Together we Care, Learn and Grow

Friday 16th October 2015

Lunchtime menu for the week commencing 5th October

Monday Cheese and tomato pasta, treacle sponge and custard

Tuesday Roast Pork Dinner, Krispie cereal bar

Wednesday Shepherd’s pie, Chocolate orange Sponge and chocolate sauce

Thursday Chicken Korma, apple crumble and custard

Friday Battered fish, fresh fruit salad and yoghurt

Harvest Festival

Thank you to everyone who came and joined us to celebrate harvest festival. We are sure your kind donations of food will be welcome by the Ryedale food bank.

Celebration Assembly

Please note NO celebration assembly on 3rd November.

Maths – Calculations Classes

Mr Moorwood is offering parents another opportunity to attend a Maths session after school, he is currently just trying to judge if this is something parents want. If you are interested please complete the slip below and indicate which day would be most convenient.

Gardening Club

Gardening club have requested, on a Wednesday please can you send old clothes in that it doesn’t matter if they get muddy.


We are all ready for this half term break, as you are probably aware we have a lot of bugs/illness in school in the last couple of weeks. It is a county policy that if a child has been sick or had diarrhoea, they must be kept away from school for 48 hours from the time of the last bout of illness. This is really important to stop the transmission of diarrhoea and sickness infections. For guideline on other illness please either check the Health Protection Agency website or ask to see the HPA poster in the school office.


Accompanying this newsletter is a slip about clubs, please check the clubs your child is signed up for, this is until the Christmas break. We ask if a child signs up for a club that they commit to attending for that half term. Where illness or medical appointments are unavoidable then allowances will be made.

Upcoming dates for the term

3rd November - Back to school

4th November - 9.15am FOLS meeting – school hall

9th November- 3.10pm FOLS coffee afternoon

10th November- 3.15pm Parents meeting Year 4,5 & 6 Summer residential

11th November - year1 and year 2 Flu vaccine (letter and consent form sent out last week)

19th November- Herbies birthday lunch

20th November - Non uniform day

28th November - Christmas Fair

15th December- Christmas Play

17th December- Family Christmas Lunch followed by carols in Church

18th December - Christmas party and last day of school

5th January 2016- Back to school


Alison Stephenson

Luttons Community Primary School,WestLutton,MALTON,North Yorkshire. YO17 8TF

Telephone: 01944 738232 E-mail: Website:

Headteacher: Mrs Alison Stephenson