Carlene A. Anderson, Superintendent

Mark Gardner, Director of Facilities

June, 2014

Walton County School District

145 Park Street

DeFuniak Springs, FL 32435

Facilities Department

555 Walton Road

DeFuniak Springs, FL 32433

Telephone 850-892-1100 ext. 1801

Fax 850-892-1198

Dear Facilities Team Member:

The purpose of this manual is to provide an update of acceptable and effective maintenance and operations management practices and current standards for educational facilities. It is also intended to provide a comprehensive framework for delivering beneficial and cost-effective services at each school. This manual will provide schools and administrators with a set of clearly defined, yet flexible guidelines that are intended to complement sound facilities management practices already in use and offer new ones where necessary.

It is important that all employees have the opportunity to review all departmental procedures and policies. These rules and guidelines should be applied consistently at all times. Each employee will have access to view the procedures in a hard copy format at the Facilities and/or Maintenance Departments or by visiting click on the Facilities Department linkthen proceed to Policies & Procedures.

We have the responsibility to provide a well-maintained learning environment for the students, faculty and staff of each school and/or district facility in the county.


Mark Gardner

Director of Facilities

“Making All Decisions in the Best Interest of Students.”

Gail Smith Faye Leddon Sharon Roberts Mark D. Davis DennisWallace

District 1 District 2 District 3 District 4 District 5

Our Vision:

The Facilities Services Department is dedicated to maintaining educational facilities which support student learning through a safe, clean, and healthy environment utilizing a team of professionals dedicated to continuous improvement and service excellence.

Our Mission:

To provide proactive quality building and maintenance and grounds services to our customers in a timely and cost effective manner. We will accomplish this through an emphasis on: professionalism, quality control, highly trained staff, safety, effective communication, and preventative maintenance.

Who we are:

We are a group of dedicated professionals and support staff that prides themselves on providing quality services for our educational facilities. We are maintenance, landscape and energy conservation workers. We are also community growth planners, construction managers, and service technicians.



The successful attainment of our mission requires the regular and punctual attendance of each employee.

It is understood that the time for reporting for work means that all personal tasks have been taken care of prior to the beginning of your authorized work day.

The hours of employment of employees covered by this Agreement shall be established by the Board and Collective Bargaining Agreement.


Employees are expected to report to the Facilities/MaintenanceDepartment at the beginning of the day for assignments for that day. These guidelines involve careful planning, scheduling, and the coordination, bringing together the appropriate combination of labor, skills, experience, knowledge, tools, equipment, and materials - at the right time and in the right combinations to satisfactorily complete work tasks, while simultaneously controlling costs. Employees should keep their director or supervisor informed as to the progress of completion of work orders and job assignments.

LEAVES: School Board Policy Chapter 6.0

All Facilities personnel, when calling in absent, are to call their work center and notify the Director of Facilities or Maintenance Foreman.

Any employee calling in absent should do so before his/her regular starting time. As much advance notice as possible is desirable, even if it involves calling the director at night or on a weekend. After the workday begins, no employee will leave his/her assigned work without notifying the Facilities Director or Maintenance Foreman.

All leave submissions and approvals shall be in accordance with School Board Policy and Collective Bargaining Agreement.


Key employees (Emergency Telephone Tree List) may be contacted after hours in response to an emergency at a school sites. Compensation for time will be based upon the number of hours worked. Calculation relative to overtime will depend on the number of hours worked during the respective pay roll period and in accordance with the Collective Bargaining Agreement.

TOBACCO USE:School Board Policy 2.90

All uses of tobacco products in any form arePROHIBITEDin any District-owned facility. Use of tobacco products may be allowed in a place(s) designated by the Superintendent or designee, which is not in the view of students and public.


Pay checks will be distributed only to the named employee unless arrangements have been made in advance with the director or supervisor.


Employees must be clean and well groomed and present a professional appearance at all times.

Uniforms are provided and will be worn appropriately. Footwear will be appropriate for the type of work being performed.


Every effort shall be made by employees NOT to unnecessarily disturb the learning environment. ManyFacilities operations have the potential to produce vapors, fumes, etc. that may disrupt the teaching process. Operations (painting, roofing, floor covering,) require proper planning and precautions.

Any noise such as saws, jackhammers, lawnmower, etc. that may disturb classes should be reduced or rescheduled, if possible to a more appropriate time. In the event that you are requested to cease work, please notify the director immediately for further instructions. Communication and coordination with school administration regarding activities that would be disruptive is imperative.

Any time your assigned work task cannot be continued, contact the director or supervisor.

PROCESS FOR NEW HIRES: School Board Policy 6.10

Job openings will be posted by the Personnel Department for the required, legal posting time.

