Year A

Invitation to Prayer:

My brothers and sisters,

to the triune God who is merciful and gracious,

slow to anger and abounding in loving kindness,

let us pray for the mission of the Church,

the needs of our world and the salvation of all people.

Concluding Prayer:

Merciful and gracious Father,

who showed the fullness of your love

when you gave your only Son for our salvation

and sent down the power of your Spirit,

complete within us, we pray, the work of your love,

that we who have communion in Christ

may come to share fully

the undying life he lives with you,

in the unity of the Holy Spirit,

one God, for ever and ever.


God of mercy,

who in love sent your only-begotten Son

that all may have life

and through him poured out the Spirit of adoption,

graciously hear our prayer

and strengthen our faith in your Son,

that we may be his witnesses

and live in the communion of your Spirit.

Through Christ our Lord.


Trinity Sunday - Year A - June 11, 2017

Deacon or Reader:

1. For the Church, temple of God’s Spirit and the Body of Christ;

for all who minister to God’s holy people;

and for those who proclaim God’s love to the nations.

We pray to the Lord.

2. For all people facing violence, persecution, hardships or challenges;

for the citizens of London in their time of grief;

and for all police officers and security personnel.

We pray to the Lord.

3. For students preparing for exams or searching for employment;

and for an atmosphere of faith and love that moulds hearts and minds

of all young people in the ways of justice and peace;

and for the gift of work that provides dignity and the necessities of life to all families.

We pray to the Lord.

4. For all who live in fear and those who seek to encourage them with understanding;

for the sick, home-bound and hospitalized;

and for all victims of flood, tornadoes and earthquakes.

We pray to the Lord.

5. For families, reflections of the life-giving Trinity, in the love that binds them together;

for parents, guardians and grandparents who shape the lives of children and each other;

and for those facing challenges at this moment in time.

We pray to the Lord.

6. For the spiritual and physical well-being of all parishioners;

for those who must work on Sunday;

for those who have died recently,

and for all the deceased members of our parish and those who mourn them.

We pray to the Lord.


Trinity Sunday - Year A - June 11, 2017

1. Deacon: Let us pray for the Church, temple of God’s Spirit and the body of Christ:

Reader: For all who minister to God’s holy people;

for Pope Francis, Archbishop O’Brien and all priests and deacons;

and for those who proclaim God’s love to the nations.

We pray to the Lord.

2. Deacon: Let us pray for all people facing violence, persecution, hardships or challenges:

Reader: For the citizens of London in their time of grief;

for police officers and all security personnel;

and for all victims of flood, tornadoes and earthquakes.

We pray to the Lord.

3. Deacon: Let us pray for all families, reflections of the life-giving Trinity in their love:

Reader: For all who live in fear and those who seek to encourage them

with understanding;

for parents, guardians and grandparents

who shape the lives of children and each other;

and for the gift of work that provides dignity and the necessities of life

to all families.

We pray to the Lord.

4. Deacon: Let us pray for those facing challenges at this moment in time:

Reader: For students preparing for exams or searching for employment;

for the sick, home-bound and hospitalized;

and for all victims of flood, tornadoes and earthquakes.

We pray to the Lord.

5. Deacon: Let us pray for the spiritual and physical well-being of all parishioners:

Reader: For those who must work on Sunday;

for those who have died recently,

for all the deceased members of our parish and those who mourn them.

We pray to the Lord.