To: Langlade County Economic Development Corporation Board
From:Chris Berry, Executive Director
Date:February 17, 2014
Re:Activity Report
I’m providing the following report in lieu of our February meeting. Not that Angie and I haven’t been busy, but we just don’t have any items for you to act on at this time. We will be meeting in March, as I’ll explain below.
We continue to work with four County manufacturers in the County regarding loans. We will have something at our March meeting for you to approve.
As these loans get approved it will draw down our funds significantly. I’m not sure if you recall discussions that we have been having with the Department of Administration regarding “de-federalizing” our Economic Development Revolving Loan Fund (RLF).
Last summer, DOA stated that there was an option to do just that. Originally, our RLF was funded through HUD with very strict rules on how we could use the funds as well as the cumbersome reporting that the recipients had to do. There is a section of the Housing Act that allows funds to be de-federalized and therefore to be used a lot more flexibly. Currently funds can only be used for real estate, equipment, and working capital and are rigidly tied to job creation. Once de-federalized, we would have full autonomy over that fund and how we would use it. I have had numerous conversations with DOA as to the timeline, but nothing has been resolved. The way the process works is that once we’re recognized as being in compliance with the Housing Act, we would then loan funds and as they are returned they would be de-federalized.
I’m telling you this as we would be in a perfect position to start getting those funds de-federalized with these upcoming loans. I will continue to work on this.
Every quarter NTC hosts a meeting to update area manufacturers on course offerings in response to their needs. The businesses are very pleased with all the things that NTC is doing for workforce development.
Discussions included how NTC is responding to the $35 million that the Governor is putting toward the technical college system to open up more opportunity for offerings as well as developing programs for high school students to gain more college credit.
Other discussions centered on bridging the gap by bringing educators and possibly Workforce Development to the table as well. It was also discussed on implementing an Ambassador program of Alumni to go back to the schools for recruitment.
Last month I had reported that at the request of Bob Benishek, I met with a consultant that specializes in business parks and incubator centers. On Feb 7th we met with the consultant, as well as some County Board members, the City, Regional Planning, NTC, a Couple of County Departments and area businesses. Tom Gallenberg also participated. We had a great discussion from the attendees. Basically, we would need to begin with a feasibility study and the County and City members that were there were willing to bring that concept forward to determine a level of interest.
I had reported last month that Langlade, Florence, Oconto and Oneida Counties co-wrote a letter to the Joint Finance Committee regarding possible ressurection of past programs as well as other recommendations to aide in development in our more rural Counties. Last week we re-vamped the letter to highlight two key programs: CBED and MVP (see attached). I was at the Capital on Tuesday afternoon and circulated the letter to various members of the JFC as well as Tom Tiffany, Mary Czaja, Rep Barca and Sen. Lassa who also sit on the WEDC Board.
The Green Bay RV and Camping Sports Show was very successful for Langlade County. We distributed about 375 pieces of information. The next show will be another camping type show in Oshkosh which Angie will be attending. Then in early March I will be working the Milwaukee Sports Show in the ITBEC booth as well as the Department of Tourism’s booth.
Langlade County along with Florence, Oneida and Oconto Counties, the DNR and WEDC are working on materials for the upcoming International Wood Fair in Atlanta this summer. This show is well attended by folks in the industry and our hope is to create awareness that we have such an abundant resource in our northern counties as well as the other amenities that are appealing to business development.
I met with Redevelopment Resources last week and the analysis is coming along and should be complete by the end of March. Part of this analysis is determining our target industries. And, at
this preliminary point Workforce attraction and retention is becoming a huge issue not only in our County but in the region as well.
We’re still meeting monthly with Sarah Repp-City Park and Rec, Tammy Kubiaczyk (County-Rec Coordinator), and Deena Grabowsky to determine a collaborative strategy for marketing. The goal being to not duplicate services and possibly combine funds to strengthen our efforts for marketing the City and County. It’s moving a little slower than I had hoped, but is moving forward. If you’d like more info on how it could move a little more efficiently, please give me a call.
Last week I attended the annual conference in Madison. A lot of great topics covered including updates by our State agencies. Some of the biggest challenges we have as a State is skills gap, workforce and out migration of our populations. One of the most interesting speakers was from the Water Council Initiative. This gentleman explained how and why the Council is in existence. The take-away that I got from this is we could do something along these lines with our Wood technology industries using the Water Council as a template.
Also, I was elected to the WEDA Board for a three year term. I’m really excited as there is no north eastern voice on that Board and I see the opportunity to (hopefully) shine some light not only on our successes but the challenges that we face in our rural communities.
After the conference on Thursday, I was invited by the WEDC to participate in a roundtable discussion with 11 other ED folks from around the State. The topics included: Impediments to business growth in Wisconsin; Innovative policies/programs/best practices to assist in mitigating those impediments, and Resources and tools to assist practitioners. It was a very good discussion as I found out about other resources the WEDC can provide. My input centered on the fact that most efforts are centered around big business in the urban areas and that there is not any real strategy for our smaller communities or for attracting entrepreneurs.
Angie attended the Ehler’s conference and brought back a great amount of information on TIF Basics, and TIF Best Pracites along with some Eonomic Development efforts that can be implemented in our strategy for Business Expansion and Retention, Workforce Development and Marketing also some ideas on continuing funding for our corporation. She was given a homework assignment for a possible development here in Antigo and she was able to bring back some resources to help with this process.
On January 23rd, 2014 Antigo First gave presentation on where they've been and where they're going after Antigo being designated a Connect Community by the WEDC in early 2013. We are happy to report that the EDC Corporation was very well represented with eight board members attending. Overall the attendance was around 40 and a recap on the meeting will be held on February 19, 2014 at the hospital.
Economic Development For Elected Officials: Cost is $895. Currently we’ve got commitment from the County ($200); WPS ($300); a request for $200 will go to the City in March and the Corporation will fund the balance as well as a meal. Angie and I feel this is very important for our elected officials to particpate in as it gives an in-depth overview (is there such a thing?) of the many tools and programs that are available to us. We are aware of many of them, but it keeps us competive and pro-active to have more of our officials engaged. It is our hope to see as many there that can attend. We will schedule this for early to mid-May; sometime after the elections.
It has been a busy month for us between potential upcoming loans, our audit, sports shows and training. Please feel free to contact Angie or myself if you have any questions.