The end of the business day on the last day of posting is the normal ending time for accepting applications. All applications must be submitted to the Walton County School District’s Human Resources Department.

The Director of Facilitiesand/or Maintenance Foremanwill review all of the applications and select aninterviewing committee to interview. An interview team shall reasonably reflect the District’s diverse racial, ethnic, and gender composition. The director or supervisorwill checkreferences. Thenhe/she will set the time and date for interviews to be conducted for the top applicants.

After interviewing the directorwill recommend to the Superintendent the recommended applicant to be approved for School Board approval at the next School Board meeting.


Purpose: It is the intent of the WCSD to promote the security of campus personnel and appropriate access to School Board property. These procedures describe the control of the use and possession of keys or electronic credentials to school sites and ancillary facilities, including: A. General Provision; B. Design of Keying systems; C. Fabrication; D. Responsibility for issuance; E. Inventory; F. Eligibility for Possession; G. Key and Building Security; H. Responsibilities relating to lost keys or electronic credentials. Stated procedures apply to all keys or electronic credentials, including keys or electronic credentials for all doors and all gates.

  1. General Provision. Unauthorized fabrication, duplication, possession, or use of keys to premises owned by the WCSD is a crime. WCSD keys or electronic credentials are the property of the school district and may be recovered at any time.
  2. Design of Keying System. The Facilities Department creates the keying system or electronic control that will ensure security and reasonable convenience to units occupying buildings or facilities. Site administrators will be expected to participate in following procedures to develop specific keying strategies. Joint effort will be made by the Facilities Department and the Site Administrator to maintain up-to-date records of all authorized usage. The Facilities Department will maintain the official record of the keying systems and electronic control database.
  3. Fabrication. The Facilities/Maintenance Department fabricates all keys and programming for electronic control and performs all lock work for all facilities, except for work performed by on site contractors or contracting agents under the direction of the Director of Facilities, Safety and Special Projects and/or the Superintendent of Schools. WCSD keys may not be duplicated except by the Facilities/Maintenance Department. To ensure compliance with applicable fire and life safety codes, non-WCSD locks or keys shall not be used. All standard Facilities/Maintenance shop issued locks shall be used on gates and similar structures.
  4. Responsibility of Issuance
  1. Site Administrators shall be responsible for issue and control of keysto its assigned spaces. The Site Administrator may delegate the issuance of keys only as necessary.
  2. Site Administrators must recover all keys and electronic lock credentials from personnel who are separating from employment or transferring to another site or activity.
  3. The Administrator shall document the issue and return of each keyto various individuals to authorize and track their keys and shall maintain the files at the site.
  4. Keysneeded by contractors and other non-school users will be issued by the Director of Facilities or designee.
  1. Inventory. Site Administrators shall maintain accurate records of all keys assigned to the faculty, including names of individuals to whom keys are issued and dates of issue and return or loss. Master keys shall be maintained by the Facilities/Maintenance Department. Key issuance criteria are as follows:
  1. Grand Master (operates all locks within multiple buildings). May be assigned to Facilities staff; Site Administrators, Principals, and Assistance Principals, or Specialty Directors.
  2. Master (operates one group of locks). Assigned to Custodial staff or teachers.
  3. Building Entrance or change keys (operates one group of locks keyed alike). Assigned to teachers or staff as needed.
  1. Key and Building Security. All faculty and staff are responsible for maintaining building security. Doors shall not be propped open or left in an unlocked position during hours when the building is normally closed to the public. WCSD employees shall not unlock buildings for another individual unless the individual has proper authorization and identification.
  2. Lost Keys or electronic lock credentials. Individuals possessing keys or electronic lock credentials to WCSD facilities are responsible for such keys and credentials. Lost keys or electronic lock credentials must be reported immediately to the Site Administrators who will report to the Director of Facilities. Whenever a key or electronic lock credentialis lost or stolen, the Site Administrator and the Director of Facilities will make a decision if rekeying or re-programming of electronic locks is necessary and implement any other safety or security precautions as needed.


In case of an emergency involving the welfare and safety of students and employees, the Superintendent may suspend any part of these regulations; provided, that he shall report the fact of and the reason for suspension at the next meeting of the School Board; and provided further, that the suspension shall expire at the time of such reportunless continued in effect by actions of the School Board.In case of an emergency, the Superintendent may close any school or all schools. The members of the School Board shall be informed immediately of any event or condition which requires the closing of a school or the schools of the District, and, where the public interest requires Board action, the Superintendent shall call a special meeting of the Board. In any case or condition not covered by these regulations, the Superintendent shall base the decision on his / her best judgment.


