ADAMS, HERBERT C. (Representative, Portland)
Appointments 28, 49
Committee Appointments 28 (2)
Leaves of Absence 117, 913, 1404
Legislative Documents
Sponsor 47, 127, 128, 135 (2), 136, 143, 156, 231, 233, 254, 279, 962 (3), 1215
Orders and Joint Resolutions
Sponsor 1428, 1429
Remarks 679, 875, 898 (5), 901, 922, 923, 928, 1023, 1028, 1147, 1235, 1430, 1453
Vote, Absent 1235
Without Day 939, 1453
Democratic Leadership Appointments
Hardy, Kenneth
Appointed Partisan Staff Assistant for Nominations (H.P. 526) 126
Pringle, Alex
Appointed Partisan Staff Assistant for Nominations (H.P. 526) 126
President Appointments
Bartlett, Sen. Philip L. II, of Cumberland
Appointed Chair of Joint Select Committee on Joint Rules (H.C. 23) 29
Appointed Chair of the Joint Select Committee on Maine’s Energy Future (H.C. 28) 49
Brannigan, Sen. Joseph C., of Cumberland
Appointed member of the Government Oversight Committee (H.C. 24) 30
Courtney, Sen. Jonathan T.E., of York
Appointed member of Joint Select Committee on Joint Rules (H.C. 23) 29
Diamond, Sen. Bill, of Cumberland
Appointed member of Joint Select Committee on Joint Rules (H.C. 23) 29
Appointed member of the Government Oversight Committee (H.C. 24) 30
Joint Standing Committees (H.C. 22) 29
Marraché, Sen. Lisa T., of Kennebec
Appointed member of Joint Select Committee on Joint Rules (H.C. 23) 29
McCormick, Sen. Earle L., of Kennebec
Appointed member of the Government Oversight Committee (H.C. 24) 30
Nass, Sen. Richard A., of York
Appointed member of the Government Oversight Committee (H.C. 24) 30
Perry, Sen. Joseph, of Penobscot
Appointed member of the Joint Select Committee on Maine’s Energy Future (H.C. 28) 49
Raye, Sen. Kevin, of Washington
Appointed member of Joint Select Committee on Joint Rules (H.C. 23) 29
Rector, Sen. Christopher, of Knox
Appointed member of the Joint Select Committee on Maine’s Energy Future (H.C. 28) 49
Simpson, Sen. Deborah L., of Androscoggin
Appointed member of the Joint Select Committee on Maine’s Energy Future (H.C. 28) 49
Appointed Chair of the Government Oversight Committee (H.C. 24) 30
Smith, Sen. Doug, of Piscataquis
Appointed member of the Joint Select Committee on Maine’s Energy Future (H.C. 28) 49
Trahan, Sen. A. David, of Lincoln
Appointed member of the Government Oversight Committee (H.C. 24) 30
Republican Leadership Appointments
Bott, John
Appointed Partisan Staff Assistant for Nominations (H.C. 71) 126
Speaker Appointments
Adams, Rep. Herbert, of Portland
Appointed member of the Joint Select Committee on Joint Rules (H.C. 20) 28
Appointed member of the Joint Select Committee on Maine’s Energy Future (H.C. 27) 49
Austin, Rep. Susan M., of Gray
Appointed member of Engrossed Bills (H.C. 34) 59
Speaker Appointments (con't)
Boghossian, Paul
Appointed member of the Community Preservation Advisory Committee (H.C. 320) 1454
Beck, Rep. Henry E. M., of Waterville
Appointed member of Elections (H.C. 34) 59
Berry, Rep. Seth A., of Bowdoinham
Appointed member of the Maine Children’s Growth Council (H.C. 47) 86
Bickford, Rep. Bruce A., of Auburn
Appointed member of Bills in the Second Reading (H.C. 34) 59
Appointed member of the Government Oversight Committee (H.C. 21) 29
Boland, Rep. Andrea M., of Sanford
Appointed Chair of Engrossed Bills (H.C. 34) 59
Browne, Rep. William P., of Vassalboro
Appointment to Joint Standing Committee on State and Local Government rescinded (H.C. 250) 975
Temporarily appointed member of the Joint Standing Committee on State and Local Government (H.C. 164) 267
Bryant, Rep. Mark E., of Windham
Appointed Chair of Ethics (H.C. 34) 59
Burns, Rep. David C., of Whiting
Appointed member of Leaves of Absence (H.C. 34) 59
Appointed member of the Government Oversight Committee (H.C. 21) 29
Temporarily appointed ranking member of the Government Oversight Committee (H.C. 40) 71
Cain, Rep. Emily Ann, of Orono
Appointed member of the Joint Select Committee on Health Care Reform Opportunities
