

Minute of Meeting of the Patient Focus and Public Involvement Committee held on Wednesday21 Aug 2013 inSeminar Room, Summerfield House


Mrs Christine Lester, Non-Executive Board Member (Chair)

Mrs Jane Adam, Lay Member

Mr Richard Carey, Chief Executive

Dr Roelf Dijkhuizen, Medical Director

Ms Susan Carr, Associate Director of AHPs

Mrs Laura Dodds, Public Involvement Manager

Ms Linda Duthie, Special Projects Manager, Public Health

Mr Nigel Firth, Equality and Diversity Manager

Mrs Wilma Forrest, Lay Member

Ms Tracey Gervaise, Public Health Lead, representing Moray – by videolink

Mrs Laura Gray, Director of Corporate Communications & Board Secretary

Mrs Jenny Greener, Non-Executive Board Member

Ms Linda Juroszek, Chair, Area Clinical Forum

Ms Jacqueline MacKintosh, Joint Training Co-ordinator, Learning & Development

Ms Linda Oldroyd, Nurse Consultant, Patient Safety & Patient Experience

Ms Catherine Rae, District Nurse, representing Aberdeen City CHP

Cllr Anne Robertson, Non-Executive Board Member

Ms Pauline Rae, Project and Central Services Manager, Adult Mental Health

Ms Rieta Vilar, Joint Future Planning Manager, representing Aberdeenshire CHP


Ms Louise Ballantyne, Person CentredManager

Mr Stuart Easton, Marketing Assistant, Public Health

Mrs Marilyn Elmslie, Committee Clerk

Item No

/ Issue /


1 / Welcome, introductions and apologies
Christine Lester welcomed everyone to the meeting.
Apologies were intimated on behalf of Cllr Bill Howatson, Eleanor Murray, David Cooper, Mike Ogg, Lisa McCartney, Christopher Thirdand Liz Tait.
Christine noted that Pamela Cornwallis had stepped down as representative for Aberdeen City CHP and that Catherine Rae was the replacement representative. A thank you was noted from the Committee to Pamela for her involvement.
2 / Minute of the meeting held on 8 May 2013
The minute was approved as a correct record of the discussions.
3 / Matters arising from previous minute
3.1 / Participation Standard 2012-13
Laura Gray explained that the Participation Standard is how the Scottish Health Council assesses the Board’s PFPI performance. She noted that NHS Grampian had achieved Level 4, which is the highest that can be achieved. The standard forms part of the performance report submitted to the Scottish Government in time for the Annual Review discussion, which will take place on 7th October. A full report produced by the SHC will be forwarded to Committee members when it is made available.
The Committee noted congratulations on achieving Level 4 of the Standard. / LG
3.2 / Foresterhill Site car parking update
Laura Gray noted that she had discussed the matter with Gary Mortimer, General Manager of Facilities, who confirmed that the Foresterhill Car Parking Steering Group was re-convening in September, which will discuss the impact of the changes introduced in August 2012. A full update will be provided at the next Committee meeting but in the interim any relevant information will be forwarded by email to the Committee members.
4 / PFPI Assurance
4.1 / PFPI Committee workshop - next steps?
Discussions were held regarding the evaluation and outcomes of the valuable and helpful workshop which was held on 8th May. From the feedback provided it was felt necessary for the Committee to produce a Framework document to encompass PFPI, person centred care and the 2020 vision. There were also several short term actions such as updating the membership by inviting third sector and Local Authority representatives onto the Committee and reviewing the remit.
Richard Carey noted that it would be useful for the Framework document to be aligned with NHS Grampian Strategic Themes.
Cllr Robertson noted that the Local Authorities and third sector already have public involvement structures and suggested that a mapping exercise be completed for common ground to ensure there would be no duplication of the work.
Laura Gray noted that an action plan with short, medium and long term actions will be produced and the proposals will be brought to the next Committee meeting in November. / LG/LD
4.2 / NHS and Third Sector Engagement Matrix
The tool and guidance for improving engagement between health boards and the third sector was provided to the Committee. Laura Dodds noted that she and Mark McEwan, who is the third sector lead for NHS Grampian, were meeting that afternoon with Third Sector Interface (TSI) leads to discuss which area the Board would take forward as their contribution to the template.
Wilma Forrest enquired whether the Local Authorities would be included and it was confirmed that the focus was on improving engagement with the third sector initially. Cllr Robertson stated that the matrix should be highlighted to the Local Authorities to raise awareness prior to integration.
Laura Dodds confirmed that she would take the suggestions to the meeting that afternoon and provide an update at the next Committee meeting.
