To: Scenic Rim Regional Council,
PO Box 25
Beaudesert Qld 4285
Attention CEO,
I refer to the proposed development involving an Extractive Industry and ERA on land located at Hinrichson Road Coleyville & described as Lot 14 RP21535. Development Application number MC.Bn 13/00012.
Extractive Industry (with ancillary chemical storage (<40,000l diesel) and motor vehicle workshop activities), ERA 16 Extractive and Screening Activities (ERA 16(2)(c) - Extracting >1,000,000t per annum of material
(concurrence) and ERA 16(3)(c) - screening of >1,000,000t per annum of material (nonconcurrence))
and clearing of native vegetation Location: Hinrichsen Road COLEYVILLE QLD 4307 The subject site is located within a proposed Key Resource Area (KRA) 158-in the SPP (State Planning Policy July 2014).
I wish to lodge an objection to the proposed quarry at Mount Walker for the following reasons:
• If approved the quarry will result in the permanent destruction of up to 100 hectares of native bushland and Koala habitat as well as the disruption of Australian native Grass Trees (Black boys).
• Noise, dust and increased heavy vehicle traffic will adversely affect established businesses, cropping and livestock operations as well as impact adversely on property values.
• An estimated 98 heavy vehicles, namely quarry trucks will be coming into and out of this area via Rosewood-Warrill View Road and onto Ipswich-Rosewood Road past primary schools, local businesses and residential homes.
• If approved, this quarry will sediment runoff into the Bremer River and nearby creeks affecting grazing lands, food crops and livestock watering points.
• The quarry will permanently fracture wildlife corridors between areas of remnant bushland and contribute to the fragmentation of landscapes with consequential adverse impacts on wildlife.
• There is a high risk of damage to persons, wildlife and property from fly rock from blasting activities. This risk remains unacceptably high following the application of risk treatment, due to the proximity of houses and blasting activities being undertaken at levels at least 30 metres higher than surrounding houses and properties.
• There will be a high risk to human health from exposure to fine particulate and crystalline silica from quarry operations.
• If approved, this quarry will result in unreasonable interference with the noise characteristics of the rural area and prevent the enjoyment of public and private open space.
• If approved, this quarry will permanently destroy the nature and amenity of Mount Walker.
Additional Comments:
FULL Name/s:______