Todd S. Frobish, PhD
Dept. of Communication 5620 Bimini Place
FayettevilleStateUniversity Fayetteville, NC28314
1200 Murchison Road 910-916-1503 (cell)
Fayetteville, NC28301
910-672-1206 (o)
Ph.D. The Pennsylvania State University, Department of Speech Communication (Rhetoric & Computer-Mediated Communication), August 2002. Dissertation: Faces in the Phosphor Dots: A Rhetorical Analysis of Ethos and Identity in Computer-Mediated Communication. Dissertation Committee: J. Michael Hogan (director), Thomas Benson, Christopher Johnstone, Ronald Bettig.
M.A. University of Louisiana, Monroe, Department of Speech Communication (Rhetoric and Communication Theory), December 1997. Thesis: A Transcendental Theory of Ethos as an Extension of Aristotle’s Classical Construct: Presidential Acceptance Speeches and the Construction of Political Ethos. Thesis Committee: Patrick Hebert (director), James Whitfield, Shirley Whitfield.
B.A. University of Florida, Department of Communication Studies, Communication Studies, May 1996. Advisor: Anthony Clark
A.A. Manatee Community College, General Education, May 1994.
Academic Employment:
2012-2014Chair and Professor
Department of CommunicationFayetteville State University
2012-2013Chair and Association Professor
Department of CommunicationFayetteville State University
2010-2012Interim Chair and Associate Professor
Department of CommunicationFayetteville State University
2009-2010Associate Professor and Area Coordinator
Communication Fayetteville State University
2006-2009Associate Professor and Area Coordinator
Speech/Theatre and Communication Fayetteville State University
2005-2006Assistant Professor and Area Coordinator
Speech/TheatreFayetteville State University
2003-2005Assistant Professor
Speech/TheatreFayetteville State University
2002-2003Chair and Assistant Professor
Speech Communication StudiesIona College
2000-2003Assistant Professor
Speech Communication StudiesIona College
1998-2000Graduate Teaching Assistant
Speech CommunicationPennsylvania State University
1997Graduate Teaching AssistantNortheast Louisiana University
Academic Awards and Grants:
- $106,000 Academic Affairs Funding for TV Control Room Equipment
- $43,000 Title III Grant to Support Staffing for the Student Radio Station.
- UNC Board of Governors' Excellence in Teaching Award. (2011, May).
- $219,000 Title III Grant to Enhance the Telecommunications Building. (2010, Nov).
- $120,000 Summer Title III Grant to Enhance the Telecommunications Building (2010, May).
- 2008-09Service Award for Lasting Contribution to the Communication Program
- Received Early Tenure. (2008, August).
- 2007-2008 University Teacher of the Year Award.FayettevilleStateUniversity.
- Research and Publication Award. (2007). College of Humanities and Social Sciences. FayettevilleStateUniversity.
- Teacher of the Year. Departmental Award. (2007). Department of Performing and Fine Arts. FayettevilleStateUniversity.
- Research and Publication Award. (2007). Department of Performing and Fine Arts. FayettevilleStateUniversity.
- Received Early Promotion to Associate Professor. (2006, August).
- $9000 Fulbright-Hays Grant. (2006). Summer Abroad Intensive Seminar Program in Budapest, Hungary.
- $1400 Institutional Grant. (2006). Travel support for Summer Abroad Intensive Seminar Program in Budapest, Hungary.Funding by the Office of Sponsored Research, FayettevilleStateUniversity.
- $1800 Institutional Grant. (2005). Travel support for MEDIACOM convention, Lodz Academy of International Studies, Lodz, Poland. Funding by the College of Humanities and Social Sciences, FayettevilleStateUniversity.
- Research and Publication Award. Departmental Award. (2005). Department of Performing and Fine Arts. FayettevilleStateUniversity.
- Research and Publication Award. Departmental Award. (2004). Department of Performing and Fine Arts. FayettevilleStateUniversity.
- $500 Grant. (2002). Funding Support for IonaCollege’s 2nd Annual Town Hall Debate. Grant underwritten by James Rutherford, President and CEO, Our Lady of Mercy Health Care Systems.
- Top 3 Paper. (2002). Rhetoric and Public Address Division, Eastern Communication Association.
- $500 Faculty Instructional Technology Award. (2001). IonaCollege.
- Raymond S. Rogers Prize for outstanding graduate student research, teaching, and service. (2000). The American Communication Association.
