To: Planning Services Otley Town Council

Leeds City Council Civic Centre

Leonardo Building Cross Green

2 Rossington Street Otley LS21 1HD


With reference to the planning applications listed, Otley Town Council wishes to record the following observations:

I Plumtree

Clerk to the Council

23rd January 2006

29/383/05/FU Basement extension with conservatory over including staircase to rear

25 Mount Pisgah Otley

This Council wishes to make both a partial objection and observations on this application. The Council objects to the extension at the front of the building. This Council observes that Mount Pisgah is a street of particular character in Otley and it is considered that if the Planning Department were to visit the street they would see the variations that are occurring at the back of this street from which the planners would be able to determine what would be an appropriate design for the back of this property. This Council also observes that it has received information that this development in common with other developments leads to a thinning of the walls between adjoining properties increasing the noise distribution. The Council would be pleased if planners could look at this in respect of this property as it would appear to diminish the quality of the property.

29/386/05/FU Retrospective application for single storey side extension with new roofs to existing porch and conservatory

78 The Gills Otley

No Objections

29/389/05/FU Single storey extension to field study centre

The White House off Johnny Lane Otley

No Objections

20/12/06/FU Detached quadruple garage with play room above with Juliet balcony

Manby House East Chevin Road Otley

This Council objects to this plan on the grounds that it is over development and inappropriate in appearance and design. In the event of the planning authority granting this application then this Council requests that there is a clear and unambiguous permanent restriction on this development ever being turned into a residential unit whether in whole or in part.

20/49/06/FU Change of use of insurance office to insurance office and estate agent

33-35 Cross Green Otley

No Objections

20/56/06/FU Conservatory to enlarged raised patio to rear

89 St Richards Road Otley

No Objections

20/74/06/FU Dormer windows to side and rear

20 Moor Drive Otley

No Objections