Bowmont Street



01573 224444

4 December 2012

Dear Parent/Guardian

S3 Science Faculty Exam

As you are aware your son/daughter will be making his/her S4 subject choices next term. Subject teaching staff will be available to offer advice on the level of study that will be most appropriate for them then. This advice will be based on his/her performance in class work throughout S3. In addition all S3 pupils will sit a Science Faculty exam consisting of discrete Biology, Chemistry and Physics papers. This exam will not only provide evidence for subject choice but will also give him/her valuable exam experience.

The details of the exam are as follows:

Date: Monday 14 January

Time: p5/6

Location: Assembly Hall

Pupils should provide their own pen/pencil, ruler, eraser and calculator for the exam.

Pupils should familiarise themselves with exam hall expectations as listed on the reverse of this letter.

Subject teachers will provide pupils with appropriate revision materials and we hope that you will encourage your son/daughter to follow a thorough revision programme at home to ensure that he/she is fully prepared for this exam.

Class teachers will report on your son/daughter’s performance in the exam in the whole school report due to be issued to pupils on the 22 February 2013.

Should you require further information on this matter please do not hesitate to contact me.

Please acknowledge receipt of this letter by returning the tear-off slip below.

Yours sincerely

Mrs P Stewart

Principal Teacher of Science


I acknowledge receipt of your letter regarding the S3 Science Faculty exam to be held on Monday 14 January.

Pupil Name…………………………………………. Class……………………………

Signature of Parent/Guardian………………………………………… Date…………...

RETURN TO………………......


You are expected to: -

prepare thoroughly for your exam

behave particularly well in and around the exam room.

dress according to the school dress guidelines. (This will be checked before you enter the exam room.)

leave books and bags in lockers or outside the hall (but no litter!). Valuables should be left in a safe place.

bring the appropriate equipment for your exam (pens, rulers, calculators etc)

enter the exam room quietly and sit in the seat to which you are allocated.

check your desk to ensure that there are no marks/graffiti etc on it. If there are, report this immediately to an invigilator.

follow the instructions of the invigilators.

write in blue or black pen except when drawing diagrams and graphs. Only relevant answers should be written on the exam paper. There should be no doodles or inappropriate comments.

remain in the exam room for the whole of the time allocated to the exam paper and use the time effectively, by checking answers carefully and ensuring that no questions are left blank.

check that your name is on all your papers before you hand them in.

You are not allowed to: -

bring any personal belongings into the exam room. This particularly applies to MOBILE PHONES or any other electronic devices, even if they are switched off. In the SQA exams, any pupil caught in possession of a mobile phone will have his/ her entry cancelled. This is not an idle threat; it has happened more than once in recent years to KelsoHigh School pupils.

cheat. This too, will result in cancellation of a pupil's entry for at least that exam. No notes (on paper or written on sleeves or parts of the body) are allowed, nor is communicating with any other candidate by word, gesture etc, while the exam is in progress.

If there is a problem, speak to an invigilator, report to the School Office or see Mrs Oliver.