- $50 Research Grant. College of Liberal Arts Research and Graduate Studies Office, The PennsylvaniaStateUniversity. PennState Graduate Research Exhibition, 2000.
- $200 Research Travel Award. LiberalArtsCollege Research Grant, The PennsylvaniaStateUniversity
- Finalist. (1999). Mary E. Jarrard Outstanding Graduate Student Research Award
- Top 4 Paper. (1999). Rhetoric/Public Address Division, Southern States Comm Association.
Faculty Online Training Workshop
Banner Navigation Fundamentals
FEMA Certificate of Emergency Management in Higher Education
Serena Collage Web Training
Taskstream Training
Digital Measures Training
Ingenuix Web Training
Grievance Mediation Certificate
Employment Law Boot Camp Certificate
Title IX Sexual Misconduct Certificate
Workplace Bullying Certificate
UNC Department Chairs' Workshop
Research Interests:
Public Address
Rhetorical Theory and Criticism
Ethos and Issues of Image and Credibility
Computer-Mediated Communication
The Rhetoric of Technology
Political Communication
Classical Rhetorical Theory
Thesis and Dissertation Work
Committee Member
William Greg Thomas, EdD Dissertation, Speech Communication Education in Higher Education, Dissertation Committee: Dr. Noran Moffett, Dr. Tuwannah Allen, Dr. Alexandru Stana, and Dr. Todd Frobish. Expected Defense December 2014.
Committee Member
Patricia Lage, MA Thesis, “Genetic Mapping of Root, Shoot, Yield, and Yield Component Traits in the ‘Pyramid’ by ‘Douglas’ Recombinant Inbred Line (RIL) Population of Soybean[Glycine Max(L.) Merr.]”. Thesis Committee: Dr. Abdelmajid Kassem (Chair), Dr. Muhammad Lodhi, and Dr. Todd Frobish. April 22, 2010.
- Frobish, T. (2007). (Ed.). Crises in American Oratory: A History of Rhetorical Inadequacy.Dubuque, IO: Kendall/Hunt Publishing.
- Watt, W., Frobish, T., et al. (2007). (Ed.) Speech Communication. 4th Ed. Boston, MA: McGraw-Hill.
Articles and Book Chapters:
- Frobish, T., and Baker, A. (2013, August). Techno-Politics:Presidential Rhetoricand the American Technological Mythology.(Maiden Issue).Covenant Journal of Communication, 1, 56-74.
- Griffiths, H., and Frobish, T. (2013, July). Virtual Deviance: Swinging and Swapping in an Online Network. Journal of Deviant Behavior, 34, 875-894.
- Frobish, T. (2012). On Pixels, Perceptions, and Personae:Toward a Model of Online Ethos. (Lead Chapter).In Apostel, S., and Folk, M. Online Credibility and Digital Ethos: Evaluating Computer-Mediated Communication.Hershey, PA: IGI Global.
- Frobish, T., and Thomas, William. (2012). Crafting an Online Political Ethos: Resurrecting Direct Mail Tactics on the Web. 2012 Hawaii University International Conference on Arts and Humanities Conference Proceedings.
- Frobish, T. (2007). Using Web-based Material for Research. In: Watt, B., et al. Speech
Communication: Theories and Practices. 4th Ed. Boston, MA: McGraw-Hill.
- Frobish, T. (2007). Portents of the Potent Pornographer: A Rhetorical Examination of the Ten Online Strategies Successful Pornographers Exploit to Earn Profit. In Lewandowska-Tomaszczyk, B, and Płudowski, T., and Tanno, D. (Eds). The Media and International Communication. Frankfurt/Main: Peter Lang.
- Frobish, T. (2006, Spring). Challenges and Possibilities for Future Contributors of Online Journals.(Maiden Issue).Global Media Journal, 1 (1). [Online].
- Frobish, T. (2006, March). The Virtual Vatican: A Case Study Regarding Online Ethos. Journal of Communication and Religion, 29, 38-69.
- Frobish, T. (2005, Jan-Dec). The Role of Ethos in Rhetorical Conversion: The Case of Ernst Jünger and Auf den Marmorklippen.International Journal of Communication, 15, 245-271.
- Frobish, T. (2004, August). Ritual as Communication. In Salamone, F. Encyclopedia of Religious Rites, Rituals and Festivals. NY: Routledge.
