November 1, 2017
To whom it may concern:
As the student supervisor at MSU’s Gast Business Library, I am writing in support of Andrea Salcedo and her desire to become an Intercultural Aide.
I have worked with Andrea for the past two years and she continues to impress me with her dedication to her duties here at the library. Andrea is, without a doubt, one of our most dependable student workers. She is always on time, she never misses a shift, and she is always ready to pick up shifts for her coworkers when they are sick or when other emergencies come up. She is quick to learn and produces rapid results.
What really makes Andrea unique is her positive attitude. When she comes to work, she does not just come prepared, she walks in with a smile. No matter what difficulties she is going through, Andrea is always ready to put her best effort towards her work. Andrea never complains and always sees the best in every situation and the best in every person.
The Business Library staff has noted Andrea’s incredible work ethic, so we decided to promote her as a student leader. In her supervisory position, she leads a team of four student workers (a quarter of our student staff) and works with them to keep them on track and to improve productivity. She helps train our newer students and she encourages her team members to do their best work. Here at the library, we measure student productivity using a points system, and Andrea’s team has been performing with high marks due to her motivational leadership skills. Andrea herself is consistently one of our highest point-earning students.
Andrea has exceptional qualities that have allowed her to excel during her time here at the Business library. Andrea is a true leader. She takes initiative, she is honest, and she is very warm-hearted and kind. I believe that these qualities will also make her a phenomenal Intercultural Aide.
If you have any questions at all, please feel free to reach out to me. My email is and phone number is 517-355-3387.
Jackie Guzman