Todd County Middle School
SBDM Council Policies
Todd County Middle School
SBDM Council Policies
Table of Contents
Advanced PlacementPage 3
Alignment with State Standards & TechnologyPage 4
BudgetPage 5
Classroom AssessmentPage 7
CommitteesPage 8
ConsultationPage 11
CurriculumPage 14
Discipline and Classroom ManagementPage 15
Enhancement ofStudent AchievementPage 27
Emergency Plan Page 29
Extracurricular ProgramsPage 31
First, Second and Third Honor StudentPage 34
Grading PolicyPage 35
Instructional PracticesPage 36
HomeworkPage 38
Principal SelectionPage 41
Program Review Page 44
School Day/Week SchedulePage 46
School Space UsePage 48
Staff Time AssignmentsPage 50
Student AssignmentPage 51
TransitionPage 55
WellnessPage 55
Writing Page 58
RtI PlanPage 60
Important Dates for SBDM CompliancePage 65
Advanced Placement Policy Reviewed, November 17, 2015
Todd County Middle School will offer at least one (1) course for high school credit. To receive high school credit, the student must meet guidelines and/or requirements of the high school of enrollment. (KRS 158.622).
Policy Evaluation
WE will evaluate the effectiveness of this policy through our School Improvement Planning Process and through Committee meetings.
Date Adopted___8/2007______
Date Reviewed or Revised_____4/2011______CHAIRPERSON Signature_____Connie Wofford______
Date Reviewed or Revised______11/17/2015__ CHAIRPERSON Signature____Les Broady______
Date Reviewed or Revised______CHAIRPERSON Signature______
Date Reviewed or Revised______CHAIRPERSON Signature______
Alignment With State Standards, Technology Utilization, and Program Appraisal
The school shall organize all instructional and other activity to be aligned with standards established in state laws and regulations and in a manner that is consistent with local school board policy. The school shall utilize technology in a manner consistent with local school board policy and state laws and regulations. The school shall appraise all programs in a manner that is consistent with local school board policy. Programs shall be appraised upon request of the school council by assigning the program appraisal to the appropriate committee for completion and recommendation to the council.
NOTE: Attached is the current Todd County Schools Technology Plan
Policy Evaluation
WE will evaluate the effectiveness of this policy through our School Improvement Planning Process and through Committee meetings.
Date Adopted___8/2007______
Date Reviewed or Revised____5/2013______CHAIRPERSON Signature___Connie Wofford______
Date Reviewed or Revised____1/26/2016 ____CHAIRPERSON Signature____Les Broady______
Date Reviewed or Revised______CHAIRPERSON Signature______
Date Reviewed or Revised______CHAIRPERSON Signature______
Todd CountY Middle School
SBDM Policy
budget policY
Standards for budget decisions
- The school council shall focus all budget decisions on student learning in response to the mission and vision of the school, the school improvement plan, and the school needs assessment data, relevant educational research, best practices, and Kentucky state standards.
- To achieve these goals, the budget process must be integrated with the improvement planning process that focuses our school on our mission and vision, including our learning goals, data, research, and community concerns.
- Our spending process must empower teachers, create clear records that are available to all stakeholders, be open to all stakeholders for review and comment, and allow for flexibility when needed if actual spending differs from projections so that any given year’s resources are spent to the greatest advantage for that year’s students.
- The principal will share projected funding figures with the council at its first regular meeting of the year following receipt of the information.
- The Efficiency Committee shall survey the school teams and staff to determine their instructional needs for the upcoming year.
- The principal and the Efficiency Committee will meet to discuss the staff survey responses on the needs of the school as well as review the Schools Improvement Plan. The principal may consult with other committees to determine student needs. Recommendations will be taken into consideration to plan a draft budget.
- The principal and school finance officer will prepare a proposed draft budget for all anticipated funds, taking into account the above standards for budget decisions and based on the needs in the school improvement plan.
- All funds from the Todd County Board of Education shall meet all required accounting procedures.
- The budget should be posted for stakeholder review. Any comments or suggestions should be made in writing to the Efficiency Committee and principal.
- The Principal shall present the draft budget to the SBDM at its April or May meeting. The council will review the plan and budget to ensure there is adequate allocations to meet the needs of the school improvement. The council will approve the principal’s recommendation by consensus or majority vote as described in the schools SBDM policies; or if needed, the proposed budget may be amend based upon need.
- The principal shall submit the final budget to the District Financial Officer within one week after approval by the SBDM Council.
The Council will decide at the March SBDM meeting if any requests for additional funds for needs identified in our School Improvement Plan are needed.
- SBDM monies allocated to teachers/teams must be spent by December 10th of each school year. SBDM monies not spent by deadline will be absorbed back into the general budget. Teacher/team may request an extension if there is a plan submitted to the Principal as to how that money will be spent before February.
- SBDM monies can be spent for instructional materials/supplies, field trips, instructional equipment, teacher resources, and pre-approved consultants/presenters.