- Frobish, T.(2004, April). Sexual Profiteering and Rhetorical Assuagement: Examining Ethos and Identity at Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication.
- Frobish, T. (2003, April 15). Health Care in America: Reform Through Communication. A speech delivered by Sunil S. Jhangiani. Vital Speeches of the Day, LXIX, 414-416.
- Frobish, T. (2002, June). Neo-Luddite Rhetoric and Image Management. Peace Review, 14, 207-15.
- Frobish, T. (2002, February). Pedagogical Realities: Defining Eloquence in the 21st Century. American Communication Journal, 5, no. 2.
- Frobish, T. (2000, September). Altar rhetoric and online performance: Scientology, ethos, and the World Wide Web.(Lead Article).American Communication Journal, 4, no. 1. [Online].
- Frobish, T. (2000, July). Jamieson meets Lucas: eloquence and pedagogical model(s) in The Art of Public Speaking. Communication Education, 49, 239-52.
Book Reviews:
- Frobish, T. (2001, July). Culture @nd Technology in the New Europe: Civic Discourse in Transformation in Post-Communist Nations. Lengel, L. A book review for Southern Communication Journal, 66, 350-351.
- Frobish, T. (2000, May). Dancing in Chains: Narrative and Memory in Political Theory. Dienstag, J. A book review for the Quarterly Journal of Speech, 86, 242-4.
- Frobish, T. (1999, May). Cybersociety 2.0: Revisiting Computer-Mediated Communication and Community. Jones, S. (Ed.). A book review for The American Communication Journal,2, no. 3.
Convention/Academic Presentations:
- Frobish, T. (2014, April 6). "Techno-Politics: Presidential Rhetoric and the American Technology Mythology." A Paper for Southern States Communication Association, New Orleans, LA.
- Frobish, T. (October 5, 2013). "Techno-Politics: Presidential Rhetoric and the American Technology Mythology." A Paper for the Carolinas Communication Association, Charlotte, NC.
- Frobish, T. (2013, February 15). "Credibility and the Network: Evaluating and Establishing Digital Ethos." A Paper for Networked Humanities Convention, Lexington, KY.
- Frobish, T. (2012, October 5). "The More, the Merrier": Sociological and Rhetorical Dimensions of an Online Swingers' Network. Paper for the Carolinas Communication Association, Aiken, SC.
- Frobish, T. (2012, October 5). Debater for "Debating the Need for Change in the Way We Teach the Basic Speech Course." Panel Contribution for the Carolinas Communication Association, Aiken, SC.
- Frobish, T., and Thomas, William. (2012, January, 8). Crafting an Online Political Ethos: Resurrecting Direct Mail Tactics on the Web. Paper for the 2012 Hawaii University International Conference on Arts and Humanities, Honolulu, HI.
- Frobish, T., and Sadler, Gregory. (2010, November 2). Fighting Fire with Fire: The Ethical and Rhetorical Implication of Flaming. A Presentation for the Sociology Lecture Series, Fayetteville State University.
- Frobish, T. (2009). Political Speeches and Tech Mythologies. Faculty Symposium, Fayetteville State University.
- Frobish, T. (2008, November). “Technology in the Communication Curriculum.” Focus Group Participation, Sponsored by Bedford/St. Martin Publisher. National Communication Association Annual Convention, San Diego, CA.
- Frobish, T. (2008, April). “The Perfect Speech? What our Evaluation Measures Reveal about Us.” Paper for the 2008 Southern States Communication Association Annual Convention, Savannah, GA.
- Frobish, T., and B. Oyinade. (2007, October). “What Happens When We Forget? The Erosion of Institutional Memory at Historically BlackColleges and Universities.” Paper for the 2009 Public Memory and Ethnicity Conference, Portland, OR.
- Frobish, T. (2006, September). “Rhetorical Inadequacy: A Reality of Communication.” Paper for the 2006 Carolinas Communication Association’s Annual Convention, Charleston, SC.
- Frobish, T. (2005, June). “The Poison of Pornography: A Guide to Online Rhetorical Duplicity.” Paper for MEDIACOM - A WORKSHOP ON THE MEDIA AND INTERNATIONAL COMMUNICATION, LodzAcademy of International Studies, Lodz, Poland.
- Frobish, T. (2004, November). “How to Publish Online Porn: A Guide to Rhetorical Duplicity.” Paper for the 2004 National Communication Association’s Annual Convention, Chicago, IL.
