ApprovedBoard Meeting Minutes
Holiday Inn Express – Elizabethtown, KY
September 10, 2014
Officers / Board Members Present:
President- Craig Bohman
President-Elect – Craig Bohman
Secretary –Karen Domaschko
Past President – Missy Andress
Kim Clemons (phone), Karen Cracraft, Cathy Morris,Jim Roberts, and Brittany Sloan (phone).
Officers / Board Members Absent:
Treasurer – Janet Van Nevel
Vicki Crawford, Connie Galloway, Angela Hay, and JoAnn Simpson.
Others Present:Mary Hayes Smith and Rose Wilson.
Meeting was called to order at 6:15p.m.
Missy Andress made a motion to approve the minutes for the May 13, 2014SpringBoard Meeting in Louisville, KY. Cathy Morris seconded the motion. The motion carried.
Finance Report: Craig Bohman
- As of 9/2 we have $4,600 surplus which will evaporate when we pay for this workshop, pay the KY Council of Area Development Districts (KCADDs) an Jonathan Croley. We might be in a slight deficit after those payments are made.
- Jim Roberts made a motion to approve the proposed 2014 KPHRA budget as presented. Karen Domaschko seconded the motion. The motion carried.
President’s Report: Craig Bohman
- The Board heard an update of KCADD staffing. KIPDA, NKADD and Lincoln Trail ADD have helped us with the last two conferences until KCADD is fully staffed. There are no concerns.
- Some certification paperwork is missing due to the transition from Eastern Kentucky University to KCADD. KarenDomaschko made a motion to allow a one-time catch up period for KPHRA certification/re-certification for all members due to the transition in administration of the from EKU to KCADD. Karen Cracraft seconded the motion. The motion carried.
- The Certification Committee recommends allowing some outside credit to be applied to KPHRA certification. Karen Domaschko made a motion to ask membership to vote on a proposal to reform KPHRA certification by allowing up to 35 hours for initial certification and up to 25 hours for re-certification from sources other than KPHRA provided that it is HR-related and proof of completion is presented. Missy Andress seconded the motion. The motion carried..
Membership Committee:
- No update.
Nomination Committee: Mary Hayes Smith
- A vote to change bylaws to allow for co-officers was conducted by e-mail. Full-membership will vote tomorrow.
- The nominations for 2015 Officers are: President = Craig Bohman; Co-President Elect = Vicki Crawford & Lori Zombek; Secretary = Karen Domaschko; Treasurer = Jody Mann.
- Four directors’ terms will expire at the end of 2014: Karen Cracraft, Angela Hay, Connie Galloway, and Brittany Sloan. The nominations for the two year term are: Karen Cracraft, Martha Cosby, Connie Galloway, and Jill Hartley. Janet VanNevel will serve the remaining one-year term of the seat that Vicki Crawford will vacate when she moves to an officer position.
- Four directors’ terms will expire at the end of 2015: Kim Clemons, Vicki Crawford, Catherine Morris, and Jim Roberts.
Old Business:
- None.
New Business:
- The 2015 budget was presented. It may be at a slight deficit. Missy Andress made a motion to approve the proposed 2015 KPHRA budget as presented. Jim Roberts seconded the motion. The motion carried.
- Changes to the bylaws were discussed by e-mail that would1) allow members to share an office and to 2) allow officers other than the President to remain in office until another individual is elected. This will need to be taken to full membership for a vote.
- Proposed changes to the KPHRA bylaws was presented and discussed. Jim Roberts made a motion to appoint a committee to study options for changing bylaws then bring recommendations to the next Board meeting and to a vote of full membership at the Spring Conference. Kim Clemons seconded the motion. The motion carried.
- The Spring 2015 Conference will be held in Northern Kentucky from May 13 through May 15.
- Other new business: none.
Karen Cracraft made a motion to adjourn; Cathy Morrisseconded the motion; the motion carried. The meeting adjourned at7:03p.m.
Approved Business Meeting Minutes
Holiday Inn Express – Elizabethtown, KY
September 11, 2014
Business Meeting:
- Meeting was called to order by Craig Bohman at 2:40 p.m. on 9/11/2014.
- Membership attending the Fall Workshop was present.
Finance Report:
- Craig Bohman reported on finances. As of now we have $4,000 to the good. This workshop plus expenses incurred will probably put us into a $1,500 deficit. We are OK because we have $20,000 in the bank.
President’s Report:
- Craig Bohman gave an update of KCADD staffing. NKADD and Buffalo Trace ADD have helped us with the last two conferences until KCADD is fully staffed. There are no concerns.
- Craig Bohman reported that some certification paperwork is missing due to the transition from Eastern Kentucky University to KCADD. He reported that the Board decided to allow a catch-up period until the end of the year and to send notices to individuals as soon as possible. Certification may be delayed for those not complying by then.
- Craig Bohman reported that the Board is proposing areform of KPHRA certification by allowing up to 35 hours for initial certification and up to 25 hours for re-certification from sources other than KPHRA provided that it is HR-related and proof of completion is presented. Karen Domaschko made a motion to accept this proposal as presented. Martha Cosby seconded the motion. The motion carried.
Nomination Committee’s Report:
- Mary Hayes Smith reported that the President-Elect cannot fulfill her term and the four nominees declined to serve as President but to others offered to share the Presidency.
- Mary Hayes-Smith reported that the nominations for 2015 Officers are: President = Craig Bohman; Co-President-Elect = Vicki Crawford & Lori Zombek; Secretary = Karen Domaschko; Treasurer = Jody Mann.
- Mary Hayes-Smith reported that four directors’ terms will expire at the end of 2014: Karen Cracraft, Angie Hay, Connie Galloway, and Brittany Sloan. The nominations for the two year term are: Karen Cracraft, Martha Cosby, Connie Galloway and Jill Hartley. Janet VanNevel will serve the remaining one-year term of the seat that Vicki Crawford will vacate when she moves to an officer position.
Old Business:
- None
New Business:
- Karen Domaschko made a motion to table the current proposed changes to the bylaws and appoint a committee to study changes to the bylaws to 1) allow members to share an office and to 2) allow officers other than the President to remain in office until another individual is elected then bring back a recommendation to the next Board meeting and to a vote of full membership at the Spring Conference. Missy Andress seconded the motion. The motion carried.
- The 2015 budget was presented. It may be at a slight deficit. Jill Hartley made a motion to approve the proposed 2015 KPHRA budget as presented. Jim Roberts seconded the motion. The motion carried.
- The Spring 2015 Conference will be held in Northern Kentucky from May 13 through May 15.
- Other new business: none.
- Missy Andress made a motion to adjourn. Kim Clemons seconded the motion. The meeting adjourned at 3:05p.m.