Toby Township
Regular Meeting
April 12, 2017
Call to Order
Herb Vogle called the regular meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. on April 12, 2017.
Roll Call: Supervisors present: Herb Vogle Chairman, Jim Conner, and Alan Carmichael
Secretary/Treasurer Kelly Himes,
Guest: CarrolConner,
There was no public comment
Alan motioned to accept the March 8th regular meeting minutes, Herb 2nd the motion. All in favor/MC.
Secretary’s Report
Alan motioned to accept Secretary Report and Herb 2nd motion. All in favor/MC.
Treasurer Report
Alan motioned to accept Treasurer Report and Jim 2nd. All in favor/MC. Alan motioned to accept bills of approval with the addition of a bill just received from ThomasGilhousen Trucking at $9111.66, to be paid out of State Liquid fuels account and NAPA $1125.56 and Elder Ag& Turf $524.00 paid out of General Funds and Herb 2nd the motion. All in favor/MC.
Old Business
New Business
Aggregate bids were tabled until the May meeting due to a missed Fedex delivery.
Alan made a motion to hire Johnathon Best and Cole Gezik for seasonal help. Their start date will be May 22 and Herb 2nd the motion. All in favor/MC.
There was discussion on Rudy Anthony driveway. He is requesting the township to lower the road in front of his driveway if possible. The township will be working on Tower road this summer. Supervisors stated that they will assess the situation at that time.
Alan made a motion to submit a seal coat bid revision contract from Jim Schepis out for bid on Fowler, Best, Sawmill Hill, Fink, Logue Hollow, Conner, Gross Ranch, Hillville, Henry, Mt.Airy, Stewart, Jack Mt. and Phil Smith Roads. These roads will be seal coated in front of residents houses this year. The supervisors will be submitting Cherry Run Church, Walker Farm, Bowser, Tower, Yates, McKinney, Hillis, Merryman, Mill Alley, Carwick, Saylor roads for a grant which will be used for next year. If the grant is not received then those roads will be seal coated with next year’s funds. All roads listed will be seal coated in front of residents houses. Herb 2nd Alan’s motion to revise the seal coat bid contract. All in favor/MC. There is not enough funding to seal coat all the roads this year. The supervisors devised a two year seal coat plan project based on area, road conditions, prep work, time frame and funding.
Supervisor/Road Master Report
The township will be renting an eight ton front drum roller from May 1-July1 2017. Secretary will contact insurance company for liability insurance on roller.
Beaver Dam on Thompson road is causing flooding issues.
They have been putting stone down on the dirt roads and filling in holes and removed a couple of trees from the roads.
Alan motioned to adjourn meeting at 7:20p.m. and Herb 2nd the motion. All in favor/MC.