The Committee noted the Engagement Matrix. / LD
5 / Equality and Diversity
5.1 / Equality and Diversity Briefing Paper
Thebrief paper provided information on Impact Assessor Training, Equality and Diversity Training and the increased demand for interpretation and translation along with British Sign Language interpretation and material in large print.
5.2 / Bi-lingual Health Link Worker Progress Report March – May 2013
A detailed report had been previously circulated. Nigel noted that in many cases, as well as providing help, support and advice on healthcare matters, the Health Link Worker had also signposted people to a wide range of other agenciesincluding voluntary bodies. This was a good example of close working with the third sector.
Richard Careynoted that many of the clients helped were Polishor Eastern European and asked whether similar support existed for other ethnic communities in Grampian. Nigel advised that more than half of all recent migrant workers and their families coming to Grampian were from Eastern Europe, hence the majority of Health Link Worker resources were focused on these communities. However, other Health Link Workers have been appointed to help the Indian, Pakistani, Bangladeshi and Chinese community. In addition, all Health Link Workers are equipped with the “Language Line” telephone interpretation service which gives them access to expert interpreters, on the telephone, for over 170 different languages. This meant they can communicate with anyone who needed their help, regardless of language.
In response to a question, Nigel confirmed that the funding for Ms Sokolowska`s post came to an end in November 2013. Currently, he was making applications to various funding bodies to try and secure funds to continue this extremely valuable work.
Cllr Robertson suggested that Nigel should approach the Local Authorities through Community Planning to see whether they could assist. Nigel thanked Cllr Robertson for thehelpful suggestion.
The Committee noted both reports.
6 / Public Involvement and Consultation
6.1 / Public Involvement Team Quarterly Update
The update document was provided for the Committee. Laura Dodds highlighted the work with Children and Young People to develop a strategic vision/framework.
6.2 / Get-together and training events reports July 2013
Laura Dodds noted the valuable feedback received from the public representatives who attend the positively evaluated get-together and training events.
The Committee noted both updates.
7 / Patient Experience
7.1 / Handling and Learning from Feedback – Annual Report 2013
Louise Ballantyne talked through the comprehensive reportwhich is to demonstrate that NHS Grampian learns and makes improvement as a result of the feedback, comments, suggestions and complaints it receives. She noted the various sources of feedback including the use of social media i.e. Facebook, Twitter, Patient Opinion website etc. The report included how the sharing and handling of the feedback is processed from the initial receipt of the feedback through to the response signed by the Chief Executive or deputy. A training role has been established to support the Feedback system and E-learning modules will be available through the AT Learning system and may be included as mandatory training for certain staff groups. Louise also talked through the various graphs and tables which highlighted statistical information such as complaints received by sector, severity and outcome. Discussions were held regarding the reporting of concerns as these are not recorded on the Datix system. Linda Oldroyd commented that if a concern was written on a Feedback Form then there should be a method of recording this on Datix. Roelf noted that Real Time Feedback was important and was included in the 5 elements for person centred care. It was also important to manage people’s expectations. NHS Grampian has a responsibility to explain why certain services cannot be provided. Laura Dodds noted that there is a lot of positive feedback received and that it is beneficial to all staff to hear this.
The Committee noted the report.
7.2 / Person-centred Report August 2013
Linda Oldroyd talked through the report which included a brief update on national and local person-centred activity. She highlighted the National Person-centred Health and Care Programme Learning Sets. Two Learning Sets have been held in Glasgow with a third scheduled for Nov 2013. A number of initiatives are being taken forward as a result of the Learning Sets.
Linda also tabled an update on the National Patient Experience Surveys.
The Committee noted the report and the update paper.
8 / Sector PFPI Updates
Detailed reports were received from all sectors
8.1a / Aberdeen City CHP
