Confirmation 2015-2016 Dates at a Glance
Rite of Enrollment: September 13th at 10:30 Mass. Sit with your families. Students will come up to the altar to receive a blessing and pin, dress appropriately.
Prep Class: Meets 6:30-8 PM on every other Wednesday night starting on Sept. 2.A complete schedule of classes will be available in August. Candidates are expected to be at class for the whole period and cannot miss more than 2 classes.
SMA and Home Study students:will receive their instruction in school or at home and do not need to attend the Wednesday night classes. They are still required to attend the retreat, Holy Land tour, Penance Service and interviews, and to complete the service requirement, saint report and letter to the Archbishop.
Due Dates: These may be turned in during class or turned into the collection or mailed to the parish office or attached to an email.
Sponsor Form – Sept. 30
Saint Report – Dec. 9
Letter to the Archbishop – Feb. 17
Service reflection form – March 6
Holy Land of Kentucky Tour: Tuesday, Nov. 3(Election Day) from 7:45 AM to 3:30 PM. Meet at IC parking lot and bring a sack lunch. More details to come. We need 4 parents to chaperone-please see sign-up sheet
Confirmation Retreat: Monday, Jan. 18 (MLK Day) 9AM – 3PM. Our retreat leader is nationally known Catholic speaker, Bob Perron.This will be at IC. We need 5 parents to chaperone-please see sign-up sheet. More details to come.
Parent workshop:Monday, Jan. 18 at 6:30 pm in church. A mandatory Catholic Parenting workshop will be given by our guest speaker Bob Perron.
Penance Service:Wednesday, Feb. 17 at 6:30 PM there will be a penance service for all Confirmation Candidates and their Families.
Confirmation Interviews: Sunday, March 6 starting at 9:00 AM until 10:30AM in the parish office. Bring service reflection form.
Confirmation: At Immaculate Conception on Friday, April 22 at 7:00 PM. Rehearsal will be on Thursday, April 21 at 7:00.
Service: All Candidates are required to do 3 different service projects. Going to one place 3 times does not count. Choose from any of the following service opportunities. Contact Susan Ashby to sign up for service days at 222-0255 Ext 318 or via email . All service projects must be completed by the beginning of March. Sponsors and parents are welcome to accompany students on any or all service projects. A service reflection form must be filled out and returned at the interviews.
- Schedule a day to work at the Agape shop in LaGrange for a minimum of 3 hours. They are open from 12-4 Mon -Sat. Contact Bob Caruso at
- Serve at the Franciscan Shelter House soup kitchen on one of the following Fridays: July 10, July 17, July24, or July 31.We need 2-3 parents to carpool and chaperone for each date. (please see sign-up sheet)
- Day of service at Cedar Lake Lodge – Monday, July 27, 9:00-12. Please sign up if interested.
- Volunteer to serve as an aide in one of the PREP classrooms on Sunday mornings for at least 3Sundays.See Susan Ashby.
- Help with Vacation Bible School June 22-26 from 9-12 noon at least 1 day. Complete form and give to Susan Ashby.
- Attend the Regional Jr. High Day of Service on Feb. 6 from 9AM -12 noon at St. Patrick. We will carpool from IC. We need 4-5 parents to carpool and chaperone. (please see sign-up sheet)
- Clean up day at the Indigent Cemetery on Sept. 26. More details to come.
- Any other service that serves the poor, sick, elderly, etc. that includes at least 3 hours of their time such as volunteering at a hospital, nursing home, Habitat for Humanity, etc. Please check with Susan Ashby to get approval.