Studbook KeeperReport 2015
(numbers in parenthesis reflect corrected numbers for 2014)
461 (444) Verbands-Jugendprüfungen (VJP tests) were held in 2015.Included herein are VJPs held by JGHV-associated clubs in foreign countries.
4378 (4066) dogs were entered; 4130 (3866) reported to the tests of which 4032 (3789), or 98% (98%)successfully passed the VJP.
Among the dogs tested were: 1884 (1761) DD, 150 (150) DK, 666 (647) KlM, 445 (378) DL, 232 (179) GM, 72 (64) PP, 291 (286) Weimaraner, 56 (49) Griffon, 145 (177) UV, 17 (22) DSt, 2 (1) P, 11 (3) GS, 5 (11) IS, 17 (34) BV, 23 (13) BBFL, 7 (8) Cesky Fousek, 7 (3) Retriever, 2
An additional 9 (6) VJPs without hare trackand instead with pheasant track, were held in 2015 in Turkey, Canada, Cyprus and New Zealand.34 (28)dogs reported to the tests of which 33 (26) passed successfully. There were 32 (26) DD as well as 1 KlM.
472 (489) Verbands-Herbstzuchtprüfungen(HZPs) were held in 2015. Included herein are the test results in foreign member clubs.
28 (34) HZPs were conducted with the mandatory subject hare track. A total of 97 (37) HZPs were conducted without the water subject “Search of live duck in dense cover“ (§37of VZPO) due to legal restrictions. A large number of dogs that were HZP tested “olE” (without live duck) were able to demonstrate live duck in dense cover search performances during actual hunts or other Association Tests. These performances were witnessed and certified, and are included in the 2015 Ostermannsche statistics and marked with an asterisk *.
A total of 3561 (3463) dogs were entered in the HZPs; 3335 (3246) dogs reported to the tests of which 2719 (2676) dogs or 81.5 % (82.4%)passed the test successfully.
The successful dog breeds were: 1269 (1257) DD, 115 (136) DK, 419 (418) KlM, 353 (275) DL, 174 (131) GM, 42 (54) PP, 194 (202) Weimaraner, 30 (28) Griffon, 85 (117) UV, 5 (11) DSt, 1 P, 2 (7) GS, 1 (9) IS, 2 (2) ES, 4 (9) BV, 10 (2) BBFL, 3 (3) Cesky Fousek, 9 (13) Retriever, 1
An additional 2 HZP’swithout hare trackand instead with pheasant track, were held in Turkey. 2 dogs reported to the tests of which 1 passed successfully. The dog was a DD.
1478 (1426) dogs were entered in 287 (282)Verbands-Gebrauchsprüfungen (VGPs) in 2015.1402 (1372) dogs reported to the tests of which 1155 (1151) dogs or 82.4% (83.9%) passed successfully. Only 6 of the passing dogs were not able to receive a score in the live duck search in dense cover (§72 of VGPO) due to legal restrictions. These dogs did not achieve prizes; instead their certificates were marked “olE” (without live duck).
The successful dogs were: 420 (450) DD, 264 (200) DK, 163 (148) KlM, 106 (132) DL, 41 (41) GM, 17 (21) PP, 77 (89) Weimaraner, 16 (13) Griffon, 30 (34) UV, 5 (3) DSt, 5 (3) GS, 2 (3) IS, 1 (2) BV, 2 (5) BBFL, 3 (3) Retriever, 1 IRWS, 1, 1 Stabijhoun. Of the total 1155 (1151) dogs, 856dogs or 74.1% (820 or 71.2% )were testedin the VGP test successfully on an overnight track (ÜF) and 299dogs or 25.9% (331 or28.8%)dogs successfully on the day track (TF).
54 (64) VerbandsprüfungennachdemSchuß (VPS) (Association Test After the Shot) were held in 2015. The tests were organized by 29 (43) Jagdgebrauchshundvereine (JGVs), 13 (16) Breed Clubs and 8 (5) Hunter Associations (Districts and/or Groups). 126 (145) dogs were entered; 124 (139) dogs reported to the tests of which 92 (104) dogs passed successfully. These were 5 (7) DD, 1 (2) DK, 15 (5) KlM, 5 (5)DL,7 (2) Weimaraner, 2 (1) UV, 1 P, 1 Sp.It., 1 (1) BBFL, 3 (4) DW, 48 (71) Retriever, 1 Foxt., 1 DJT and 1Border Terrier.
As was the case in previous years, some reported VGP scores, and for some dogs the Prize category, had to be corrected.
Remember:It is still a requirement that a copy of the dog’s scored live duck search performance showing location and date of test be attached when this score is transferred over to another test.
