updated: November 2003
Isaiah 11:11-16 (The words “that day” being our day and the near future.)
“And it shall come to pass in that day, that Yahweh shall set his hand again the second time to recover the remnant of his people which shall be left, from Assyria and from Egypt, and the isles of the sea…And he shall set up an ensign for the nations and shall assemble the outcasts of Israel, and gather together the dispersed of Judah from the four corners of the earth. They shall fly upon the shoulders of the Philistines toward the west… and THERE SHALL BE A HIGHWAY for the remnant of his people, which shall be left, from Assyria, like as it was to Israel in the day that he came up out of the land of Egypt.”
Chpt.12 continues: “And in that day you shall say, ‘Oh Yahweh I will praise you’… Cry out and shout, you inhabitant of Zion, for great is the Holy One of Israel in the midst of you”.
In the last days before He is in the midst of His people, His people will return from all over the earth--all 12 tribes! This includes the 10 tribes of the northern kingdom called Israel (or the House of Israel, House of Ephraim, or House of Joseph) who were scattered in 722BCE into Assyria and then to the four corners of the globe, and the southern kingdom of Judah (incl. Tribes of Judah, Benjamin and Levi) who went into Babylon in 586BCE but returned 70 years later, and in 70 CE were scattered to the four winds, also except for a remnant that stayed in the Land.
Isaiah 11, verses 11-16 are happening now. And, along with the return of His people from all over the world, is also the building of this highway. It is a highway for the remnant to walk on as they go into their place of safety for 3 ½ years---Mt.Seir/Petra. It is a highway, which is over 4,000 years old. It is a highway “like as it was to Israel in the day that he came up out of the land of Egypt”. It is the highway, which leads from Mt. Sinai in Saudi Arabia east into Iraq, and into Turkey, through Syria north, passing the port of Aqaba and Mt. Seir/ Petra. It is the highway which will be traveled from Sinai to Petra as the Holy One of Israel returns to His ‘resting place”. It is a literal highway, built by literal Romans (a second time, the original Roman empire and the revised Roman empire of today).
Five years ago this King’s Highway was a two-lane road with ruts and pot- holes that would tear up a car. It was the truck route from the port of Aqaba into Syria, and Iraq. It was totally primitive. When the Rome-based companies came in 5 years ago, (Condotte-Roma worked primarily from the port of Aqaba north, and east of the Petra exit), it was a matter of re-doing the King’s Highway of ancient times. Now it is the same highway, brought up to 2001AD standards. Let us look more at what the Bible has to say about this great sign of Bible prophecy fulfillment. This is “the highway of our God”.
Numbers 20: 17 and 21:22
On their trip north, after passing the Red Sea port of Ezion Geber (Deuteronomy 2:1-9), or today’s Aqaba, they went north toward Mt. Paran, and then onto Mt. Hor, where Aaron died and was buried, which put them at the entrance to Petra—Esau’s city which Esau obtained in battle with the Horites (Genesis 14:6; and 36:8-9,20-21). Seir is the name of the father of the “tribe, ethnic group, or family of the inhabitants” of Mt. Seir, the Horites, or cave dwellers. Seir is named after the father of the cave dwellers in Mt. Seir, which is today called “Sela” in the Hebrew and “Petra” In the Greek, meaning, “rock”. (Isaiah 16:1)
Because of Esau’s hatred of the people of Isaac and Jacob, his descendants refused to let Moses and the millions of Hebrews who came out of Egypt pass into their city of Petra. (Basis of the hatred: Genesis 27:36-41--jealousy, fear, revenge, bitterness.) So, Moses said they would go around the city by the way of the “King’s Highway”. It is still there, rebuilt a little east of Petra by the Rome- based company, Condotte-Roma, and is called the “King’s Highway”. It goes north into Syria and Turkey, and east toward Iraq. But it is not called “the King’s Highway” all the way north or east. But, the portion now, in the country of Jordan, which goes from the port of Aqaba north past the turn off to Petra and on into Moab, is still called the “King’s Highway”. Here is how Deuteronomy 2:1 and 8 describes this journey from Aqaba to Petra along the highway:
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“Then we turned back and set out toward the desert (Arabah) along the route to the Red Sea--so we went past our brothers the descendants of Esau, who live in Seir. We turned from the Arabah Road, which comes up from Elath and Ezion Geber, and traveled along the desert road of Moab.” The Arabah Road is the King’s Highway. These are places here in Jordan today!! Check out the word “Arabah” in the Word.
I have lived in the “Italiano building” (apartments) for almost 5 years now. It is called that because it has housed the Engineers, Contractors, Surveyors, and Supervisors, and office staff of Condotte-Roma, who have been here a little over 7 years. So, I have been surrounded with many personnel who have come and gone, who are involved in this prophetic work. Except for, perhaps, a previous Christian consulting engineer, they don’t realize that before the foundation of the earth, they were chosen by God to do this work.