- All individuals will select items for purchase and follow procedures for completion of a purchase order. Al expenditures must fit the funds available, respects any contracts or bid lists fits any criteria established by the council. If requirements are met, the principal and schools financial officer will complete the purchasing process and no further council approval will be needed.
- The principal will make decisions concerning the transfer for funds from one code to another and regular expenditures that have to be made daily under $1000.
- Staff members may request funding for additional instructional materials through the Efficiency committee up to $100 without receiving SBDM approval. Any request in the amount over $100 would be sent to SBDM for final approval after Efficiency committee approval.
- The principal will prepare and present a detailed report of the status of all budget items at each regular school council meeting.
Fiscal record keeping and monitoring
- The principal will ensure that all spending records required by the state and district are maintained.
- A monthly financial report on all accounts shall be provided to the SBDM for review and approval.
- A quarterly financial report on all accounts shall be provided to the SBDM council by the district. The principal shall submit the quarterly report to be reviewed and approved by the council.
- An annual audit of the school budget shall be conducted consistent with the School Districts auditing policies and procedures and the Kentucky Department of Education requirements.
- The principal shall ensure that all spending records required by the state and district are maintained and shall keep copies of all records in a location that can be accessed for open records review.
- The principal shall inform the school council of any changes in the council’s SBDM allocation, the status of Section 7 requests/allocations, and any changes in the school’s Professional Development at the next regular council meeting after receiving the information. The council will consider amending the budget to respond to funding changes after looking at the financial impact and how the change would affect the success of our School Improvement Plan.
Policy Evaluation
We will evaluate the effectiveness of this policy through our School Improvement Planning Process and through Committee meetings.
Date Adopted___9/2012______
Date Reviewed or Revised____9/2012_ CHAIRPERSON Signature____Connie Wofford______
Date Reviewed or Revised____1/26/2016_ CHAIRPERSON Signature___Les Broady_____
Date Reviewed or Revised______CHAIRPERSON Signature______
Date Reviewed or Revised______CHAIRPERSON Signature______
Classroom assessments will be used to monitor each student’s progress toward academic goals, meet individual student needs, and drive the planning process for instruction. Assessment data in all subjects will also be used to improve instruction, inform program decisions, and communicate to families regarding student progress.
In each class, students will complete formative and summative assessment activities to demonstrate their learning and to ensure their future learning and continuous progress. Teachers are responsible for making sure those activities are aligned with the state standards for all subjects – ELA/Language Arts, math, science, social studies, Practical Living and Career Studies, and the Arts and Humanities.
Formative Assessment
In each class, students will complete regular and consistent classroom formative assessments to demonstrate their learning for that day. Teachers are responsible for making sure that the formative assessments
- Assess the learning target
- Are valid and appropriate demonstrations of what the students should know and be able to do
- Provide data to drive future instruction
- Provide opportunities several times a year for students to choose among a variety of ways that they can demonstrate learning, including options appropriate to preferred learning styles
- Provide meaningful feedback to students including opportunities to reflect, self-evaluate, set goals, and strengthen their performance
- Are part of the regular learning process, with separate activities used only when embedded ones are not feasible
Teachers will make adjustments in instruction to meet students’ needs based on the results of formative assessments.
Summative Assessment
Summative assessments will be given at the end of each unit of study as it is completed. Summative assessment data will be utilized to inform instruction for the next unit of study.
Evaluation of Student Performance
To monitor achievement in all grade levels, the TCMS staff will use the Kentucky Core Academic Standards to create formative and summative assessments across the curriculum.
Policy Evaluation
We will evaluate the effectiveness of this policy through our School Improvement Planning Process and through SBDM committee meetings.
Date adopted ___February 2013______
Date Reviewed or revised __2/2013__ CHAIRPERSON Signature ___Connie Wofford______
Date Reviewed or revised __6/2014__ CHAIRPERSON Signature ___Connie Wofford______
Date Reviewed or revised __6/2016__ CHAIRPERSON Signature ___Les Broady ______
Committee Policy
Standing and ad hoc committees are established to gain input from all stakeholders and will serve as a council resource for gathering data and information and making recommendations to the school council. The council shall organize its work through a committee structure utilizing both standing and ad hoc committees.
Committee Composition and Membership
- All members of the faculty shall be encouraged to serve on at least one standing committee. SBDM teacher reps are exempt but may serve on a standing committee by choice.
- Membership for committees shall facilitate the participation of interested persons including but not limited to classified employees and parents and shall be voluntary.
- Each standing committee shall have as a goal core content representation and include at least five members.
- The Principal will place committee sign-up sheets for parents to volunteer for committees of their choice in the front office.
- The Principal will survey the faculty by May 1st to select the top two choices of committees on which each faculty member would be interested in serving on for the next school year and will appoint committee members using the staff members sign up sheet choices.
- The Principal shall notify all certified staff members and volunteers of their committee assignments no later than August of the school year.
- Principal, Council and Committee members will make every effort to seek out parents and other interested community members to identify at least one parent to be included on the committee to provide reasonable representation to the diversity of our community. Efforts shall be documented in the minutes.