and Implementation (H.C. 320) 1454
Appointed to the New England Board of Higher Education (H.C. 97) 176
Campbell, Rep. James J., Sr., of Newfield
Appointed member of the National Legislative Association on Prescription Drug Prices bylaws (H.C. 229) 951
Carey, Rep. Michael E., of Lewiston
Appointed Chair of Elections (H.C. 34) 59
Appointed member of the Joint Select Committee on Maine’s Energy Future (H.C. 27) 49
Appointed to the Maine HIV Advisory Committee (H.C. 98) 176
Celli, Rep. Michael, of Brewer
Appointed member of the Joint Select Committee on Maine’s Energy Future (H.C. 27) 49
Reappointed member of the Joint Standing Committee on State and Local Government (H.C. 250) 975
Clark, Rep. Herbert E., of Millinocket
Appointed member of the Work Group to Review Standards by Which State Law Enforcement Officers
May Stop All-Terrain Vehicles (H.C. 320) 1454
Clark, Rep. Tyler, of Easton
Appointed member of Engrossed Bills (H.C. 34) 59
Cohen, Rep. Joan F., of Portland
Appointed member of Bills in the Second Reading (H.C. 34) 59
Coker, Daniel, of Bowdoinham
Appointed member of the Maine Geographic Library Board (H.C. 320) 1454
Connor, Rep. Gary A., of Kennebunk
Appointed member of the Joint Select Committee on Health Care Reform Opportunities and Implementation (H.C. 320) 1454
Cornell Du Houx, Rep. Alexander, of Brunswick
Appointed member of Leaves of Absence (H.C. 34) 59
Appointed member of the Substance Abuse Services Commission (H.C. 229) 952
Cotta, Rep. H. David, of China
Appointed as the ranking member of the Joint Standing Committee on State and Local Government (H.C. 45) 85
Appointed member of Bills in the Second Reading (H.C. 34) 59
Cray, Rep. Dean A., of Palmyra
Appointed member of Bills in the Second Reading (H.C. 34) 59
Appointed member of the Sustainability of the Dairy Industry in Maine Task Force (H.C. 229) 951
Curtis, Rep. Philip A., of Madison
Appointed member of Rules and Business of the House (H.C. 34) 59
Appointed member of the Joint Select Committee on Joint Rules (H.C. 20) 28
Temporarily appointed member of the Government Oversight Committee (H.C. 40) 71
Temporary appointment to the Government Oversight Committee Rescinded (H.C. 143) 225
Cushing, Rep. Andre E., III, of Hampden
Appointed member of Elections (H.C. 34) 59
Speaker Appointments (con't)
Davis, Rep. Paul T., Sr., of Sangerville
Appointed member of Elections (H.C. 34) 59
Dempster, Jean
Appointed member of the Advisory Committee on Family Development Accounts (H.C. 278) 1089
Dill, Rep. Cynthia A., of Cape Elizabeth
Appointed member of Ethics (H.C. 34) 59
Appointed House Chair of the Broadband Strategy Council (H.C. 229) 951
Driscoll, Rep. Timothy E., of Westbrook
Appointed member of Bills in the Second Reading (H.C. 34) 59
Duchesne, Rep. Robert S., of Hudson
Appointed House Chair to the Community Preservation Advisory Committee (H.C. 206) 878
Eaton, Rep. Robert N., of Sullivan
Appointed member of Leaves of Absence (H.C. 34) 59
Eberle, Rep. Jane E., of South Portland
Appointed member of the Joint Select Committee on Maine’s Energy Future (H.C. 27) 49
Eves, Rep. Mark, of North Berwick
Appointed member of Bills in the Second Reading (H.C. 34) 59
Appointed member of the Joint Select Committee on Health Care Reform Opportunities and Implementation (H.C. 320) 1454
Appointed member of the Maine Children's Trust (H.C. 192) 591
Fitts, Rep. Stacey Allen, of Pittsfield
Appointed member of Elections (H.C. 34) 59
Appointed member of the Commission to Study Energy Infrastructure (H.C. 229) 951
Appointed member of the Joint Select Committee on Maine’s Energy Future (H.C. 27) 49
Flemings, Rep. Elspeth, of Bar Harbor
Appointed member of Engrossed Bills (H.C. 34) 59
Appointed member of Leaves of Absence (H.C. 34) 59
Appointed to the Community Preservation Advisory Committee (H.C. 206) 878
Fletcher, Rep. Kenneth C., of Winslow
Appointed member of the Broadband Strategy Council (H.C. 229) 951
