Scott Stemp

Year Called

to the Bar:2000 (Inner Temple, Major Scholar)

Degree:LLB (Hons) (Southampton)

Teams: Crime & Regulatory


Administrative & Local Government

Public & Licensed Access

Memberships: Western Circuit

Criminal Bar Association

UK Environmental Law Association

Practice Areas:

Scott's practice is mainly divided between Crime and Planning law.
General Crime
Scott is instructed in a wide range of criminal matters on behalf of either prosecution or defence in a wide range of courts including appearances before the Court of Appeal (Criminal Division). He has particular interest in matters involving drugs, fraud and money laundering and also mentally disordered offenders.
As a Grade 3 CPS prosecutor he is often instructed in matters of serious violence, including aggravated arson and serious public order matters (large scale violent disorder).
Scott is frequently instructed by Local Authorities in matters of benefit fraud and has delivered several lectures and seminars to Local Authority investigators on both the general conduct of investigations and specifically PACE interviews. He also has a significant amount of experience in matters arising under the Proceeds of Crime Act 2002 both for the CPS and Local Authorities, including advising on and appearing in matters of cash seizure, confiscation and restraint orders.
He has also defended a number of cases before Courts Martial, both within the UK and abroad, including representing the lead defendant in a serious four-handed violent disorder occurring in barracks in Germany. Scott also appears before the Parole Board on a variety of matters including prisoner re-classification and release.

Regulatory and Quasi-Crime
Scott is regularly instructed by both prosecution and defence (including national and international companies) to advise on and appear in a wide range of regulatory criminal matters including:

  • Enforcement Notices and enforcement of Tree Preservation Orders under the Town and Country Planning Act
  • Trading Standards prosecutions
  • Prosecutions brought under Health and Safety legislation
  • Prosecutions under Food Safety legislation
  • Matters arising from Noise Nuisance, Environmental Protection and Dangerous Dogs legislation
  • Prosecutions under the New Roads and Street Works Act

He also has significant experience of applications for Anti-Social Behaviour Order applications and similar injunctive relief before both Magistrates' and County Courts.

Scott has also advised on and appeared in several matters connected with Public Interest Immunity not only as prosecution or defence counsel but also on behalf of Local Authorities in their capacity as Social Services departments.

He has also sat as the Legal Advisor to Local Authority licensing sub-committees and appeared on a number of occasions on behalf of the Hampshire Constabulary in licensing matters. He has also represented the Hampshire Constabulary in a number of other spheres, including proceedings before the Coroner's Court and also proceedings under the Police Property Act.

Planning Law

Scott regularly appears at Inquiries on behalf of Local Authorities on a wide variety of matters in both Section 78 Inquiries and enforcement appeals. He has particular experience of Inquiries concerning effects on SPAs (notably the Thames Valley Basin Health SPA), residential developments and Category II sheltered accommodation. Scott has also appeared in matters concerning public Rights of Way and Definitive Map Modification Orders (both historic and modern user-based).

12 College Place, FauvelleBuildings, Southampton SO15 2FE

Tel: (023) 8032 0320 Fax: (023) 8032 0321