application pack


EDF Director

to head EDF Brussels based secretariat

Deadline for applications: 10 November 2014 – 16.00h Brussels Time

Job advert

Job description

Key competencies

Application form

EDF Equal Opportunities Monitoring Form

European Disability Forum equal opportunities statement

About the European Disability Forum


The european disability forum is seeking aDirector

to head its Brussels–based secretariat

The European Disability Forum (EDF) is a non-governmental European organisation set up to represent organisations of persons with disabilities at EU level. Its membership includes more than 100 member organisations comprising European, national and regional DPOs as well as National Councils of persons with disabilities in the 28 EU Member States as well as in Norway, Iceland, Albania, FYROM and Serbia. EDF’s mission is to promote the equal opportunities and human rights of the 80 million persons with disabilities in Europe. EDF works closely to the European institutions, the Council of Europe and the United Nations, as well as other international organisations such as the International Disability Alliance.

EDF is seeking a dynamic director to provide strategic management of the EDF in its policy-making, campaigning and information roles. A strong commitment to and experience in the work of the human rights of persons with disabilities, exceptional staff, administrative and financial management organisation and team-building skills are required for this position. The Director must have the vision and drive necessary to guide the implementation of the EDF's ambitious work programme.

Gross annual salary will range 70.000 –90.000 Euros in accordance with experience.

The ideal candidate will:

  • be committed and have a strong knowledge of an equal opportunities/human rights approach to disability;
  • have senior management skills of DPOs and/or NGOs
  • have excellent communication, political and financial management skills;
  • be familiar with NGO structures and culture at EU level;
  • demonstrate thorough knowledge of the EU institutions;
  • demonstrate high level advocacy skills
  • be able to work effectively in English and French;
  • be motivated to lead a small, dynamic, international and multi-cultural team;
  • be computer literate and self supportive;
  • have ten years of relevant paid work experience.

EDF Recruitment, Square de Meeus 35, B-1000 Brussels, Tel: +32 478 55 93 84,
Fax: +32/2/282.46.09, E-mail:

Applications should be sent by e-mail by 10 November 2014 – 16.00 Brussels time

Interviews of shortlisted candidates will take place on 26 November2014from 10.00 to 17.00

Reasonable accommodation will be provided to all shortlisted candidates that request so

EDF is committed to equal opportunities and considers that its objectives will be best achieved if a significant proportion of their staff at all levels are persons with disabilities

Job description


The European Disability ForumPresident and Executive Committee.


Strategic and daily management of the EDF’s Secretariat.

The Director assists and supports the President and the Executive Committeemembers in fulfilling their responsibilities and tasks, works closely with them and attends GeneralAssembly, Board and ExecutiveCommittee meetings, other Committee meetings and any other relevant meetings at therequest of the President


All tasks are to be implemented on the basis of decisions adopted by the governing bodies of EDF and in accordance with EDF statutes and internal rules.

1.To guide the strategic and policy management of the EDF:

  • To continue to support the implementation of EDF human rights and equal opportunities agenda;
  • To develop, implement and monitor strategic plans for EDF;
  • To maintain and improve solid policy, administrative and financial grounds;
  • To monitor the policy framework ofEDF’s activities;
  • To ensure compliance with EDF statutes and Internal rules;
  • To organise governing bodies’ meetings and provide the necessary support by preparing the agendas and briefings to the President and Executive Committee members.

2.To develop and implement human resourcespolicy:

  • To manage EDF team, i.e.policy, , finance, communication, and events organisation officers, as well as assistants;
  • To assign and monitor theimplementation ofthe staff’s objectives and set up an appraisal system;
  • To lead staff training and development programmes;
  • To ensure full respect of legal provisions and health and safety standards;
  • To be responsible for the further development, implementation and monitoring of the EDF equal opportunities policy;
  • To ensure all aspects of EDF’s work are fully and equally accessible for members of EDF governing bodies, staff, and visitors with disabilities.
  • To ensure implementation of EDF gender equality plan

3. To manage the external relations of EDF:

  • To implement EDF communication strategy;
  • To ensure the appropriaterepresentation of EDF to external bodies;
  • To represent EDF when mandated by the President or the Executive Committee.

4. To manage the financial planning and control of EDF operations:

  • To prepare annual budget submissions, progress reports and accounts for the European Commission and other donors;
  • To maximise use of financial resources and to control operational costs;
  • To submit regular financial statements to the EDF Treasurer and President, and to submit financial statements to the EDF Executive Committee, Board of Directors and to the General Assembly;
  • To ensure compliance with financing contracts;
  • To diversify the financial resources of EDF.

5. To be accountable to the EDF governing bodies for all the activities and work of the EDF Secretariat.

Key competencies



Commitment to and knowledge of the human, social, economic, political and cultural rights of persons with disabilities;

Good command of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities

Thorough knowledge and experience of NGO structures and culture at EU and international levels;

Thorough knowledge of the structures and procedures of the EU institutions;

Thorough knowledge of EU policies, especially in areas such as mainstreaming of disability, social inclusion, accessibility, etc.;

Knowledge ofproject application and implementation proceduresin the framework ofEU and international funding programmes.