A callinto the Support Services can activate an emergency work order when needed. The school/district personnel will call the Facilities Director/Maintenance Foreman to notify him/her of the emergency. Then the secretary or designee will notify the site-based maintenance employee to cover the emergency needs. Emergency work orders take priority over the normal work orders that are usually processed as received.


As a member of the staff, do your part to keep your work area orderly, safe, and in a healthful condition. This includes placing trash and scrap in their appropriate receptacles. Walkways must always be clear of potential hazards and tools and material properly stored when not in use. Accumulating combustibles also should be avoided. Order is essential to safety as well as production efficiency. An area is orderly when there is a place for everything and everything is in its place. Employees will be responsible for keeping your respective work areas clean, safe, and secured. When working at a school or office building, be sure your area is cleaned up at the end of each workday or when the job is completed.

DRUG-FREE WORK PLACE: School Board Policy 6.33

The WCSD and the Collective Bargaining Association share a commitment to solve the substance abuse problem. This will create and maintain a drug-free work place. The Drug Free Work Place Program is considered as part of this handbook.


The dumpsters are not to be used by employees for personal home trash or garbage.


Areas around dumpsters are to be kept clean and neat at all times.


All work performed by the Facilities/Maintenance Department is documented with a work order. Work orders are numbered, logged, and kept in an electronic work order system. Requests for repairs, or Facilities services requestedmay be submitted in the electronic work order systemor phoned in emergencies to the Facilities Director or Maintenance Foreman. Site Administrator or designee shall contact his/her site-based maintenance employee for immediate response.

If there is any question about the work or service requested, the request is sent to the Director of Facilities or Maintenance Foreman to review and discuss with the requesting Principal. If the request for work and services is appropriate for Facilities/Maintenance to perform, it is assigned to a maintenance employee to perform if it is in the reasonable scope of services provided by the department.

Work orders are routinely handled in the order received unless parts have to be ordered. The maintenance employee completing the work order writes what was performed and lists any materials that were used to complete the job. If the employee begins work on the request and then realizes materials must be ordered, the FacilitiesDirectoror Maintenance Foreman is notified and places orders for the needed parts and documents the items on the work order. Facilitiesemployee may get items or parts from stock, local purchase, or through maintenance buyer. Time spent on completing the required work for the work order is noted on the work order. On completion, work orders are processed as completed on the maintenance electronic work order system,and the Director of Facilitiesor Maintenance Foreman is notified that the job is completed.


There should NEVER be any changes made to standard equipment or original equipment in a vehicle or facility without the proper authorization or product approval.

If an employee encounters a problem that will significantly increase the scope of his/her work order assignment, he/she should contact his/her director or supervisor immediately.

If an employee discovers the need for repairs other than as assigned, he/she may complete the additional repairs if time needed is minimal, and scheduled work load permits. Additional repairs should be recorded on the work order and must be reported to the director.


TheWCSD is committed to providing the necessary tools, materials, and supplies needed to perform all repairs safety and efficiently. Always notify the director or supervisor if special tools are not available.

All Maintenance are issued District purchase cards and are responsible for maintaining proper documentation of purchases on work order system. At the conclusion of each day all invoices shall be signed and submitted to Maintenance Foreman for processing. The Maintenance Foreman shall promptly review all invoices for validation and accuracy. Once invoices have been validated, immediately submit them to maintenance the secretary for processing in the electronic financial accounting system, SOLVIT. Signed invoices should be submitted to the secretary, with the work order number on the invoice, when the work order is completed.


Tools and equipment lost or stolen from work trucks or job sites are to be reported to the director or supervisor immediately. A police report should be written on any stolen, vandalized equipment, or tools. You are expected to secure your hand tools around students. Tools damaged or lost as a result of negligence shall be replaced by the individual responsible.

CONTRACTED SERVICES:School Board Policy 7.70

The Director of Facilities/Maintenance Foreman shall determine the need for contracted services. The contractor or vendor is selected based on the work or service needed. For services under $6,250the Directoror Maintenance Foremanshall consult with the contractor and reviews the job, receives a written quote from the vendor and provides authorization to proceed with the projects. A purchase order or purchase card is used to processa task order. Upon completion of the work, the Directoror Maintenance Foreman inspects the work and authorizes payment for the contracted work or service. WCSD shall request at least three (3) sealed bids on authorized purchases or contract for services which cost more than$25,000 and which are not on established State Contract, and are not otherwise exempt from bidding by State Board of Education Rules. The bids shall be presented to the School Board for approval before any monies are expended.


See Appendix on Purchasing Procedures for Facilities Department and Sole Source Purchasing Requirements.