- Frobish, T. (2004, November). “Breaking Traditions: Hoping, Coaxing, Begging for Change in Speech Pedagogy.” Paper for the 2004 National Communication Association’s Annual Convention, Chicago, IL.
- Frobish, T. (2004, April). "Crossing the Ultimate Boundary: Liminality,Rhetorical Conversion, and Ethos in Ernst Juenger'sAuf den Marmorklippen." Paper for the 2004 Faculty Symposium, Fayetteville State University.
- Frobish, T. (2004, April). “The Role of Ethos in Rhetorical Conversion: The Case of Ernst Jünger and Auf den Marmorklippen.” Paper for the Southern States Communication Association, Tampa, FL.
- Frobish, T. (2004, April). “The Virtual Vatican: A Case Study Regarding Online Ethos.” Paper for the Southern States Communication Association. Tampa, FL.
- Frobish, T. (2003, October). “Houses of Straw: The Dangers of Classroom Web Use.” Paper for Technology Week Symposium, FayettevilleStateUniversity.
- Frobish, T. (2003, April). “The Rhetorical Work of Ethos: The Case of Ernst Jünger and Auf den Marmorklippen.” Paper for the Eastern Communication Association, Washington, DC.
- Frobish, T. (2002, April). “The Virtual Vatican: Religious Ethos and Identity on the Web.” Top 3 Paper for the Eastern Communication Association, New York, NY.
- Frobish, T. (2001, November). “Turning Failure into Success: Inventing the Negative Canon for Public Speaking Pedagogy.” Presentation for a Short Course. The National Communication Association, Atlanta, GA.
- Frobish, T. (2001, October). “Pornographic Ethos and Identity on the Web: The Rhetoric of” Paper for the Association of Internet Researchers, Minneapolis, MN.
- Frobish, T. (2001, April). "Hippocratic What? The Advantages of Flaming in Online Health Support Groups." Paper for the Eastern Communication Association, Portland, ME.
- Frobish, T. (2001, April). "Tongues, Weapons, and Torture: The NeoPlatonic Ethics of Flaming." Paper for the Southern States Communication Association, Lexington, KY.
- Frobish, T. (2001, April). "Fences and Gateways: Challenges and Possibilities for Future Contributors of Online Journals." Paper for the Southern States Communication Association, Lexington, KY.
- Frobish, T. (2000, November). Invited Panelist. “The Communication Approach and Basic Public-Speaking: Engagement with those Working Outside our Textbooks.” National Communication Association, Seattle, WA.
- Frobish, T. (2000, September). “Altar Rhetoric and Online Performance: Scientology, Ethos, and the World Wide Web.” Paper for the New YorkState Communication Association, NY.
- Frobish, T. (2000, April). “The Neo-Luddite Manifesto and Image Politics.” Paper for the Southern States Communication Association, New Orleans, LA.
- Frobish, T. (2000, March). “The Rhetoric of Online Pornography: The Construction of Sexual Identities at” Graduate Research Exhibition, The PennsylvaniaStateUniversity.
- Frobish, T. (1999, November). “Techno-politics and Popular Resistance: the American Mythology of Progress.” Paper for the American Association for the Rhetoric of Science and Technology, Chicago, IL.
- Frobish, T. (1999, November). “Platonic Dialectic as Torture: Online Rhetoric, Public Sphere, and the Good” Paper for the National Communication Association, Chicago, IL.
- Frobish, T. (1999, November). Jamieson meets Lucas: Eloquence and Pedagogical Model(s) in The Art of Public Speaking. Paper for the National Communication Association, Chicago, IL.
- Frobish, T. (1999, October). “Replacing Viguerie: Political Discourse on the Web.” Finalist, Mary E. Jarrard Outstanding Graduate Student Research Award, for the 1999 Carolina Communication Association, Columbia, SC.
- Frobish, T. (1999, October). “Technopolitics and Popular Resistance: The Neo-Luddite Manifesto and Image Politics.” Paper for the 1999 Fall Conference of the Eastern Communication Association, Bloomsburg, PA.
- Frobish, T. (1999, April). "Anticipating Ethos: Notions of Character in Homer's Iliad" Paper for the Eastern Communication Association, Charleston, WV.
- Frobish, T. (1999, April). "Replacing Viguerie: Political Discourse on the Web." Top 4 Paper for the Southern States Communication Association, St. Louis, MO.