Knowledge of European and international disability and developmentpolicies.



Ability to lead, work and motivate as a member of an international team;

Ability to work effectively within an organisation with an EU-wide membership, maintaining the confidence and cooperation of member organisations through good-quality communication, consultation,diplomacy, discretion, and respect for confidentiality;

Ability to work with international organisations (e.g. UN, international DPOs/NGOs, etc.);

Ability to understand and act effectively in the EU decision-making arena;

Excellent ability to communicate in writing and orally with groups and individuals;

Ability to manage the complex workloads of Secretariat staff and to plan and set priorities;

Ability to be accountable to the members of the governing bodies and understand the importance of working within a remit;

Ability to prepare and deliver presentations;

Ability to work under pressure and tight deadlines with limited resources;

Ability to work effectively in English and French;

Computer literacy and ability to be self-supporting;

Analytical and problem-solving skills.


Ability to work in otherEU languages.



Direct experience of and commitment to promoting equal opportunities/human rights;

Senior management experience of DPOs/NGOs (prior holding positions as director or manager);

Proven experience of financial and strategic planning and monitoring and human resources management;

Experience on EU and international advocacy;

Experience of working with publicauthorities at EU, national and international levels;

Experience of being accountable to the elected members of the EDF Governing Bodies;

Experience of working in international coalitions and networks;

Experience on training;

Experience of leading a team;

Ten years relevant work experience, part of them as a Director.


Willingness and ability to travel and work at unsociable hours.

Ability to be politically neutralin the exercise of his/her duties.

Application form


All information given on the application and the Equal Opportunities (EO) monitoring forms will be treated in a confidential manner.

Please complete in type

Send the completed application form by e-mailto the EDF Secretariat by 10th November 2014– 16.00 Brussels time (all applications received after that time will not be considered) to the e-mail address:

A confirmation of receipt will be sent to you at the latest the next working day. Should you not have a received a confirmation, please contact:

Mr Javier Güemes, Tel: +32 478 55 93 84

1.Forename(s) or given name: ......

Surname: ......

Home address:





Country: ......

Telephone (home): ......

(daytime/work): ......

May we use this? O Yes O No

E-mail : ………………………………..

Please highlight preferred title:


Further/higher education

Name and address
of college/university / From/to / Full-/part-time / Qualifications obtained

3.Training and development

Please give details of any training courses attended that are of direct relevance to your application.

Course title / From/to / Course provider / Summary of content

4. Membership of technical or professional bodies


5.Present and previous occupations

Please give details of your occupation(s) starting with the most recent. Include any unpaid work that is relevant to the post and explain any gaps.

Employer's name and
address (please start with current/most recent) / From/to
year) / Position held including
brief description of your duties

Continue on a separate sheet if necessary.

6. Explain in 2 pages how you meet the requirements of the person specification and to give us any further information about yourself that you think is relevant.

7. Supplementary information

What is your preferred reading medium? Please circle:

Print/large print/Braille/tape/other (please specify)



8. Language skills, including sign language

8.1 Reading skills

Language / Excellent / Very good / Good / Basic

8.2. Writing skills

Language / Excellent / Very good / Good / Basic

8.3. Verbal skills

Language / Excellent / Very good / Good / Basic

9.Computer literacy

Please indicate your computer knowledge stating all the software programmes you are familiar with.

10.Would you be available for interview on 26th November?YES/NO

11.If you were shortlisted for interview, would you have any special requirements such as timing, wheelchair access or the presence of an interpreter or signer? Please specify.



12.Have you ever been convicted of a criminal offence? YES/NO

If your answer is YES, please give details of date(s) of offence(s) and sentence(s) passed which are still current.



11. All offers of employment are subject to receipt of satisfactory written references. Please attach them to this application.

Provide the names, addresses and telephone numbers of two referees, one of whom should be your present or most recent employer.

1.Name: ......

Position: ......

Address: ......


Telephone number:......

What is your connection with this referee?


2.Name: ......


Address: ......


Telephone number ......

What is your connection with this referee?


12.If selected, when would you be able to take up employment with EDF?





I declare that the information provided on this form is correct to the best of my knowledge and understand that any information submitted in connection with employment and subsequently found to be incorrect or deliberately misleading could lead to dismissal without notice.


Applications should be sent by e-mail to: .

Applications shall be treated in most confidentiality and the title of the e-mail should include this reference: EDF-Dir-14.

Closing date for receipt of applications: 10th November 2014 at 16.00 Brussels time. Any application received after this date will not be considered valid.

A confirmation of receipt will be sent to you at the latest the next working day.

Interviews for shortlisted candidates will take place on 26th November from 10.00 to 17.00

Should you not have received a confirmation, please contact Javier Güemes at
EDF Secretariat via e-mail.