Numbers 20:17: beginning at verse 14-21 “And Moses sent messengers from Kedesh unto the king of Edom, ‘Thus says your brother Israel…let us pass, I pray thee, through your country…we will go by the King’s Highway, …and Edom said unto him, ‘you shall not pass by me, lest I come out against you by the sword’….and the children of Israel said, ‘we will go by the high way…’ and he said, ‘you shall not go through. And Edom came out against him…thus Edom refused to give Israel passage through his border”. Then they went to Mt. Hor, where Aaron died and was buried. Mt. Hor is just outside the entrance to Petra. The people complained to Yahuweh and He sent fiery serpents among them and killed. Many died. Then Moses put a dead snake on a pole and held it up, at Elohim’s command, and those that looked at the pole lived. Then they moved north of the Wadi Arnon, into the area of the Amorites. This river divides the area of Moab and Ammon. Check out the word “Arnon” or “fords of Arnon” in the Word. Today, this river is called the Mujib--and it is still the boundary between the land of Moab and the area of Amman. (Numbers 21:13)
Numbers 21:21-22 “And Israel sent messengers unto Sihon king of the Amorites, saying, ‘let me pass through your land: …we will go along by the King’s Highway, until we be past your borders’. And Sihon did not allow Israel to pass through his border….” The word speaks of great judgment that will come in these days upon Edom and Moab and Ammon for their treatment of Israel then they came by their cities and asked for help along the “King’s highway”. This highway was an ancient trade route from Egypt into Iraq, which passed by Petra…the city of Esau.
Later on the “Nabateans”, a desert tribe, conquered the city and made it a major trading center in the years before, during and after Yahushua was on the earth. This tribe of “Nabateans” descended from Ishmael’s son Nebajoth (Genesis 25:13). They built massive tombs and other structures into the rock. It was in its “hay-day” just before Yahushua came. Later on, the Romans came in and conquered it. Mark Anthony gave it to Cleopatra, made many more “improvements”, as the amphitheater. Then the Byzantine church came in for a while and used it for Christianity. But, for almost 1,700 years, it lay dormant, lost, hidden, until about 1854 when a Swiss explorer re-discovered it. Now it is THE major tourist area for the country of Jordan, being visited by millions of people each year in the days before the “Intifada” began on September 29, 2000. In the days of the Roman occupation, the “King’s Highway” was built by the Romans, who built roads all over their Empire, to produce maximum travel advantages for trading.
Now since about 1995, Roman and Jordanian companies, like Condotte, have rebuilt and improved the King’s Highway. Now it is a first-class world important highway…. The Condotte Company is now improving roads around Aqaba, and will be here for a while longer. The old Roman-empire built roads worldwide, to use to conquer and for trade. Now the modern Romans are all over the world building roads for trade, to unite the new one world government.
More scriptures about the highway:
Isaiah 19:23-25 speaking of the highway and the new economic zone here in Aqaba: “And in that day shall there be a highway out of Egypt to Assyria, and the Assyrian shall come into Egypt and the Egyptian into Assyria, and the Egyptians shall serve with the Assyrians. And in that day shall Israel be the third
with Egypt and with Assyria, even a blessing in the midst of the land, whom the Lord of hosts shall bless….” The new economic zone will include Egypt, Israel and Jordan as trading partners and free trade is being opened up again into Iraq. Again we see “there shall be a highway”. Now there is a highway, built by
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Romans--men from Rome. The highway is indeed going from the port area with Egypt to the old Assyria.
Isaiah 35:8-9 speaking of the days after Yahushua returns: “And a highway shall be there and a way, and it shall be called ‘the way of holiness’; the unclean shall not pass over it, but it shall be for those: the wayfaring men, though fools, shall not err therein. No lion shall be there, nor any ravenous beast shall go up there on, it shall not be found there, but the redeemed shall walk there, and the ransomed of the Lord shall return, and come to Zion with songs and everlasting joy upon their heads: they shall obtain joy and gladness, and sorrow and sighing shall flee away.”
From this place, where the highway is, the ransomed shall return to Zion. There is a wonderful walkway, coming into Petra, past beautiful hotels. Walking into this city will be all sorts of people, but when Yahushua returns, walking on this walkway beside the highway, will be only the ransomed who will be ready and watching for Yahushua to pass over the highway, from Sinai to Bozrah and pick up his redeemed that are “alive and remain”. The highway passes east of Petra, but the turn-off into Petra is now being redone—the road brought up to modern standards, the hotels, the sewage systems, etc. are being redone…the world bank pouring millions into the project. There is a highway! Our Lord is using the “beast”, one world, system to accomplish His plans for these last days.
