MINUTES – Retail Market Consultative Forum (RMCF)

MEETING : / 34
DATE: / Friday, 22 September 2017
TIME: / 10.00 AM – 11.00 AM
LOCATION: / Teleconference and Videoconference.
Contact: /


Attendees / Company / Location
Adrian Honey / TasNetworks / Teleconference
Andrew Mair / Vocus Group / Teleconference
Brendon McEntree / Endeavour Energy / Teleconference
Chantal Wright / Momentum / Melbourne
David Woods / SA Power Networks / Adelaide
Dino Ou / Endeavour Energy / Teleconference
Doug Ross / Vector / Teleconference
Ed Chan / Australian Energy Market Commission / Teleconference
Emilie Kueh / Jemena / Teleconference
Errol Murray / APA / Teleconference
Graeme Ferguson / Essential Energy / Teleconference
James Norton / WIN Energy / Teleconference
Jeff Roberts / ActewAGL Distribution / Teleconference
John Phillpotts / Energy Networks / Teleconference
Katie Lippens / Origin Energy / Teleconference
Leon Vilfand / Jemena / Teleconference
Shaun Tan / Energy Aystralia / Teleconference
Shawn Tan / Energy Australia / Teleconference
Stef Macri / Lumo Energy / Teleconference
Stephanie Lommi / Red Energy / Teleconference
Tanya Train / Energy Australia / Teleconference
Tom Cole / Metering Dynamics / Teleconference
Verity Watson / United Energy / Teleconference

AEMO Attendees:

Antara Mascarenhas (Chair), Catherine Fetherstonhaugh (Secretariat), Tim Sheridan, Sandra Chui.

1. Welcome and Apologies

Antara Mascarenhas (Chair) welcomed participants to the meeting 34 of the Retail Market Consultative Forum (RMCF).

Ben Healy (AEMO), Chris Cormack (AEMO), Danny McGowan (AEMO), David Headberry, David Havyatt and Kath Heywood were noted as apologies.

2. Administration

The agenda was confirmed without additions. The minutes of the July meeting were confirmed as accurate.

3. Readiness Workstream Update

Tim Sheridan (AEMO) ran through the Readiness Work stream update as detailed on Slide Four of the meeting pack.

4. Program Update

Antara Mascarenhas (AEMO) took the program update as circulated in the meeting pack as read, there were no questions raised.

5. Next Meeting

The next RMCF meeting will take place on Friday 24 November 2017.