205 North Seventh Street, 3rd Floor, Zanesville, Ohio 43701
Phone (740) 455-6703 Fax (740) 455-6702
To have your childplaced on a current waiting list, copies of the following verificationsmust be submitted with this application:
- Proof of income (4 most recent pay-stub, previous year’s income tax, or statement from caseworker/SSI)
- Proof of Residency (deed, rental agreement, tax statement, utility bill, building permit, voter registration card)
- Child’s Birth Certificate(cannot accept birth/hospital record)
- Child's Current Immunization Record
- Custody Papers, if applicable
Child's Name:
LastBirth City______
Race: White Black/Non-Hispanic Multiracial Hispanic Asian American Indian/Alaskan Native
Gender: Male Female (race/genderfor statistical purposes only)
Street or PO BoxCityZip
Phone______Alternate Phone ______County
What School District do you live in? East M West M Tri Valley Franklin Other
Which Elementary Building will your child attend?
Child lives with: Mother Yes No
Mother's NameIs Mother employed?Yes No
Birth DateEmployer
(Maiden Name)Number of hours worked each week
SS #Total Monthly (gross) Income
Is mother currently enrolled in school? Yes No
Child lives with: Father Yes No
Father’s NameIs Father employed? Yes No
Birth DateEmployer
SS #Number of hours worked each week
Is father currently enrolled in school? Yes No Total Monthly(gross) Income
Other Income Sources:SSI, OWF, Child Support, etc.
Monthly Amount
Monthly Amount
If child does notlive with biological parent, who is the legal guardian?
Name ______Relation to child ______Birth Date ______
Other children and/or adults living in the home(not previously listed)
Name Birth Date Relationship to Enrolled Child
How did you hear about our program?
Describe briefly why you’re interested in enrolling your child in preschool? (Havingno childrento interactwith, beingan only
child, having no previous preschool experience, etc.)
Please explain
Have there been any major changes in your child's life? (Death in the family,parent job change,divorce, new baby, remarriage,
etc.) Yes No
If yes; please explain
Is your childfullypotty-trained? Yes No
If other than English,what is the primary language spoken in yourhome?
**NOTE: County Connectionscollaborates with the Head Start Program to refer income-eligible families whennecessary.
To the best of my knowledge, all the information given on this form is correct. Incorrect information could lead to thedismissal
of my child from the program. I understand participation in the program is voluntary.
Parent/Guardian Signature______Date
Form #1
Rev. 5/14