Isaiah 40:3 “The voice of him that cries in the wilderness, ‘Prepare the way of the Lord’, make straight in the desert a highway for our God.” The word “desert” is Arabah--the land area of the Red Sea as it moves north between Aqaba and Elat.. We are the voices in the Arabah crying for the preparation for His return. The word “straight” refers to Yahushua in the Hebrew language. The highway does go up through the Arabah north toward Mt. Paran, Teman, Seir/Petra, Bozrah. It is the path of our Lord’s return, from Sinai to Bozrah, north across Aqaba from Sinai--crossing over the King’s Highway, as He comes in His wrath to pick up His Bride and destroy the wicked. It is truly THE KING’S HIGHWAY……WHICH KING YAHUSHUA WILL TRAVEL ABOVE AS HE COMES AS KING OF KINGS AND LORD OF LORDS!!!!!!!
Isaiah 62: The whole chapter is about the coming of Yahushua, before, during and after.
Isaiah 62:10-11: “Go through, go through the gates; prepare you the way of the people; cast up, cast up the highway; gather out the stones; lift up a standard for the people. Behold, the Lord has proclaimed unto the end of the world, say to the daughter of Zion ‘behold, your salvation comes; behold, His reward is with Him, and His work before Him.” The word “salvation” is “yeshua”. Salvation is a Person!! Is this a mandate to the Roman Empire of today, as well as to us who operate in the Spirit? They are the ones who have gathered up the stones and built the highway to prepare the way of Yahushua who will be traveling above it--and the way of the remnant who will be traveling on it down here. We are here spiritually preparing the “way of Yahuweh”. Yahushua said, “I come in My Father’s Name”!
Let us look at verse 10 in more detail and locate where this highway is…
In the NIV the scripture reads: “Pass through, pass through the gates! Prepare the way for the people. Build up, build up the highway! Remove the stones. Raise a banner for the nations.” Verse 11: “the Lord has made proclamation to the ends of the earth: say to the daughter of Zion, ‘see, your Savior comes! See, His reward is with Him….’”
Isaiah 63:1 (KJV): “Who is this that comes from Edom, with dyed garments from Bozrah? --this that is glorious in his apparel, traveling in the greatness of his strength? …”
On the surface it does not look like this highway has anything to do with the Arabah and the King’s Highway that we have been talking about. But, what highway is it that Yahushua will travel over as He comes from Sinai through Edom to Bozrah? It is this King’s Highway just outside my door and up the hill.
Let us do a word study on verse 10: It is comparative to Isaiah 40:3 using the words “prepare the way”, and “highway”. It is comparative to Amos 5:15, in which there is a port where the house of Joseph passes through--the port of Aqaba. From this port, the remnant of all 12 tribes, plus a “mixed multitude” of refugees from all over the world will travel on the King’s Highway into Petra for the preservation of His people before His return.
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Amos 5:15 “Hate the evil and love the good, and establish judgment in the gate: it may be that the Lord God of hosts will be gracious unto the remnant of Joseph”.
The word for “gate” is #8179, “an opening, door, gate, or port”. There is only one port that Yahushua will pass over as He returns…the port of Aqaba. Who will pass through the gates? – His people. The word for “people” is: 5971 “am”, “a people, a congregated unit, a tribe, a flock, troops, nation”. This is from #6004 which “aw-mam”: “to associate by huddling together”. “Prepare” #6437, “paw-naw”: “to turn, to face, appear, look, behold, regard.” We are to turn the people’s face toward the “way”. Yahushua said, “I am the way”…. The Hebrew word for “way” is #1870 “derek”: “a road (as trodden), course of life, mode of action, conversation, custom, journey, manner, passenger, through, toward, high pathway, along, away, etc.” It is from 1869 “daw-rak”: “to tread, to walk, to string a bow (by treading on it in bending), to bend, archer, guide, lead, etc.”
We are to begin our task of leading the people to turn their heart toward Yahushua, as they pass through the port of Aqaba, going up the King’s Highway to their place of refuge.
But who is the next instruction to? I believe it is to the road builders…the Romans who are building the highway. They are actually removing stones. There is information that I have been typing for the highway Consulting Engineer (mentioned below), concerning the removal of stones—how to do it, and which ones to leave and why. This is regarding the building of this King’s Highway in Jordan.
The word for “highway” is: #4546 “mes-il-law”: “a thoroughfare, a turnpike, viaduct, staircase, causeway, course, highway, path, terrace”, from #5549 “saw-lal”…to mound up, especially a turnpike, to exalt, extol, make plain, raise up”. This “saw-law” is the same word (KJV) for “cast” used in the phrase “cast up the highway”.
“Go” (KJV) means “to cross over, to pass over” and is #5674 in the Hebrew (Strong’s Exhaustive Concordance). “Pass through” is used in the NIV. Who will pass through the gates? The remnant will pass through them, and so will Yahushua.