Mille Lacs Lake Watershed Management Group
Meeting Minutes – June 20, 2016
Mille Lacs Trails Snowmobile Clubhouse, Malmo
Attendance: Perry Bunting, MLBO DNR; Barbara Eller, Mille Lacs SWCD Supervisor; Bob Janzen, Aitkin Co. SWCD; Barbara Macioch, Mille Lacs Lake; Mike Macioch, Mille Lacs Lake; David Oslin, Mille Lacs County Board; Caitlin Ryan, Conservation Corps Apprentice; Don Ryan, Round Lake; Janet Smude, Aitkin County SWCD; Chad Weiss, MLBO DNR; Laurie Westerlund, Aitkin County Commissioner; Bob Williams, Round Lake.
1. The meeting was called to order at 10:05 a.m. by Secretary Bob WIlliams.
2. Administrative Details: An attendance sheet was circulated and introductions made. The agenda was approved with the additions of the Close Project review, Mille Lacs County Fair, and Adopt a Shoreline Event.
3. Minutes from the May meeting of the Group were reviewed and approved as presented. M/S/C LaurieWesterlund / Dave Oslin.
4. Financial Report: A report for the month of May was shared. There were no expenses. The report was approved as presented. M/S/C LaurieWesterlund / Barb Eller.
Reimbursement requests were submitted by the Mille Lacs SWCD and Aitkin County SWCD. These were for services provided towards implementation of the Clean Water Partnership Grant. A motion was made to reimburse the Mille Lacs SWCD the requested $ 420.00 M/S/C LaurieWesterlund / Barb Eller. A motion was also made to reimburse the Aitkin County SWCD the requested $ 1,442.45 M/S/C Dave Oslin / Laurie Westerlund.
5. Old Business:
5.1. Lake Steward Tax Incentive Program: Barb Eller shared that the draft resolution “Property Tax Credit for Shoreland Stewardship” was shared with the Area 3 Association of Soil and Water Conservation Districts. It was approved with the previously suggested amendments. The resolution will now be shared at the SWCD State Convention, in December. Jeff Forester, of Minnesota Lakes and Rivers Homeownersgroup, is also proceeding with a similar proposal. The proposals may proceed in tandem. Barb was thanked for all of her work on this resolution.
5.2. Community Incentive Program/ 2016 Media Campaign: Janet Smude has been in contact with Red House Media. They are beginning work on the materials for the media campaign.
5.3. Lake Health Conference: A draft agenda for the Lake Health Conference was shared, as was an advertising flier / registration form. Speakers are scheduled and we will be moving ahead with promoting the event.
5.4. AIS Grant Activities: Janet Smude has ordered the rack cards and placemats funded by the Aitkin County AIS Grant. These should be available soon. Bob Williams offered to take placemats to the Y Club and the Spotlight. Laurie Westerlund will use some in Malmo and deliver to The Red Door. Barb Eller can use a few placemats. Walleye Dundees may also use some. Chad Weiss will take some rack cards. Members were asked to inspect the signs that they placed and note if any repairs are needed.
5.5. Future Coordinator Services / Position Description Review: The Group reviewed a draft list of job duties for the potential position. Volunteer coordination, grant administration, public relations / outreach and basic engineering skills were added to the list. It was noted that this would be a hands on position – requiring someone who is a self starter and self motivated.
Other items relating to the position were discussed. The pay scale will be determined by Mille Lacs County, as the position will be hosted there. If funded, interviews for the position will be held in Mille Lacs County. It was hoped that the MLLWMG could have a representative on the interview committee. The Group discussed having a 75% time coordinator, with the remainder of the position dedicated to other Mille Lacs SWCD needs. Jason Weinerman should be asked about this.
Janet Smude will update the draft and send it to the MLLWMG for comments. It will then be sent to Susan Shaw at the Mille Lacs SWCD.
5.6. Aitkin County Rivers and Lakes Fair: This event was held last Saturday. Mike and Barbara Macioch staffed the MLLWMG booth, which focused on lakeshore enhancement. A table drape or header for the booth would be nice. Additional small handout materials would be welcome.
5.7. Capturing Rainwater Workshop: Janet Smude has been working with Aitkin County Master Gardener Jim Ravis on a workshop focusing on Capturing Rainwater. The Mille Lacs Trails Clubhouse was suggested as a potential location and July 20th at 6:30 pm as a possible date. Janet Smude will work out the details with Jim Ravis.
6. New Business:
6.1. Clean Water Partnership Grant Review: A semi-annual report for this grant will be due on August 1st. It was noted that there is a significant amount of funding for projects left. Members were asked to promote this. Educational money will be used for the Lake Health Conference and other workshops this summer. This funding will be evaluated after these are completed. The Group was also reminded that logs of their inkind contributions during the first half of 2016 are requested. These are needed for the grant reporting, and are used to leverage the grant funding.
7. Subcommittee Reports:
7.1. Media Committee: The Topic of the Month schedule was discussed. Al Close has submitted an article for June.
7.2. Fundraising / Grant Writing: No additional information was shared.
7.3. Membership: No additional information was shared.
7.4. Citizen Comments / Member Comments / Fisheries Input Group: Laurie Westerlundand Dave Oslinshared that they feel the Fisheries Input Group is having an impact on the issue / decisions. The Great Lakes Indian Fish & Wildlife Commission is open to changing protocols for the lake – there just needs to be agreement between the state and bands. Science / biology and community need to be in balance.
8. Agenda Additions: Close Project Review: Shawn Close has completed his cost share project on Round Lake. The landowners have stabilized 65’ of eroding shoreline with rick rip rap and native vegetation. A motion approving a cost share payment of $ 3,987.65 was made M/S/C Mike Macioch / Don Ryan. This is 50% of the eligible project expenses. Adopt – A -Shoreline: Perry Bunting shared that the adopt-a-shoreline clean up event is scheduled for Monday June 27th. Clean up materials (bags, gloves) can be picked up at partnering businesses. Shoreline waste collected can be dropped off at designated locations for proper disposal. Mille Lacs County Fair: Earlier the Group approved partnering with the Mille Lacs SWCD and NRCS on a booth for the Mille Lacs County Fair. A signup sheet for shifts at the Fair booth was circulated.
9. The next meeting of the Group was scheduled for Monday July18th at 10 am. We will have it at the Kathio Town Hall, if it is available.The meeting was adjourned at 11:45 pm. M/S Barbara Macioch / Dave Oslin.