Tom Harwood for NUS President
For a credible, inclusive NUS
The NUS is in crisis.
It is broken. And that means it is failing students.
Students deserve a competent student movement. The victories we have won in the past have come from a more united student movement, ambitious in its goals but realistic in its methods.
Look to the future.
I want to see an NUS that is relevant to students lives, that wins palpable victories for students up and down the country, that sees no one is denied an education simply due to the circumstance of their birth.
We need to recognise that the NUS has failed in representing all students views.
We have to accept that our movement has drifted from the real concerns of students.
We must shout louder about living costs, fight for realistic improvements to tuition fees, and be flexible and innovative in our response to government policy.
For an inclusive NUS.
Everyone should feel welcome in our movement.
Every student should feel like this is their national union.
Only when we are inclusive to all can we achieve real change. We can tackle mental health stigma, we can combat sexism, and we can fight anti-Semitism.
That means fundamental change. Democratic reform for a start. Every student should have the right to vote for an NUS president.
We need change. We need to be of students, for students, and by students.
"Tom has done a great job highlighting just how out-of-touch NUS has become with its membership. He ran an excellent campaign to become an NUS delegate, which attracted national attention and kick-started some great conversations around how best to engage with students. Tom managed to do more in that one campaign to reach out to students than some NUS officers have done all year! That's why I'm voting Tom Harwood #1 to be our next NUS President!”
-SionDavies , NUS NEC
“I’m with you… I know there are some real issues around the cost of student housing. That’s something that you’d hope to see the NUS taking up much louder.”
-David Lammy MP, Labour MP, Former Universities Minister
“Hi, thanks for taking the time to read my short manifesto. I’m running because our movement has never been less relevant to the lives of ordinary students. That needs to change.
Everyone should feel like the NUS is fighting for them. Too often, students see us as little more than a discount card.
We need to be in touch, influential, and inclusive.
I am a student. I am concerned about our movement. Of course we should be critical but we must be constructive too. We need to fight but to fight we must be credible.
I have a plan to turn things around. I can inject democracy, legitimacy, and inclusivity back into our movement.
Find my bold action plan at”
-Tom Harwood
Grounded. Realistic. Moderate. Authentic.