Appointed member of the Commission to Study Energy Infrastructure (H.C. 229) 951
Appointed member of the Joint Select Committee on Maine’s Energy Future (H.C. 27) 49
Flood, Rep. Patrick S. A., of Winthrop
Appointed member of the Joint Select Committee on Health Care Reform Opportunities
and Implementation (H.C. 320) 1454
Appointed member of the Joint Select Committee on Joint Rules (H.C. 20) 28
Fossel, Rep. Leslie T., of Alna
Appointed member of the Health Information Technology Steering Committee (H.C. 320) 1454
Appointed member of the Joint Select Committee on Health Care Reform Opportunities
and Implementation (H.C. 320) 1454
Gifford, Rep. Jeffery A., of Lincoln
Appointed member of Leaves of Absence (H.C. 34) 59
Appointed member of the Citizen Trade Policy Commission (H.C. 39) 71
Giles, Rep. Jayne Crosby, of Belfast
Appointed member of the Joint Select Committee on Maine’s Energy Future (H.C. 27) 49
Goode, Rep. Adam, of Bangor
Appointed member of the Joint Select Committee on Health Care Reform Opportunities
and Implementation (H.C. 320) 1454
Guisinger, Penny, of Pembroke
Appointed member of the Permanent Commission on the Status of Women (H.C. 320) 1454
Harvell, Rep. Lance E., of Farmington
Appointed member of the Joint Standing Committee on State and Local Government (H.C. 45) 85
Haskell, Rep. Anne M., of Portland
Appointed member of the Maine Medical Marijuana Act, Executive Order Commission (H.C. 229) 951
Hayes, Rep. Teresea M., of Buckfield
Appointed Chair of Bills in the Second Reading (H.C. 34) 59
Appointed member of the Legislative Youth Advisory Council (H.C. 189) 590
Heldmann, Gretchen, of Hampden
Appointed member of the Maine Library of Geographic Information Board (H.C. 229) 951
Herz, Michael, of Damariscotta
Appointed member of the Citizen Trade Policy Commission (H.C. 74) 139
Speaker Appointments (con't)
Hill, Rep. Dawn, of York
Appointed Chair of the Government Oversight Committee (H.C. 21) 29
Appointed member to the Right to Know Advisory Committee (H.C. 172) 300
Hinck, Rep. Jon, of Portland
Appointed member of the Joint Select Committee on Maine’s Energy Future (H.C. 27) 49
Appointed member of the Commission to Study Energy Infrastructure (H.C. 229) 951
Hunt, Rep. Robert B., of Buxton
Appointed member of Elections (H.C. 34) 59
Johnson, Rep. Peter B., of Greenville
Appointed member of Ethics (H.C. 34) 59
Joint Standing Committees (H.C. 19) 27
Jones, Rep. Patricia R., of Mount Vernon
Appointed House Chair of the Task Force on Kinship Families (H.C. 320) 1454
Appointed member to the Advisory Committee on Dental Education (H.C. 37) 71
Joy, Rep. Henry L., of Crystal
Appointed member of Engrossed Bills (H.C. 34) 59
Appointed member of the Joint Standing Committee on Health and Human Services (H.C. 46) 85
Appointment to Joint Standing Committee on State and Local Government rescinded (H.C. 45) 85
Kipp, Timothy W., of Scarborough
Reappointed member of the Oil Spill Advisory Committee (H.C. 279) 1089
Knapp, Rep. Jane S., of Gorham
Appointed member of Bills in the Second Reading (H.C. 34) 59
Appointed member of the Legislative Youth Advisory Council (H.C. 189) 590
Appointed to the Community Preservation Advisory Committee (H.C. 206) 878
Knight, Rep. L. Gary, of Livermore Falls
Appointed member of Engrossed Bills (H.C. 34) 59
Koffman, Honorable Theodore S., of Bar Harbor
Appointed member of the Community Preservation Advisory Committee (H.C. 229) 952
Laweryson, Gary, of Waldoboro
Reappointed member of the Commission to Protect the Lives and Health of Members
of the Maine National Guard (H.C. 283) 1102
Lewin, Rep. Sarah O., of Eliot
Appointed member of the Substance Abuse Services Commission (H.C. 229) 952
Loranger, Diane, of Saco
Appointed member of the Task Force on Kinship Families (H.C. 320) 1454
MacDonald, Rep. W. Bruce, of Boothbay
Appointed member of the Broadband Strategy Council (H.C. 229) 951
Martin, Rep. John L., of Eagle Lake
Appointed Chair of the Joint Select Committee on Joint Rules (H.C. 20) 28
Appointed Co-Chair of the Joint Select Committee on Maine’s Energy Future (H.C. 27) 49
Appointed House Chair of the Commission to Study Energy Infrastructure (H.C. 229) 951
Appointed member of the Maine-Canadian Legislative Advisory Commission (H.C. 191) 590
Appointed member of the Substance Abuse Services Commission (H.C. 229) 952
Appointed member of the Work Group to Review Standards by Which State Law Enforcement Officers
May Stop All-Terrain Vehicles (H.C. 320) 1454
Mazziotti, Honorable Joseph
Appointed member of the Task Force on Kinship Families (H.C. 320) 1454
McFadden, Rep. Howard E., of Dennysville
Appointed member of the Study Commission Regarding Teachers' Compensation (H.C. 229) 951
McLeod, Rep. Everett W., Sr., of Lee
Appointed member of the Government Oversight Committee (H.C. 21) 29
Reappointed member of the Government Oversight Committee (H.C. 143) 225
Meyer, Judy of, Lewiston
Appointed member of the Right to Know Advisory Committee (H.C. 229) 951
Michelle, Natalie Sylvia, of Hampden
Appointed member of the Permanent Commission on the Status of Women (H.C. 320) 1454
Miller, Rep. Elizabeth S., of Somerville
Appointed member of Engrossed Bills (H.C. 34) 59
Appointed member of the Health Information Technology Steering Committee (H.C. 320) 1454
Appointed member of the Joint Select Committee on Health Care Reform Opportunities and Implementation (H.C. 320) 1454
Speaker Appointments (con't)
Murchison, Kenneth of, Caribou
Appointed member of the Maine Library of Geographic Information Board (H.C. 229) 951
Nass, Rep. Joan M., of Acton
Appointed member of Leaves of Absence (H.C. 34) 59
Appointed member of the Task Force on Kinship Families (H.C. 320) 1454
Pendleton, Rep. Peggy A., of Scarborough
Appointed member of Engrossed Bills (H.C. 34) 59
Appointed member of the Government Oversight Committee (H.C. 21) 29
Peoples, Rep. Ann E., of Westbrook
Appointed to the Community Preservation Advisory Committee (H.C. 206) 878
Perry, Rep. Anne C., of Calais
Appointed member of the Maine Medical Marijuana Act, Executive Order Commission (H.C. 229) 951
Appointed member of the Substance Abuse Services Commission (H.C. 229) 952
Appointed member to the Advisory Committee on Dental Education (H.C. 37) 71
Pieh, Rep. Wendy, of Bremen
Appointed member of the Board of Agriculture (H.C. 38) 71
Appointed member of the Sustainability of the Dairy Industry in Maine Task Force (H.C. 229) 951
Pilon, Rep. Donald E., of Saco
Appointed member of Ethics (H.C. 34) 59
Pingree, Rep. Hannah M., of North Haven
Appointed Ex Officio of Rules and Business of the House (H.C. 34) 59
Piotti, Rep. John F., of Unity
Appointed member of Rules and Business of the House (H.C. 34) 59
Pratt, Rep. Benjamin Marriner, of Eddington
Appointed Speaker Pro Tem Pursuant to House Rule 201.1 (H) on 03/17/10 1148
Priest, Rep. Charles R., of Brunswick
Appointed member of the Joint Select Committee on Health Care Reform Opportunities and Implementation (H.C. 320) 1454
Appointed member of the Maine-Canadian Legislative Advisory Commission (H.C. 191) 590
Richardson, Rep. Wesley E., of Warren
Appointed member of the Advisory Council on Health Systems Development (H.C. 73) 139
Appointed member of the Joint Select Committee on Health Care Reform Opportunities and Implementation (H.C. 320) 1454
Rioux, Michael, of Durham
Appointed member of the Pollution Prevention Advisory Commission (H.C. 193) 609
Rosen, Rep. Kimberley C., of Bucksport
Appointed member of Ethics (H.C. 34) 59
Rotundo, Rep. Margaret R., of Lewiston
Appointed member of the Citizen Trade Policy Commission (H.C. 31) 51
Appointed member of the Government Oversight Committee (H.C. 21) 29
Sanborn, Rep. Linda F., of Gorham
Appointed member of the Joint Select Committee on Health Care Reform Opportunities and Implementation (H.C. 320) 1454