Proposal for Cross-cultural Competence and Communication Training programme
for Postgraduate Students, University of Limerick 2016
For: Postgraduate Students, University of Limerick
This programme aims to increase intercultural awareness and knowledge of postgraduate student groupswhile facilitating participants to apply cross-cultural communication skills to build better intercultural relationships and engage and communicate more effectivelyin the classroom environment, while also facilitating students to recognise the value of diversity.
International students come from a multitude of different cultural backgrounds and often experience challenges in adapting their previous learning experiences to the typical ways of interacting in an Irish classroom. Areas of difference include learning and teaching styles; contrasting academic systems; curriculum; and assessment, particularly in terms of class participation and group work.
Participants (international and home students) will be encouraged to explore their own assumptions and preconceptions about other cultures, as well as developing awareness of their own cultural heritage and how it affects their world views, values and assumptions.
The course will encourage participants to focus on their own communication style, language, and how they are affected by culture. Sometimes what is said is not what is meant — this course will focus on the importance of non-verbal communication signals and the way these affect the communication process. It will also examine the impact of cultural difference in teaching and learning methods and expectations.
Participants will learn skills to minimise problems and misunderstandings that arise from cultural difference and the course will highlight ways to improve cross-cultural communication. The course is interactive and will draw on participants’ own experience.
Learning Outcomes:
At the end of this programme, participants will be able to:
- Define the key terms relating to 'interculturalism' and apply this knowledge to discuss cultural difference in a positive way
- Understand how culture affects communication and how awareness about other cultures and cultural differences can improve interactions in a diverse classroom environment
- Identify cultural differences in teaching and learning methods and expectations
- Identify barriers to effective cross cultural communication
- Understand the importance of verbal and non-verbal behaviour when communicating across cultures
- Use communication skills to engage and interact successfully in a cross-cultural setting.
- Culture and cultural difference – theory and practice
- Cross-cultural Communication ModelsConcepts
- Teaching and learning from a cross-cultural perspective
- Non-verbal Communication
- Cross-cultural critical incidents in a higher education context – focus on group work and classroom scenarios
The training format will be workshop style with lecture segments, group discussion and small group exercises using short tasks and critical incident scenarios.
Facilitator: Dr. Matt Cannonhas extensive experience delivering intercultural awareness and migrant rights training for migrant rights NGO, Doras Luimní. He also works as a part-time lecturer at the University of Limerick and Limerick Institute of Technology where he delivers modules in Communication, Conflict Management, and Cross-cultural Management. He works as a consultant expert on intercultural policy development with the Council of Europe’s Intercultural Cities Programme.
Session 1 Duration: 3 hrs(within first month of new academic year)
Session 2:A follow-on 1.5 hour on course will take place in December/January to reflect on learning and progress with a strong focus on communication skills in action.