Professional Development Committee2/5/16
1. Introductions/ Attendees
Todd, SCott, Bill, Matt, Tracy, Reese, Gustavo (Delano)
2. Introduction of Program Manager of Professional Development
a. Introduction of Reese
is with us 95% of the time.
b. Reese to be responsible for coordinating conferences...shadowing Tarina for Reforming California Community Colleges Conference on 2/18
C. Reese might help out with running Renegade Talks
D. PD Academy focus
E. Newsletter
- Matt asked how the newsletter would be delivered. Todd said Leslie was working to get a tool that allows Reese to input content and worry less about template design.
3. Approval of Minutes
Approval of Minutes from 12/4- Notes approved by All. Scott made the motion, Bill seconded.
4. Spring FLEX Debrief
A. Huge Success
Todd- setting a cutoff date to cement which sessions would be run was a huge success to help prevent juggling things around last minute.
Judy had plenty of time to schedule and input all room and information in the portal.
B. Turnout
Huge turnout in the fall.
Mid Year Turnout was typical, about half of what we normally see. Lunch was delivered, pizza was the food.
People thought pizza was a nice change.
5. Team Status Updates- Leads
Goal #1: PD Academies (Coston)
-(ACTION) Bill to give a Microsoft Office Course Outline to Reese.
- Dena adding...started meeting with executive secretaries, holding trainings at the district. found a lot of classified new hires, not getting training on banner, ods, etc. Good time for people to mingle and start building a network. Get support staff training to support their departments.
- Todd suggests we want to start getting those training dates, locations into the portal. Culture of looking in the portal.
-Dena said one hesitation with ODS was that computers needed to be loaded with it on campus. Todd recommended we could have laptops reinstalled and then set up, IT would just need lead time.
Goal #2: Develop a communication plan for disseminating professional development information. (Coston)
- Todd says there's more information but recommends Reese sitting with Leslie.
Goal #3: Develop a new employee orientation in conjunction with HR. (Peat and Rhodes)
- Dena: New Hire Orientation is going to be February 25th. Breakfast and lunch provided. Faculty are invited. This will be held at the District Office. Any new hire from 8/15 onward.
- the last one had 75 people attend.
- These orientations are held 3 times a year. Dates are changed throughout the year in an attempt to capture more people. For example Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday alternating.
- Dena mentioned that new hires typically are interested in getting more information about 2 months after they've started work. Scott recommended PDC hosts something.
- Scott presented a spreadsheet detailing a series of issues that people within his department weren't told about. These are ideas for Creating a website that is a one stop shop for people to reference for items such as how to get a parking pass, keys to classroom, etc.
- Todd suggests there is some pretty cool interactive map stuff we could do with the drone.
- Reese and Scott may get access to help schedule and update portions of the website.
Goal #4: Investigate the strengths quest and strengths finder concept and provide a recommendation. (Enriquez)
- Todd talked to Sonya, Sonya was open to the idea of toying around with the idea at a management retreat to test whether or not it is worthwhile.
- Next line, Todd as it gets closer to summer, to recommend to try with the management team.
6. 2 Scholarships needing approval
A. Bernadette Towns
I. Just waiting for Bernadette to do her thing and submit paperwork.
Ii. Sarah Baron
Only in her second semester. Can we approve if she is only in her second semester. AT what point can you start benefitting from professional development committee.
(ACTION) When we have a larger group, we need to vote on the criteria for allowing full time faculty to benefit from pd money.
Approval of Sarah's request.
Next Meeting 3/4 8:30-10:00am.