Clubs which organize tests with overnight (ÜF) and day track (TF) must submit with their reports separate Formblatt 2 and 8 for each dog!
Please note again: An often repeated error is to enter a zero (0) in the line for a subject which was not tested. You must enter (-).
126 (138) Verbands-Schweißprüfungen (Blood Tracking Test) were held in 2015. 474 (537) dogs were entered; 460 (524) reported to the tests and 373 (446) of these dogs or 81.1 % (85.1%) passed successfully;46.9% (48.2%)with a Prize I; 26.8% (27.1) with a Prize II, and 26.3% (24.7%) with a Prize III.
87 (78) handler-dog teams or 19% (14.9%) did not meet the requirements of a VSwP on that day and did not pass.
Among the successful dogs were:53 (78) DD, 71 (94) DK, 31 (21) KlM, 42 (46) DL, 10 (9) GM, 1 (5) PP, 16 (28) Weimaraner, 5 (5) UV, 1 (1) Pointer, 1 (1) IS, 1 (1) ES, 1 GS, 1 (1) HS, 2 (5) BGS, 2 (2) A.Dbr., 4 (6) Br.Br., 8 (6) Schwarzwildbracken (SB), 3 (1) Steir.Br., 1 (2) Ti.Br., 1 (5) Ist.Br., 5 (6) Beagle, 36 (33) DW,12(20) DJT, 3 (1) Foxt., 7 (2) PRT, 1 Border Terrier, 3 (5) Spaniel, 36 (44) Teckel, 8 (11) Retriever, 1 (1) PetitBl.d.Gasc., 1 PetitBaGrVendeen, 3 Gon.Pol., 2 SNLH.
57 (50) dogs successfully passed theover 40 hour track(Sw/...). These were: 6 (8) DD, 9 (12) DK, 4 (1) KlM, 6 (5) DL, 4 GM, 5 (4) Weimaraner, 1 IS, 1 Br.Br., 2 (1) Beagle, 7 (4) DW, 9 (11) Teckel, 1 PRT, 2 (2) Retriever.
31 (33) Verbands-Fährtenschuhprüfungen (VFsP) (Blood Tracking Test Using the German Blood Tracking Shoe) were held in 2015.79 (94) dogs were entered; 77 (93) dogs reported to the tests of which 58 (63) dogs or 75.3% (67.7%) tested successfully and passed with 46.6% (33.3%) dogs receiving a Prize I; 32.8% (33.3%) a Prize II; and 20.7% (33.3%) a Prize III.
19 (30) handler-dog teams or 25% (32.3%)did not meet the requirements of a VFsP on that day and did not pass.
Among the successful dogs were: 8 (5) DD, 4 (1) DK, 6 (5) KlM, 5 (5) DL, 1 (1) GM, 1 (1) PP, 5 (6) Weimaraner, 1 (1) UV, 1 (1) BGS, 3 (4) A.Dbr., 4 (9) Br.Br., 3 (4) Schwarzwildbracken (SB), 3 (2) Steir.Br., 1 (2) Ti.Br., 1 Sieb.Br., 1 (7) DW, 1 (1) Spaniel, 2 PRT, 5 (1) Teckel, 2 (1) SNLH.
10 (11) dogs successfully passed the over 40 hour track(Fs/...). These were: 2 (1) DD, 2 (1) DL, 1 (1) Weimaraner, 1 (1) A.Dbr., 1 (1) Br.Br., 2 (1) Schwarzwildbracke (SB), 1 (1) DW.
22 (23) Verbandsstöberprüfungen(VStP) (Association Independent Search Test) were held in 2015/2016! So far the results for these 22 testsare:92 (71) dogs were entered; 91 (67) dogs reported to the tests of which 79 (42) passed successfully and will be awarded the Performance AwardSt A (… released with handler remaining in position) orSt B (... with handler walking along). Among the successful dogs were: 13 (7) DD, 4 (4) DK, 5 (3)KlM, 3 (2) DL, 1 (1) GM,1 (1) UV, 2 (1) A.Dbr., 5 (3) Schwarzwildbracken (SB), 3 (3) DW, 28 (12) DJT, 2 (2) Foxt., 2 PRT, 1 Border Terrier, 1 (1) Teckel, 1 Spaniel.
Statistics on AH, Vbr and Btrperformane awards will be available as soon as the Studbook Registry has completed the transition to digital processing.
I would like to take this opportunity and express my appreciation for the support I have received during the first year as Studbook Keeper. I am especially indebted to Mr. Wischmeyer and his team, Ms Abel,MsHusemeier and Ms Bauer – Thank you so much for helping me in my new job and your continued assistance.
Malschwitz on February 2nd, 2016
/s/ Peggy Dornig