIENCE, 44 (2009), 331-334.

57.T. Okabe, M. Nishikawa and N. Takeda, "Micromechanics on the Rate-Dependent Fracture of Discontinuous Fiber-Reinforced Plastics", International Journal of Damage Mechanics, 19 (2010), 339-360.

58.M. Nishikawa, T. Okabe and T. Honda, "Effect of cross-links on the pullout of carbon nanotubes from amorphous polymer", JOURNAL OF MATERIALS SCIENCE, 44 (2009), 339-341.

59.Masaaki NISHIKAWA, Tomonaga OKABE and Nobuo TAKEDA, "Effect of the Microstructure on the Fracture Mode of Short-FiberReinforced Plastic Composites", Journal of Solid Mechanics and Materials Engineering, 3, 8 (2009), 998-1009.

60.Shigeki YASHIRO, Tomonaga OKABE, "Numerical Prediction of Fatigue Damage Progress in Holed CFRP Laminates Using Cohesive Elements", Journal of Solid Mechanics and Materials Engineering, 11 (2009), 1212-1221.

61.Tomonaga OKABE and Shigeki YASHIRO, "Numerical Simulation for Predicting Fatigue Damage Progress in Notched CFRP Laminates by Using Cohesive Elements", Journal of Solid Mechanics and Materials Engineering, 11 (2009), 1202-1211.

62.T. Yamaguchi, T. Okabe, S. Yashiro, "Fatigue simulation for Titanium/CFRP hybrid laminates using cohesive elements", Composites Science and Technology, 69 (2009), 1968-1973.

63.Sanjib Chandra Chowdhury, Tomonaga Okabe and Masaaki Nishikawa, "Effects of Vacancy Defects on the Interfacial Shear Strength of Carbon Nanotube Reinforced Polymer Composite", Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, 10 (2010), 739-745.

64.I. Taketa, T. Okabe and A. Kitano, "Strength improvement in unidirectional arrayed chopped strands with interlaminar toughening", Composites Part A, 40 (2009), 1174-1178.

65.S. Yashiro, T. Okabe, K. Matsushima, "A Numerical Approach for Injection Molding of Short-Fiber-Reinforced Plastics Using a Particle Method", Advanced Composite Materials, 20 (2011), 503-517.

66.M. Nishikawa and T. Okabe, "Microstructure-dependent fatigue damage process in short fiber reinforced plastics", International Journal of Solids and Structures, 47 (2010), 398-406.

67.K. Ogi, T. Okabe, M. Takahashi, S. Yashiro, A. Yoshimura and T. Ogasawara, "Experimental characterization of high-speed impact damage behavior in a three-dimensionally woven SiC/SiC composite", Composites Part A, 41 (2010), 489-498.

68.Yuan Li, Ning Hu, Go Yamamoto, Zhongchang Wang, Toshiyuki Hashida, Hiroshi Asanuma, Chensong Dong, Tomonaga Okabe, Masahiro Arai, HisaoFukunaga, "Molecular Mechanics Simulation of the Sliding Behavior between Nested Walls in a Multi-walled Carbon Nanotube", Carbon, 48 (2010), 2934-2940.

69.I. Taketa, N. Sato, A. Kitano, M. Nishikawa and T. Okabe, "Enhancement of strength and uniformity in unidirectionally arrayed chopped strands with diagonal angled slits", Composites Part A, 41 (2010), 1639-1646.

70.I. Taketa, T. Okabe, H. Matsutani and A. Kitano, "Flowability of unidirectionally arrayed chopped strands in compression molding", Composites Part B, 42 (2011), 1764-1769.

71.T. Okabe, M. Nishikawa, H. Toyoshima, "A periodic unit-cell simulation of fiber arrangement dependence on the transverse tensile failure in unidirectional carbon fiber reinforced composites", International Journal of Solids and Structures, 48 (2011), 2948-2959.

72.S. Yashiro, T. Okabe, "Estimation of fatigue damage in holed composite laminates using an embedded FBG sensor", Composites Part A, 42 (2011), 1962-1969.

73.T. Okabe, S. Yashiro, "Damage detection in holed composite laminates using an embedded FBG sensor", Composites Part A, 43 (2012), 388-397.

74.T. Okabe, T. Motani, M. Nishikawa and M. Hashimoto, "Numerical Simulation of Microscopic Damage and Strength of Fiber-Reinforced Plastic Composites", Advanced Composite Materials, (2012), in press.

75.S. C. Chowdhury, B. Z. (Gama) Haque, T. Okabe, J. W. Gillespie Jr, "Modeling the effect of statistical variations in length and diameter of randomly oriented CNTs on the properties of CNT reinforced nanocomposites", Composites Part B, 43 (2012), 1756-1762.

76.Tomonaga OKABE, Hiroaki MATSUTANI, Takashi HONDA, Shigeki YASHIRO "Numerical simulation of microscopic flow in a fiber bundle using the moving particle semiimplicit method", Composites Part A, In Press.

77.M. Hashimoto , T. Okabe, T. Sasayama, H. Matsutani, M. Nishikawa, "Prediction of tensile strength of discontinuous carbon fiber/polypropylene composite with fiber orientation distribution", Composites Part A, In Press.

78.Fumihiko Tanaka , Tomonaga Okabe, Haruki Okuda, MasafumiIse, Ian A. Kinloch, Tsutomu Mori, Robert J. Young, "The Effect of Nanostructure upon the Deformation Micromechanics of Carbon Fibres.", Carbon, in press.

79.Fumihiko Tanaka , Tomonaga Okabe, Haruki Okuda, Ian A. Kinloch, Robert J. Young, "The Effect of Nanostructure upon the Compressive Strength of Carbon Fibres", Journal of Materials Science, in press.