Tobid totheScale Up Programme,you are requiredtoprovide acomplete writtenapplication followingthese notes.
•Use theheadingsbelow toset out yourresponse, using thenotesas a guide.
•Pleaseusebelow templateforyourwrittenapplication.
•You willbeable tosubmit accounts andothernecessarysupplementary documents,once you are submittingyourcompleted applicationonline.
•Submitthis electronically via Word or PDF document
Thisformshouldbe nolonger than15A4 pagesintotal,in a10-12pointfont.
•Pleasesavealldocuments toshowyour name, for example,“YourNameScaleUpApplication.doc”, which will help ustokeep atrackofyourapplication.
3.Evidenceof Need
6.FinancialTrack Record
9.The LearningProgramme
1.ExecutiveSummaryAshort(maximumonepage) summary of your application.
•Whatare yourorganisation or project’s aims? Whatis yourorganisation socialorenvironmentalpurpose?
•Whatlegal structuresare inplace? Whenwas yourorganisation set up?
•Isyour organizationishosted by a larger establishedorganisation - if so, please givebriefdetails.
•Givea brief historyof yourorganisationor project.Howwas it set up?
•Abriefoverview of key activities now.
•How many staff doesit employ?How manyvolunteersareinvolved?
•Arethere other organisations thatyou work withor plan toworkwith?
•Whatarrangements arein place?
Abrief profile of you, including your background, skills and experience, and your current role in the
3.Evidenceof NeedWho are the beneficiaries of your organisation and what are their needs?
a.Whoare the people youare tryingto help?
b.Aretheyfroma particularagegroup,gender, religion,communityetc.?
d.Whatevidence doyouhave forthis?
e.Whyare these not being met elsewhere?
f.Whyis your organisationorproject wellplaced tomeetthese needs?
What are your current activities?
Pleasegivedetailsof what your organisationor project currently does. Please givedetailsof
activities and numbers of beneficiaries.
What difference has your organisation or project made so far?
Pleaseprovide details, including any statistics, evaluations or quotes, and casestudies whichdemonstrate the impact your organisationorprojecthashad.
Pleaseprovideacopyofyourorganisation’smostrecentaccounts(signedoffbyyourboard) with your application have your accounts when you ready to submit your application online)
•Pleaseprovide fullaccounts,notabbreviated accounts. If youare runningaproject that is partof a largerhost organisation,pleaseprovide acopy ofboth the hostorganisation’saccounts,and a breakdown of your project’s income and expenditure for the last financial year.
Please provide the following details for the last financial year and the current financial year,
If you do not have details for this financial year yet, please provide estimates and indicate this:
•Your organisation orproject’sturnover(income)for each year.
•Abreakdown of income sourcesforeach year,including sourcesof any grants.
•Net profit or loss.
•Net assets (reserves) at the end of theyear.
•If there is anything unusual in your accounts, including significant debts or unusual entries, it
would beuseful to explain these(if notexplainedin the accounts).
•Does yourorganisationor projecthave any assets, suchasproperty orintellectual property?
How do you plan to scale the impact your organisation makes in the future?
•How do youplan toscaleyour organisation’soutcomes andimpact, e.g. - reachingsignificantly more people, or improving existing or developing new services for current customers/beneficiaries;
•developing partnerships that extend your reach;
•developing moresustainableincome sourcesthat allow youtoscale,socialfranchising,and/orincreasinggeographical reach?
•What specific plans do you have to scale up in the next two to five years?
•How much do you expect yourimpact to increaseduring this period?
•How muchdo youexpect thesize of your organisation to increase during thisperiod,e.g.,turnover,numberofstaff?
•Whatare threekeymilestonesthatyou will achieve over thenext twoyearstohelp youreachyour goals?
Please provide details of your organisation or project’s financial plans over the next two
•Please provide your estimated income and expenditure projections for this financial year and
Thenext year,showinganticipated sourcesof income and anticipated costs.
•Pleaseprovideany information thatwillhelpus to understand how youhave calculatedyour
figures and know what your forecasts are based on.
•Specifically outline any grants or contracts that you have bid for, or plan to bid for, what these
are forandat what stagetheseareat, and any salespredictions.
*IF you have abudgetin aform of aspreadsheet,youmay add itasadditional documentwhile you uploading thecover page, this application,other relevant documentsandaccounts.
9.The Learning Programme
Why do you want to take part in the Scale Up Programme?
•How will theScale UpLearning Programmemakea difference toyou and your organisation?Whatwill youbeable todo differently as aresultof thisprogramme?
•How will it affecttheimpact your organisation or project makes?Whatdo youexpect togetout of the programme? Howwill youuse thetrainingand support onoffer?
•How will the grant supportyour organization toScale Up?
10. TheGrant
Pleaseprovide a budgetofhow you willuse the £15,000grant onoffer. Pleasereadthe guidancenotes carefullyregarding what youcan applyfor.
Thisformshould be no longer than15A4pages in total,in a10-12 point font.
Ifyou have coveredallof the above sections,you have completedyour application.
Ifyou haveanyquestions, call02070899120
Pleasecheck anyupdates ondeadlines and a list of keyapplication dates after2ndApril2015.Wewould expect youtobeavailable foraninterview in May-July 2015.
1.Complete the application form & save it to your computer/ device first, before attempting submission.
2.Go to this page –
3.Click on the name of the region that you would like to apply to.
4.Complete the simple online submission form, if you wish to consider a different school location - remember to select it and upload your completed files.
5.Submit your completed application form using the Submit your application button at the bottom of the form. Be sure to do this before 1pm, 21st March 2016. No late submissions will be taken into consideration, so we advise you to upload the form as soon as you have completed it & saved on your device.
Cover Sheet
Yourmostrecentsigned offAnnualAccounts(full, not abbreviated).Also,if available, draft
annual accounts for last financial year if the signed off ones are not available
Your governingdocuments
Your budget/current income and expenditure for this financial year
Ifyouarenot theCEO,Company Director, ChairorTreasurerof yourorganisation, aletter fromone of these people confirming that the organisation is supportive of your application and willing toreceivethe grant.
Anyother documents thatare needed tosupportyour application
Please remember to save each document so it can be identified easily e.g.: "YournameScaleUpApplication.docx","YournameBudget 2016-2017.xls", "YournameGoverningdocument.pdf",etc.
Wearealso asking youto provide yourEqualOpportunitiesdetails.Youare not requiredto givetheseand youcanselecttheOptOut box. However,it is helpful forour futuredevelopment andmarketingthatyouprovide thisinformation,if youcan.
Onceyouclick on the ‘SubmitYourApplication’buttonon the bottomof thepage, your applicationwillbe sent andanautomated message will displayon the website.Lookout for anautomaticemail fromSSE confirming that your application has been received by us.You may want to check your spamfilter for this.
The Lloyds BankEntrepreneursProgramme is supported byLloyds BankingGroup,theBig Lotteryand a numberof otherlocal funders.
TheSchoolforSocialEntrepreneurs is acompanylimitedbyguarantee.
Registered in EnglandWalesNo. 3900741.CharityNo. 1085465
Registered Office – 2nd Floor, 139 Tooley Street, London, SE1 2HZ