For your convenience, The OAS CPR reports are made available on CD for easy access, portability and instant data retrieval.
The CPR reports listed below are provided in Microsoft Word format and contain the data summaries for information as described in each title:
- OASES CPR SUMMARY 2005 by Nationality
- OASES CPR SUMMARY 2005 by Location
- OASES CPR SUMMARY 2005 by Fund
- OASES CPR SUMMARY 2005 by Department
The CPR reports listed below are in PDF format. These instructions help to read these particular reports.
- 2005 CPR Summary 2005
- 2005 OASES PO Detail, Summary & By CPR Semester performance period
NOTE: Version 7.0 or higher of the Adobe Reader is a program requirement to successfully achieve the results from these instructions. (Instructions to immediately download version 7.0 are included for your information. Must have internet access)
Please follow the steps below on how to do a search in a document that has PDF format.
- To query by Organization, a list of Organization Names with their corresponding Organization Number assigned to each department isattached to this document for your reference.
- After opening one of the reports, and to search for example, a CPR that worked in the Organization – 10510 – Office of the Secretary General , press the icon that looks like binoculars
- When the following screen appears; enter the desired organization number or name of the CPR, in the field to the right side of the screen
And press the button Search
- The next screenshot shows how many hits come back on the search, and shows the first hit, that is highlighted in the Results box.
- By clicking on the results, the program directs the User to information on the report. Adouble click on each field generates the next result on the report.
To start other search criteria, press the button New Search
- When the following screen appears again, enter the desired organization number or name of the CPR in the field to the right side of the screen:
And press the Search button again
- By double clicking on the following screen, the program directs you to next result
Results for each CPR will be found in different parts of the CPR report. For example a result may be found in the Summaryreport, in the Detailed Report and also in the reportby semester.
In this example the CPR is found in both semesters.
First Semester: PERIOD FROM JAN-05 TO JUN-05
Second Semester: PERIOD FROM JUL-05 TO DEC-05
Please press the button New Search at anytime to start or enter another search criteria
OAS Organizational Key Sheet as of June 2005
Department Name / Organization / Organization NameOffice of the Secretary General / 10510 / Office of the Sec. General
12010 / Office of the Inspector General
13510 / Office of Summit Follow-up
54021 / Board of External Auditors
Office of the Assistant Secretary General / 21010 / Office of the Assistant Sec. General
23010 / Permanent Secretariat to CIM
23014 / CIM-Horizontal Cooperation
23016 / Gender Mainstreaming
25010 / Office of the Inter-American Children's Institute
25011 / IA Info. Program on Children & Family
25012 / Program for Integral Promotion of Children's Rights
25013 / Legal Program
27020 / CML - Office of Director
27040 / Technical Services
28001 / Office in Antigua/Barbuda
28004 / Office in Barbados
28015 / Office in Ecuador
28019 / Office in Guyana
28021 / Office in Honduras
28022 / Office in Jamaica
28023 / Office in Mexico
28025 / Office in Panama
Executive Secretariat of the I-A Commission on Human Rights / 16010 / Inter-American Commission on Human Rights
Department of Democratic and Political Affairs / 19010 / UPD - Office of the Executive Coordinator
19020 / Strengthening Democratic Institutions
19030 / Electoral Technical Assistance
19040 / Information and Dialogue
19050 / Special Programs - Electoral Observations
19090 / Department of Democratic and Political Affairs
Executive Secretariat for Integral Development / 14020 / Rowe Fund
15010 / Office of Science and Technology
16510 / CITEL-Inter-American Telecommunication Commission
17010 / Office for Commerce, Growth and Competitiveness
17020 / Trade Unit
17040 / SICE - Foreign Trade Information System
17510 / Social Development and Education Unit
18010 / Sustainable Development and Environment unit
18510 / Inter- Sectorial Unit for Tourism
18511 / Caribbean Tourism Organization
37020 / IACD- Division of Promotion of Cooperation Development
37030 / IACD- Division of Cooperation for the Development of Human Resources
37050 / IACD- Division of Administrative and Budgetary Services
37060 / Office of the Inter-American Committee on Ports
37070 / IACD-Department of Info Tech for Human Development
99500 / Trust for the Americas
Department of Multidimensional Security / 10530 / Support to CICTE
15510 / CICAD-Executive Office
15520 / Demand Reduction
15530 / Supply Reduction
15540 / InstitutionBuilding
15562 / Research and Analysis
15563 / Observatory – Operations
15570 / Alternative Development
15580 / Money Laundering
15590 / Educational Development and Research Unit-EDRU
19800 / Mine Action Programs
Department of Communications and External Relations / 11020 / DPI - Office of the Director
11062 / Multi-media
11080 / Radio
11090 / Americas Magazine
12510 / Office of Protocol
13010 / Office of External Relations
Department of International Legal Affairs / 42010 / Office of the Assistant Secretary for Legal Affairs
44040 / Secretariat for the Inter-American Juridical Committee
44042 / Course on Int'l Law [CJI]
46010 / Meetings of the Administrative Tribunal
48010 / Department of Cooperation and Legal Dissemination
14810 / Office for Political Affairs, Ethics and Transparency
Department of Administration and Finance / 52010 / Executive Office of the Assistant Secretary for Management
54020 / DFS - Office of the Director
55030 / MAN/MAPPS/ DIR - Office of the Director
55051 / Software, Licenses, Rent & Services
56010 / Office of Procurement Management Services
57010 / TFS-Office of the Director
57012 / Building Management and Maintenance
57021 / General services
57052 / Application of Information Technology
57053 / Computerized Equipment
58020 / DHR - Office of the Director
58021 / Post Audits
58060 / Compensation and Benefits
58067 / Pension-Ret. Execs; H&L Insurance-Ret. Empl.