Monday, 08 May, 2017
Meeting opened: 7:07pm
Present: Bindi Rose, Julie So Choy, Vicky Taifalos, Belinda Johnston, Robert Leonforte, Juanita Hunter, Selena Kilpatrick, Robyn Sheahan. Apologies: Kayleen Wright, Jason Drury, Maria MacDonald, Dominique Maidment.
Acceptance of Minutes: The minutes of the previous meeting were tabled and accepted.
Moved: Belinda Johnston. Seconded: Selena Kilpatrick.
Business arising from previous meeting:
Out of School Hours Care: Camp Australia won the tender. Start date towards end of July.
Tuckshop front: painting by Andrea Rocca looks fantastic.
Cleaning of outside of buildings: Belinda advised this can be done by BAS. Once approved Kayleen can
organise cleaners or wait for Qld Education to prioritise. Cleaning of outside of buildings happens once a
year. Vicky queried if the school owns a high pressure cleaner for cleaning paths etc. Belinda will look into
this and also into what is done during the annual spring clean of the school.
Correspondence: Invitation to P&C Qld Event: Cairns 10 June (RSVP)
Fundraising materials
Payment from Debbie’s Place for ad in school flyer ($5)
Receipt from school: $2838.19
Treasurer’s report:
Julie presented the report in Dominique’s absence.
Opening balance MARCH $39,190.90
Closing balance MARCH $39,685.11
Gross Takings Easter Raffle $598.40
Cost of Prizes -$106.00
Profit to date $492.40
Voluntary contributions (end March): 2017 $4230 (direct deposit available this year)
2016 $3275
Cheques to pay:
Selena (Easter raffle prizes) $106
McKinnon & Co (annual audit fee) $495
Moved: Julie So Choy. Seconded: Rob Leonforte
Tuckshop report:
January closing: $23,642.55
February closing: $23,337.11
March closing: $23,340.70
May current: $25,663.48
CBA account still open ($29). Vicky just needs two signatories to go to bank to close. Flexi schools is doing really well (bringing in more than $1000 per month).
Discussion about new t-shirt options. Votes have been coming in to Belinda from parents via email.
Option A: 72 / Option B: 29. Request for Casey to get a sample of option A to see.
Report Moved: Vicki Taifalos. Seconded: Robert Leonforte.
Principal’s Report:
Kayleen sends apologies for missing the meeting tonight due to illness.
Life Education Van has been excellent. Thanks to P&C for support.
Atherton Tablelands Instrumental Music is requesting support for their Brass & Concert Bands Spectacular
Fundraiser. It has been advertised in school newsletter.
Camp Australia won the tender for Outside School Hours Care service. Start date week 3, term 3 (July).
NAPLAN this week
Tolga Athletics days: Thursday 08 June, Friday 09 June
It is Tolga’s turn this year to cater for District Sports in July. To be organised next meeting.
Does the P&C want paperwork to apply for grant through Gambling Community Benefit Fund this year?
P&C agreed to apply for money to go towards: assisting with funds for grandstand; covering basketball court
on oval; cleaning outside of school buildings, gutters etc; outside seating; painting undercover area.
Budget: school owns more than it owes.
Moved: Belinda Johnston. Seconded: Juanita Hunter.
General Business:
Robyn advised that she has not yet used garden money for plants. Gardens need mulching. Mulch and
working bee to be organised.
Jason sent in query about participating in Colgate Recycling Program.
After discussion it was agreed not to go ahead.
Student leaders and councillors are running a fluoro free-dress day to raise money for Epilepsy and Autism.
Teachers will give 5 minute presentation in class on epilepsy & autism in collaboration with free dress day.
P&C meeting dates (2017) have not yet been published: Rob confirmed his availability, so Bindi will send
these to Kimberley to put in school newsletter/flyer.
Julie: Kursty Joy (tuckshop assistant) has asked if P&C would pay (for paint) to paint an out-of-bounds area in
front of tuckshop. P&C supports this but after discussion needs to research what type of paint is best to use.
Discussion followed about whether the rest of the lines on concrete in undercover area require fresh paint
also and whether P&C should wait for students to raise their money to paint games onto concrete, so that all
painting can be done at once. To be further discussed. In the meantime Belinda will talk to staff about
implementing an out-of-bounds area in front of tuckshop so that students have space to line up.
Julie would like to send out school levy reminder letter. Belinda will help Julie to update letter and email out
to families that have not yet paid.
Julie has organised the pie-drive for term 3. Orders close: 25 August / Delivery: 13 September.
Julie will look at pushing these dates back if possible.
Pies $7.30 Sell price $10.00
Lamingtons $4.50 Sell price $6.00
Vicky: advised that students that ride scooters to school have the problem of where to keep them. Belinda will look into whether there is an available space for them to be stored.
Next meeting: June meeting: Monday 05 June, 2017
Meeting closed: 8:37pm