HB Huddle- Stir and Steering Meeting January 2, 2018
Meeting Map
Attendees: Cathey, Brendon, Greg, Patricia, Brandon, Aileen, Shayna, Libby, Zeta, Aubrey, Lorelei, Cynthia, Karen, Bethany, Carey Jo, Gayle
Agenda Item/Outcome / Identified Action(s) / Action Date / Person Responsible / Status A/IP/C1.Welcome/Introductions as needed
Community Partner for this Quarter
This quarter the plan is to partner with Oak View Youth Soccer League
It services approximately 700 kids
$15 for each kid to play during the season
Give soccer balls to kids this weekend
Money go towards fields, uniforms, referees
Motion to sponsor the Oak View Youth Soccer League for this quarter
All in favor - all
Oppose - none / Shayna to send to write up to send in newsletter
2.Topic Local Elections/OC Board of Supervisors
Guest Speaker Costa Mesa Dem Club Brandon Love
Importance of looking at the county level
County formed in 1889 – 13,000 residents, governed by 5 people
Currently 3.2 million people in OC – more than the population of 21 states
6th largest county in the US
18,000 employees at county still only managed by 5 supervisors
Last year’s budget was over $6 billion (more than state of Iowa)
24 people who have served as county supervisors in OC in last three decades, only one was a Democrat
37 elections in the last three decades
These are nonpartisan races – so people don’t know who they want to vote for
It’s the only race on the ballot that can be game over in June – if there’s more than 50%, then there’s no general election
Need to do your homework because it won’t say on the ballot who a Democrat
Each supervisor represents about 600,000 people – which is about same as Congress
It’s a pipeline to higher office
Does it make more sense to focus on districts that are more winnable?
Look at what districts are up right now – District 4 – Fullerton/Anaheim (no incumbent), Joe Kerr
South County – incumbent running
Our district
Stressed the importance of voting down ballot – DA, Sheriff, Assessor, three administrative position
We directly elect them, you’re indirectly making the entire county Republican
January 11 the Local Elections team is going to talk about their strategy moving forward / Local Elections Team will discuss in their next meeting action plans to tackle county seats
3.Communications Team Update
Facebook:We lost our intern, now looking for someone to help with Facebook – bring it up in groups
Website: approval to reup the annual subscription $99, would also like $150 approved to look into building out a new site for plugins
Bethany motioned to authorize $250 for communications
Libby seconded
This will allow us to have two websites in two domains and have an easy transfer
All in favor – all
Motion to share the Straw Poll results
A lot of work has gone into the people who are there, number of tickets
Delicate ecosystem happening, adding potential level of controversy – it’s emotionally charged
Top 4 aligned with our top 4 picks
All in favor of releasing the exact numbers before the debate: 2
Oppose - 14
Weekly Digest:
Basecamp: Need to improve our internal information
Libby purchased HB Huddle pins for us to wear at Women’s March
4.Huddle Candidate Debate Update/Final Plans
Need pictures from each group – anything you’ve done
Volunteers need to be there at 8am
For action team tables – can share your table with an organization that you work with, possibility to have outside seating with audio
Candidates will each have a table
Candidates in 74th and 72nd district will each have a table
Five HB Huddle groups will each have a table
Security guards - $23/hour
Motion for second security guard
All in favor – unanimous
Motion to spend up to $800 on debate at discretion of planners
All in favor – unanimous
On 8ththe debate planners will have a meeting, will test the system to find out what problems we have
Motion to allow Brandon Reiser and Rachel Payne to have table at debate, and any other candidate that asks
The candidates have paid to be part of this and to have our attention
Possibility we’ll host a future debate and they can be invited. We will set criteria if we decide to have another debate
All in favor – none
All oppose – unanimous
5.Action Team Updates:
Local Elections: Went dark in December, next meeting January 11, will look at the known candidates, calendar, Run for Something
Environment: Didn’t have a meeting for six weeks, but started planning for April event, created Google doc, decided on three speakers, one confirmed, changed meeting to the first Tuesday of the month, Karen potentially stepping down and brought up it might be important to potentially discuss structure of huddle
NoBan/NoWall: presence of Procession of Lady of Guadalupe, went to OVSD school board meeting, went to Young Dem dinner, soccer league starting this weekend and will hand out soccer balls to the kids
Women’s Rights: Women’s March will not give specifics on route until closer because of security, march will start and stop at the same place
Planning for 15,000 can expand up to 30,000
Can print out flyers
Starts at 9am – ocwomensmarch.com
Need to do a one-hour training to volunteer
Libby is also planning a Women’s Rally for March 3
Healthcare: December 11 meeting, subcommittee put together, six US guests about what they’ve done in their state for healthcare
250 SB562 supporters, packed the whole place
CA Gov website can listen to the meeting
Jim Woods – co-chair – his website can access it from there
Next meeting in March will be about SB562 / At future Steering Team meeting discuss potential restructure of the Huddle
6.Finance Update
See section on debate planning
7.February Huddle
Secure venue
Motion to secure venue for February, March, April
All in favor - unanimous
Secure Speakers – Dr. Bill
Need to have 15 minutes for candidates
Oscar to come and talk about community partner / Bethany will call and secure venue for Feb, March, April
8.March Huddle
Secure venue
Format / Will discuss Caucus at next meeting
9.April Huddle
Secure venue
Secure program aka Speakers
Environment is working on this / Environment team is planning
10.March to the Polls aka Women’s March Anniversary January 20- Santa Ana
Bus – will set up event bright to take bus
$200 for a deposit
Meeting Place – HB Library
11.Facilitator for Steering Team
Motion to have Cathey continue to facilitate
All in favor – unanimous
Push next meeting to January 23
All in favor – unanimous
Motion to reimburse Bethany for shirts
All in favor - unanimous
12.HB City Council Attendance
January: Local Elections
February: Healthcare
March: No Ban/No Wall
April: Women’s Rights
May: Environment
Information Distribution
Material Distributed / Distributor/Author / Archive LocationAccomplishments
Accomplishment / Team / Date(1/2/2018) Steering Team Meeting Map1