EDF Equal Opportunities Monitoring Form


Please complete in black ink or type and return with your completed application form.

In accordance with the EDF's Equal Opportunities (EO) Policy Statement, the EDF will select new employees on job-related criteria only, that is on the ability to meet the criteria of the job as outlined in the person specification.

The questions below will help the EDF to monitor the effectiveness of its equal opportunities policy. You are under no obligation to provide the information requested, but if you do so it will help the EDF to develop its EO policy. The information that you supply on this page will be used for monitoring purposes and will not be used in the selection process. Please, therefore, complete all questions on both sides of this questionnaire by circling the appropriate response or entering the information requested.

Post applied for......

How did you hear about this post?

Advertisement in newspaper / recruitment website?......

Which newspaper / website (please specify)


Through an NGO?......

Which NGO......

Through a friend/relative/colleague?......


Age ......

GenderO MaleO Female

Marital statusO SingleO Married

What is your nationality? ......

Do you consider yourself to be a person with a disability? O Yes O No

If yes, please state the nature of your disability:

European Disability Forum equal opportunities statement

The European Disability Forum (EDF) is working towards becoming an equal opportunities organisation. It is committed to promoting equal opportunities and preventing discrimination. This policy applies to both the EDF's policy and information functions and its own employment practices.

The EDF recognises that as we progress towards this goal, the equal opportunities policy will require regular review.

It is committed to opposing direct and indirect discrimination on the grounds of disability, ethnicity or national origin, colour, race, creed, gender, marital status, domestic circumstances, age, HIV status or sexual orientation or on any other grounds. The EDF recognises there are groups in society who are disadvantaged through discrimination and will work to redress any inequality in its own operations and employment practices.

This policy recognises and incorporates best practice relating to equal opportunities. Nothing in this policy is intended to prevent the EDF from following best professional practice in recruiting the person most suitable for the job.

The EDF requires its employees, members and volunteers to comply with this policy.

The EDF will take positive action as necessary, as a policy development and information-providing body and an employer, to uphold this policy.

The EDF recognises the need to develop procedures to support the implementation of this policy, for instance a training programme and a system of monitoring. These procedures will be incorporated into this policy as it develops.

Programme of Action / Implementation

The EDF will ensure that:

-all job descriptions are drawn up in accordance with the equal opportunities policy.

-members of selection panels are committed to equal opportunities and that they consider applicants only on the criteria specified in the job description.

-no employee receives less favourable treatment than any other.

-employees from underrepresented groups, including persons with disabilities, are given training, encouragement and special arrangements such as alternate reading media, readers, sign language interpretation and modified office equipment and furniture, where this is appropriate.

About the European Disability Forum

What is the EDF?

The EDF is an international non-profit organisation based in Brussels. It was set up in 1996 by organisations of persons with disabilities and their families to defend issues of common concern to all disability groups, and to be an independent and strong voice for persons with disabilities towards the EU. EDF represents more than 65 million persons with disabilities in Europe.

Our mission

The mission of EDF is to promote equal opportunities and non-discrimination of persons with disabilities, and to guarantee and protect their fundamental human rights by means of active involvement in policy development and campaigns on disability rights at the EU level.

Our values

Self-advocacy: weare an organisation where persons with disabilities and parents of persons with disabilitiesin need of high level of support are the decision makers.

Involvement:we believe in and campaign for the right of persons with disabilities to be fully involved in policy-making process through their representative organisations, our guiding principle being: "nothing aboutpersons with disabilities without persons with disabilities".

Independence:we make sure that our organisation remains independent, and that it is our members who decide upon the EDF work programme and policy positions.

Visibility: we demand that the rights of persons with disabilities are visible in all sectors of life.

Rights-based inclusion: we fight for the inclusion of persons with disabilities in society as a right; we refuse the out-of-date charitable approach to disability.

Solidarity: we work to build a stronger and more united disability movement, with special attention to those with significant and multiple disabilities, those who face multiple discrimination or any other form of marginalisation.

Partnership: we build alliances with all those organisations that share our goals and help us to promote the rights of persons with disabilities. Our extensive network is our strength. With our partners we exchangeideas and experience, enriching our work with their know-how and expertise.

EDF: the representative organisation of persons with disabilities in the EU

EDF is an organisation open to all interested parties and directly managed by persons with disabilities of persons with disabilitiesin need of high level of support. Its membership structure ensures that the views of the different impairment groups and the different national and cultural approaches are respected.

Structure and Membership

EDF is based on two pillars, which are reflected in the structure of the governing bodies. The first pillar consists of the National Councils of Persons with disabilities, one in each EU Member State, plus Iceland and Norway, and the observer National Councils from those countries who are in the process of joining the EU. The second pillar is made up of more than 100 European disability NGOs representing different types of impairments or sectors of activities. The membership reflects a broad geographical base and a wide range of concerns across the European disability movement.