Catherine Rae talked through the submissions in the report highlighting the Carer’s Exercise and Support Class which is being held at the same time as the “short breaks” respite group which will enable carers to leave the people they care for in a supporting environment to attend the class in the same building. Wilma Forrest noted that this support was extremely important for carers. Laura Gray confirmed that funding for a Moving and Handling Training post for Carers has been agreed from the Carers Information Strategy Fund.
Richard Carey commended the work involved in the Aberdeen Golden Games.
8.1b / Moray Community Health & Social Care Partnership
Tracey Gervaise talked through a selection of the submissions in the report. She noted that the Dr Gray’s Hospital Reconfiguration work has experienced some time delays. She will provide a further update for the next Committee meeting.
8.1c / Acute Sector
The report was tabled as apologies for the meeting had been received from Eleanor Murray and David Cooper.
8.1d / Mental Health & LD
Pauline Rae noted that the Service User Reference Panel meetings have ceased for the foreseeable future. Members of the group continue to be kept informed through email and panel members continue to be involved with many areas of work. She noted that Children & Young People’s service is working closely with clients on ways to improve communication through new technology such as social media, sms messaging etc.
Discussions were had on the staffing levels at RoyalCornhillHospital as there had been a great deal of public awareness and media activity. It was noted that staffing levels had improved and that 25 newly trained nurses had been successfully appointed. Laura Gray confirmed that a visit to the hospital will be included in the programme of the Annual Review of NHS Grampian by Michael Matheson.
8.1e / Public Health
As Linda Duthie, Public Health representative, had to leave the meeting the report was noted.
8.1f / Aberdeenshire CHP
Rieta Vilar talked through several of the submissions in the update report highlighting the work in relation to the Inverurie Pathfinder Project. She also confirmed that Adam Coldwells, General Manager, Aberdeenshire & Moray CHPs, regularly facilitates staff briefings by podcast which has received very positive feedback. Rieta also noted that there would be a Joint Inspection for Services for Older People in late August. The report of the findings will be shared with the PFPI Committee at the next meeting.
The Chair thanked the sector representatives for the detailed reports and encouraged their attendance at the Committee meetings / RV
9 / Patient Public and Carer Information
9.1 / NHSG Carer Information Strategy 2013-14 – Submission to Scottish Government
Laura Gray presented the submission to the Scottish Government. The Carer Information Strategy Group had held a workshop in June. The focus of this workshop had been to take a more strategic view of the priorities for the remaining 18 months of Carers Information Strategy funding. These included the importance of staff training and the need to ensure that projects were sustainable and that the learning could be embedded across the organisation.
10 / Learning, Development and Assessment
10.1 / Scottish Health Council
A written update report was tabled and noted as no representative from the SHC was available to attend.
11 / Advocacy and Volunteering
Laura Gray stated that she was in regular communication with Advocacy North East and Advocacy Service Aberdeen. She asked if it would be possible to allow representatives from each agency to attend the next Committee meeting to update on their projects.
The Committee agreed to the request and an invitation to the two Advocacy agencies to attend over the next two meetings of the Committee will be issued.
Laura Gray confirmed that the re-accreditation process for the Investing in Volunteers award was ongoing. A number of volunteers and NHS Grampian staff were to be interviewed by the assessors in late August. Laura will update the Committee at the next meeting on the outcome. / LG
12 / Items for information
12.1 / Minutes of Acute Sector PFPI Group 14 Mar 2013
12.2 / NHS Grampian Public Forum Report 27 June 2013
12.3 / Minutes of Carers Information Strategy Group 26 March 2013
12.4 / Minutes of Carers Information Strategy Group 30 April 2013
12.5 / Minutes of Carers Information Strategy Group 28 May 2013
12.6 / NHS Grampian DDA Review Group 20 May 2013
13 / Any other Competent Business
Jane Adam noted a concern with a security matter when she was conducting a cleaning audit on one of the wards at ARI. Richard confirmed that he would ensure that the matter is addressed.
Roelf offered to update the Committee at the next meeting on the Unscheduled Care Programme
Laura Gray noted that a pilot on open visiting hours was ongoing at several wards within ARI and she will provide an update for the Committee at the next meeting. / RD
The Chair thanked everyone for their attendance and closed the meeting.
13 / Date of next meeting:
10am Wednesday 20 Nov, Seminar Room, Summerfield House