/ ProjectCode / LWM08
Level / M
Credit rating / 20
Pre-requisites / Legal Skills and Method LW390
Type of module / Extensive
Aims / · To enable students to develop an appreciation of an area of the law other than those set out in the Foundations of Legal Knowledge, and to independently develop a detailed, comprehensive and critical understanding of an aspect of that area of the law.
· To enable students to undertake a significant piece of self-managed learning.
· To develop the intellectual, research and presentational skills associated with the production of a significant piece of scholarly written work at postgraduate-level.
Learning outcomes/objectives / On successful completion of this module a student will be able to:
· demonstrate a strong appreciation of an area of law other than those set out in the Foundations of Legal Knowledge, and a detailed and comprehensive understanding of a particular aspect of that area of law;· identify and expound upon, with reference to a range of scholarly opinion, ambiguity and doctrinal dispute with regard to the aspect of law chosen;
· accurately state the legal authorities for given legal propositions and scholarly points of view; and
· define precisely legal terminology relevant to the topic covered.
Cognitive and Skills
· formulate a coherent, well-focused and well-researched project proposal;· identify, with precision, the ratio decidendi of a given case and effectively interpret a given piece of statutory material;
· analyse and critically evaluate the law demonstrating some originality of thought and/or fresh insights;
· communicate legal information effectively, fluently and concisely, in a structured fashion and also use legal terminology accurately;
· reference legal scholarship in a recognised and thorough fashion;
· effectively and efficiently identify, locate and use a wide range of relevant primary and secondary sources of legal and other information (including electronic sources) to assist in legal study and support legal argument; and to accurately extract the essential points from that information;
· use information and communication technology with a high degree of proficiency, in particular word-processing, internet research and the retrieval of information from on-line and other electronic databases;
· demonstrate initiative, self-direction and personal responsibility in planning and managing academic tasks, and an ability to reflect critically on learning; and
· demonstrate an ability to take personal responsibility for the continuing development of legal knowledge and skills competence.
Content / Students will be required to agree, with the module leader, the topic of their project. To be approved, a project title will have to meet the following requirements:
1. Involve an area of law other than those set out in the seven Foundations of Legal Knowledge.
2. Involve a significant element of critical analysis.
3. There is a suitably-qualified supervisor available.
By Week 8, students will be required to submit a Project Proposal which details the title of their project, their reasons for choosing the title, their research methodology, a sample bibliography and an outline of the structure.
The project will then have to be submitted by Week 28.
Teaching and learning strategies / Workshops : 6
Supervisions : 4
Self-study : 190
TOTAL : 200
Learning support / N.B. Current editions of any text mentioned must be used
(a) Primary Sources
Law Reports, Statutes, Statutory Instruments.
(b) Textbooks
Including latest editions of:
Clinch, Using a law library: a students guide to legal research skills, OUP.
Holborn, Butterworths Legal Research Guide, Butterworths.
Thomas & Anuerin, How to use a law library:an introduction to legal skills, Sweet Maxwell.
(c) Casebooks
(d) Statute books
(e) Periodicals and Journals
(f) Official Publications
(g) Newspapers
(h) Information Technology
Lexis Nexis
Assessment tasks / The assessment for this module will be 100% coursework. It will comprise a project proposal (approximately 500 words) and a project (approximately 4,500 words). Marks will be divided as follows:
The Project Proposal : 5%
Quality of Understanding
and Critical Evaluation : 50%
Research Skills : 30%
Writing Skills : 10%
Presentational & Bibliographical Skills: 5%
Total : 100%
Brief description of module content and/or aims (maximum 80 words) / This module is designed to give students a significant opportunity to manage their own learning, develop their legal research skills and gain a critical understanding of an aspect of the law beyond the seven Foundations of Legal Knowledge.
Course examination board to which module relates / Postgraduate Diploma in Law/CPE
Module team/authors/coordinator / Alison Bone
Semester offered, where appropriate / 1 and 2
Site where delivered / Moulsecoomb
Date of first approval / June 2000
Date of last revision / April 2008
Date of approval of this version
Version number / 4
Replacement for previous module
Course(s) for which module is acceptable and status in that course / Mandatory
School home / Business
External examiner / Sandi Murdoch