89. Toad of Toad Hall
Omnia Vanitas
Toad is a loveable and mischievous character in the lovely English novel, The Wind in the Willows. This exuberant fellow drives the narrative with his exploits. He seeks thrills and fulfillment in all sorts of diversions, depleting this inheritance and becoming a prisoner. His frenetic activities with cars and caravans are memorable.
Like Toad, we tramp the shopping malls of life, seeking purchases and diversions. Adventure, knowledge, acclaim, power, sex, self-styled spiritual quests and amassing finances are common sirens that captivate us for a time. Each one, like Toad’s toys, is captivating but we find that they ultimately disappoint us and consequently usher in the search for another. We intensify our efforts. The seductive sirens who promise fulfillment and the good life, end up dissipating our energies. Once again we have to leave a cul de sac and begin to rejoin the King’s Highway.
The book of Ecclesiastes speaks of the futility of Toad like enthusiasm and trust in finding fulfillment in endeavors outside of what God plans for us. The path of the pilgrim is full of adventure, trails, triumphs and losses. On this route is found friends of true integrity and loyalty, not just good time people and joyriders. The journey of miracles has times of the mundane, waiting, doubt, weariness as well as joy and intensity. It has all these ingredients as its not based on illusions and escapism.
“Vanity, vanity, all is vanity”, says the philosopher Ecc 1:2.
We have a propensity to seek happiness in what is transitory, but in our hearts we know that happiness and fulfillment lie in what is eternal and a gift from the heart of God.
The LORD knows the thoughts of man; he knows that they arefutile.
Psalm 94:10-12
Leave them; they areblindguides. If ablindman leads ablindman, both will fall into a pit.
Matthew 15:13-15
Jesus answered,Iamthewayandthetruthandthelife. No-one comes totheFather except through me.
John 14:5-7
The seed that fell among thorns stands for those who hear, but as they go on their way they arechokedby life's worries, riches and pleasures, and they do not mature.
Luke 8:13-15
Jesus replied, No-one who puts hishandtotheploughand looks back is fit for service in the kingdom of God.
Luke 9:61-62
I have decided-No turning back song by Selah
On line copy of the novel
Clip of movie
another movie clip of Wind in the Willows