February 20, 2017
To: Past Michigan Soccer Tryout Guide Advertisers
From: Josh Sherman, MSYSA Director of Programs
Re: 2017 Michigan Soccer Tryout Guide
Dear Advertiser:
The Michigan State Youth Soccer Association, along with Pearl Street Consulting & Adair Graphic Communications, is pleased to announce that it is launching the 2017 edition of the Michigan Soccer Tryout Guide, which will be mailed out in May 2017. The ‘Michigan Soccer Magazine’ is the official publication of the Michigan State Youth Soccer Association. It is produced bi-annually and sent to registered players and coaches (current circulation: 60,000 households).
By advertising in the Michigan Soccer Magazine, your organization/company will be able to reach a wide range of individuals in the State of Michigan. We encourage you to publicize your tryout information, tournament, camp and more with the Michigan Soccer Tryout Edition! Readers will be able to view club tryout information, MSYSA Soccer Spotlight team’s of the month, Coaching Education Articles, Tournaments in your area and much more! Visit the Ad Store now! Order early! Ad store prices increase 10% on March 27, 2017! The Michigan Soccer Tryout Guide Ad Store will close on April 3, 2017. All ads and payments must be received by April 3, 2017 for inclusion in this publication.
To promote this exciting new media publication among our members, MSYSA will be utilizing our website ( and social media platforms to promote traffic to the electronic magazine (eZine) and mobile app (Apple and Android). Currently, the MSYSA website has 575,660 page views for a 12 month period. 64.4% are returning visitors and 35.6% are new visitors. MSYSA’s website, reaches 1,577 page views a day. The Michigan Soccer Tryout Guide eZine will be launched prior to the mailing of the printed publication.
To advertise in the upcoming publication, visit the MSYSA Ad Store at after February 22, 2016. Please ensure that all advertisements are submitted in accordance with the appropriate guidelines as mentioned above or additional charges may apply. For guidelines and support please visit the MSYSA Ad Store support page at or call support Monday through Friday 9am-5pm at 734-217-4855.
Don’t Forget!MSYSA offers ad upgrades to the eZine and mobile app to provide our members with readily available information via smartphones, tablets, and more! As an advertiser of the Michigan Soccer Tryout Guide, you will now have the option to purchase advertisements in the Michigan Soccer Tryout Guide eZine and mobile app! Only those advertisers who purchase an ‘upsell’ advertisements will have their ad appear in the eZine and mobile app!
Mobile Ads UpdatePlease attempt to submit artwork for mobile app advertisements in .JPG or .PNG format and ideally, advertisements in the mobile app shouldn’t require a lot of text so they are more visual and can include a website URL to the club website. Images will be formatted to be 640px wide or 1280px wide for an ideal rendering on mobile and tablet devices.
NOTE:Pursuant to MSYSA Director’s Academy Rule 7.A, “All clubs must advertise/publicize their tryouts in the Michigan Soccer magazine for any/all teams that desire to participate in the DA. Additionally, per MSYSA Rule 3.4, Section A-8, “All tryouts for teams for the MSPSP must be announced in the Michigan Soccer Publication.” Advertisements for club tryouts, tournaments, and camps in the Michigan Soccer Magazine may not include logos or references to competing organizations of MSYSA such as US Club Soccer, AYSO, SAY, Super Y, ENCL, US Soccer Academy, etc. Advertisements may be edited for content by MSYSA at any time for any reason with or without notice. Advertisers are permitted to announce age groups younger than Under-11.
Additionally, commencing with the 2017 MSYSA Tryout Date, all team, club and league try-out advertisements must advertise CALENDAR BIRTH YEAR tryouts. (E.g., Birth Year 2005 (U13), Birth Year 2004 (U14), etc.). MSYSA has posted a template ad that follows this guidance on the MSYSA website and the MSYSA Ad Store.
Order early! Ad store prices increase 10% on March 27, 2017! The Michigan Soccer Tryout Guide Ad Store will close on April 3, 2017. All ads and payments must be received by April 3, 2017 for inclusion in this publication.
Josh Sherman
Director of Programs, Michigan State Youth Soccer Association
l 734-459-6220 x 207