To:PCT Cluster CEOs

PCT Cluster DCDs

Dear Colleagues

NHS Commissioning Board Primary Care Commissioning: Testing the Proposals for Dental, Pharmacy and OpticalLocal Professional Networks

At the PCT Cluster DCD event on 28 September 2011 weshared with you progress to date with designing a single operating model for the commissioning of primary care. One aspect of the work has been the development of Local Professional Networks (LPNs) of dentists, optical service providers and pharmacists. We have now reached the stage with this where we think it would benefit from some co-production on a grand scale and are inviting PCT clusters to help.

You will know that the specific NHSCB proposals for the quality improvement and commissioning of dental, pharmacy and optical services, includes ensuring we have clinicians integrated into the NHSCB structures at local level, through LPNs. We feel these proposals offer for dentistry, pharmacy and optical services, similaropportunities to those anticipated in having GPs lead quality improvement locally. The proposals which have been in development since May have been coproduced with the NHS (through PCT commissioners and SHA leads) and the professions including representative bodies.

We would like to invite any interested PCT clusters to work with their clinicians and local representative committees to test the plans for dental, pharmacy and optical local professional networks. Testing can mean anything from reviewing your current arrangements through to establishing some completely new ones.

The enclosed briefing slide pack and Q&A contain the details of the proposals and testing arrangements and clusters may wish to discuss their proposals with their SHA primary care (PC) leads or Directors of Commissioning Development.

SHA PC leads and PCT leads have been involved in the development of the plans via the national working group that meets monthly and will be familiar with the concept of testing these plans and SHA Directors of Commissioning Development have indicated their support to PCT clusters locally who express an interest in testing with us.

We have also enclosed a form for you to let us know if you intend to test these new arrangements and are happy to share your learning with us. This will enable our programme team to provide any support to PCTs and their clinicians in developing their local plans as well as knowing where to come for communications which will help others. For example, we are aware of a couple of conference opportunities where we would like PCT clusters to share their experiences. Once the PCT cluster has considered its approach to testing, these should be returned to our lead for LPNs, Sam Illingworth, to who will share this information with SHA PC leads to help coordinate support and learning opportunities.

We would like see a range of PCT clusters test a number of models for LPNs (details within the slide pack/briefing) and move forward with this as soon as they feel ready to commence these arrangements locally. Support to PCT clusters can be accessed via SHA DCD teams and SHA PC leads, as well as via the NHSCB Implementation Programme by contacting Sam Illingworth.

We look forward to working with you and your clinical leaders over the coming months to further refine these important elements of the NHSCB proposals for primary care commissioning.

Yours sincerely

Helen Hirst

Programme Director for Primary Care

Department of Health


SHA PC Leads – for onward cascading to PCT PC leads (including dental, pharmacy and optical leads)

Jeanette Howe - DH

Elizabeth Lynam – DH

Barry Cockcroft - DH

Derek Busby - DH

Sue Sharpe - PSNC

John Milne - BDA

Katrina Venerus - LOCSU

Helen Gordon - RPS

Duncan Rudkin – GPhC

Michael Holden - NPA

Rob Darracott - CCA