- Frobish, T. (1999, April). "Persuasion through Character in Homer: Anticipating Ethos" Paper for the Southern States Communication Association, St. Louis, MO.
- Frobish, T. (1998, November). "The Signification of KennedySpaceCenter's Space Mirror: A Site of Healing Public Memory" Paper for the National Communication Association, New York, NY.
- Frobish, T. (1998, November). "Resituating the Sublime in Rhetoric: Understanding Longinus, Burke, and Kant" Paper for the National Communication Association, New York, NY.
- Frobish, T. (1998, September). “Replacing Viguerie: Political Discourse on the Web" Paper for the 6th Biennial Public Address Conference, Iowa City, IO.
- Frobish, T. (1998, August). "Religious Ethos under Construction: Rhetorical Constructions of Credibility in ComputerMediated Discourse" Paper for the 1st Annual Louisiana Communication Association, New Orleans, LA.
- Frobish, T. (1998, April). "Transcendental Ethos: A Trend Analysis of Presidential Acceptance Speeches and the Construction of Political Ethos" Paper for the Southern States Communication Association, San Antonio, TX.
- Frobish, T. (1997, November). "An Academic Affair: A Rhetorical Analysis of the Creation and Development of a Contemporary Student Social Movement" Paper for The University of Southwestern Louisiana's 5th Annual MinConference, Lafayette, LA
- Frobish, T. (1997, April). "Reinvention of the South: SelfDefinition as Barrier to Communication" Paper for the Southern States Communication Association, Savannah, GA.
- Frobish, T. (1996, November). "Superman to Man to Superman: The Politicalization of Christopher Reeve in the 1996 Democratic Convention" Paper for The University of Southwestern Louisiana's 4th Annual MiniConference, Lafayette, LA
- Frobish, T. (1997, April). "Reinvention of the South: SelfDefinition as Barrier to Communication" Paper for the Southern States Communication Association, Savannah, GA.
Web Page Publications:
- Southeast Insurance Services. Business Website. (2006).
- BA in Communication Degree Program, Fayetteville State University. (2006-present). Resource for students, faculty, and the community. Provides information about our new BA in Communication at FSU.
- ETC Project. (2002). The ETC Project is an online resource for those studying Electronic rhetoric, Technology, and Computer-mediated communication.
- Communication Theory Division, Southern States Communication Association. (2001). Division website for members and potential conference attendees. Includes convention information, member lists, and communication links.
- New York State Communication Association. (2001). ( tfrobish/NYSCA). Resource for members and visitors. Includes publications, conference and membership information, and links to other communication sites.
- Department of Speech Communication Studies. (2001). ( arts&sci/speech). Informative site that includes major/minor information, faculty bios, what=s new, course descriptions, and links.
- Department of Speech Communication's Grad Forum. (1999-present). ( Website designed for the department=s graduate student population as a resource into the discipline of speech communication.
- Rhetorics of Science and Technology. (1999-present). ( ~aca/science.html). Web site designed for the Center for Communication Studies at the American Communication Association.
- Political Campaigns Course Web. (1999-present). ( spcom/197b/course.htm). Web site designed for Professor Michael J. Hogan under the auspices of a research grant.
- The Maryland/Penn State Exchange. (1998). Department of Speech Communication, The PennsylvaniaStateUniversity. ( information, online registration form, maps, directions, & contact information.
- The Graduate Students Interest Group at the Southern States Communication Association (1998). ( Recruitment page for new members, officer & conference information, and paper submission guidelines.
- Comgrads: The Communication Graduate Student Listserv (1998). ( student online listserv and its officers.
- The Graduate Student Association at The Pennsylvania State University (1998)
( GSA related information, including links to sites on financial aid, housing, and student organizations.
- Northeast Louisiana University's Department of Speech Communication and Theatre (1997). ( Departmental requirements, faculty information, and regional & national communication associations.
- Ouachita Junior High School, Monroe, Louisiana (1997). ( opjrhigh/index.html) Information on classes, faculty, and extra-circular activities.
Professional Service:
- Member, FSU 2015-2020 Strategic Planning Committe
- Videographer, Video Series, Let's Talk with Dr. Shanessa Fenner
- Chair, Department of Communication, Leadership Advisory Board
- Judge, FSU Debate Team events
- Building Manager, Telecommunications Building
- Editorial Review Board Member, Covenant Journal of Communication