- Each committee will hold their first meeting no later than September of each school year.
- At the first meeting,
1. Committees will select a chair and secretary (for one year term);
2. Receive information from the principal about the council timeline for regular committee reports,
3. Set up schedule for the rest of the year to read and discuss questions or concerns.
4. Each committee shall establish an agenda for their meetings
5. Discuss the Open Meetings Law
- The council may establish committees if needed for special items.
- All committees shall be governed by the above regulations set forth by the council.
A list of committee expectations and tasks shall be maintained in the building office and provided to all staff and Council Members via the TCMS Staff Handbook.
Operating Rules for all Committees:
All committees established by the SBDM council are public agencies subject to Kentucky’s Open Meeting Law. To comply with that law, each committee will:
1. Establish a regular meeting schedule at its first meeting and make that schedule available to the public by posting it in place for the public and post in other publications.
2. Any Special called meetings will follow SBDM rules on Open Meeting laws.
3. Recording Secretary will take minutes of the actions and decisions made by the committee at every meeting.
4. Review the minutes of each meeting at the next meeting and, after making any needed corrections approve those minutes.
5. Make committee minutes for each meeting available to the council and to any interested party after final approval.
6. Ensure that the principal receives an official copy to be kept with school records as required by Kentucky’s Archive rules.
SBDM standing committees with the following names and jurisdiction:
Academic Performance Committee
The Academic Performance Committee will have purview over the following areas: Curriculum, Alignment with State Standards, Instructional Practices, Student Assignment, Homework, School day and Week Schedule, Assessment Practices, and Technology. Specifically, the committee is charged with the following:
Annually review the SBDM policies on Alignment with State Standards, Curriculum, Instructional Practices, School Day and Week Schedule, Student Assignment, Technology Use, Assessment, and Homework. If necessary, draft revisions for council approval.
Organize the State Assessment data analysis every fall including reports to the Council.
Recommend school priority needs based on assessment data and survey results.
Develop the KPREP reward plan each year.
Analyze curriculum alignment with the Core Content & Common Core and recommend changes.
Recommend and plan for the best use of technology based on needs and innovations
Research and recommend instructional best practices ideas and innovations.
Research and recommend classroom assessment ideas.
Research homework best practices and recommend changes.
Research scheduling ideas based on the latest best practices and research and recommend suggestions/ideas for a master schedule plan to be recommended to the principal and council.
Recommend assignment of student procedures.
Recommend other changes, ideas and strategies to assigned policies based on annual needs assessments, data gathering and research into best practice.
Additional roles as assigned by the council.
Learning Environment Committee
The Learning Environment Committee will have purview over the following areas: Extra Curricular Programs, Instructional and Non-Instructional Staff Time Assignment, Crisis Management, School Safety, Discipline, Attendance, School Culture, FRYSC, Parent Involvement, School Space Use and Communications. Specifically, the committee is charged with the following:
- Annually review the SBDM policies on Extra Curricular Programs, Instructional and Non-Instructional Staff Time Assignment, Crisis Management, School Safety, Discipline, Attendance, School Culture, FRYSC, Parent Involvement, School Space Use and Communications. If necessary, draft revisions for council approval.
- Recommend discipline, classroom management, and safety changes based on annual needs assessments and data gathering. Including PBIS strategies and use SWIS Data.
- Monitor Emergency drills.
- Recommend extra curricular programs changes and ideas.
- Recommend use of school space ideas.
- Recommend Student and Staff Reward activities.
- Research and Recommend strategies to improve attendance.
- Research and Recommend parental involvement activities and strategies.
- Research and Recommend staff assignments times to principal.
- Recommend school space needs and ideas.
- Work collaboratively with YSC to provide student services.
- Recommend other changes, ideas and strategies to assigned policies based on annual needs assessments, data gathering and research into best practice.
- Additional roles as assigned by the council.
Efficiency Committee
The Efficiency Committee will have purview over the following areas: Budget, Resources Allocation, Vision, Mission and Belief Statements, School Improvement Planning and Monitoring of the School Improvement Plan Professional Development. Specifically, the committee is charges with the following:
- Annually review the SBDM policies on Improvement Planning, Budget, Program Appraisal, Vision, Mission and Beliefs, Monitoring School Improvement and Professional Development. If necessary, draft revisions for council approval.
- Involving as many stakeholder ideas and opinions as possible to coordinate school needs assessments including necessary surveys and other data collection.
- Coordinate the development and implementations of the School Improvement Plan including working with component teams and providing input to the Learning Environment Committee in the development and implementation of the Professional Development Plan.
- Ensure that the councils is kept informed through the Implementation and Impact Checks on the Plan. Recommend I and I check (after State Assessments) to SBDM.
- Develop, recommend, and monitor the annual SBDM budget and allocation of resources according to identified needs of the school.
- Recommend budget adjustments.
- Recommend other changes, ideas and strategies to assigned policies based on annual needs assessments, data gathering and research into best practice.
- Additional roles as assigned by the council.
AD HOC Committees: