Nombre: ______Fecha: ______

Capítulo 3A en una página (pg. 144)

Vocabulario y gramática

To talk about breakfast

for breakfast ______

cereal ______

breakfast ______

eggs ______

bread ______

toast (toasted bread) ______

*sweet bread ______

*pancakes ______

sausages ______

bacon ______

yogurt ______

Las frutas

banana ______

apple ______

orange ______

strawberry ______

To talk about lunch

for lunch ______

salad ______

fruit salad ______

cookie/cracker ______

hamburger ______

ham ______

chicken ______

French fries (i.e.fried potatoes)

hot dog ______

pizza ______

cheese ______

ham and cheese sándwich ______

*peanut butter ______

Me gusta(n) / Nos gusta(n)
Te gusta(n) / Os gusta(n)
Le gusta(n) / Les gusta(n)

*jelly ______

vegatable soup ______

Las bebidas

water ______

coffee ______

apple juice ______

Me encanta(n) / Nos encanta(n)
Te encanta(n) / Os encanta(n)
Le encanta(n) / Les encanta(n)

orange juice ______

milk ______

lemonade ______

soft drink ______

tea ______

iced tea ______

To talk about eating and drinking

to drink ______

to eat ______

food ______

to share ______

To indicate how often

never ______

always ______

every day ______

at times (i.e. sometimes) ______

*from time to time ______

*many times ______

*With what frequency…? How often…?


Otras palabras

to understand ______

with ______

Which (one/ones)? ______

more or less ______

of course ______

How awful! ______

without ______

Right? (lit. “truth?”) ______

Tener – to have

*to have hunger ______

*to have thirst ______

Gustar ______

Encantar ______

Vocabulario Adicional (pg. 472)

Fruit – Las frutas

avocado ______

cherry ______

plum ______

coconut ______

peach ______

raspberry ______

lemon ______

melon ______

pear ______

watermelon ______

grapefruit ______

Vegetables – Las verduras

celery ______

broccoli ______

pumpkin ______

mushroom ______

cabbage ______

cauliflower ______

asparagus ______

spinach ______

cucumber (also: pickle) ______

Meat - La carne

pork chop ______

Lamb ______

veal ______

Condiments – Los condimentos

mayonnaise ______

mustard ______

kétchup ______

Other type of food – Otro tipo de comidas

noodles ______

Other useful words

salt ______

pepper ______

butter ______

tener – to have

yo / nosotros
tú / vosotros
ella / ustedes

translate the ‘tener’ verb chart from above

ir – to go

yo / nosotros
tú / vosotros
ella / ustedes

translate the ‘ir’ verb chart from above